Sassy cats — Remembering Jake

This month marks five years since we lost Jake. We never forget especially a feisty, peculiar cat like Jake. When he passed, Gracie joined us. He would have approved because she’s as quirky as he was. Here is a tribute from a few years back.

Cats have a language all their own. There are surprises along the way like when I heard but didn’t recognize Morgan’s hunting cries last week. I can interpret most of them.

Jake as a young cat

Jake – my old, now deceased, cat was the most vocal and interesting. He was from the ‘hood…or maybe Jersey or New York. (He sounded like something out of the Rocky franchise or maybe Good Fellas.)

He had a few good lines. For one thing he called me “Cupcake.” I have no idea why. Maybe because I was reading the Stephanie Plum detective series when he was younger. (He read occasionally or maybe he was just putting his scent or hacking a hairball on my books.)

Here are some of his gems:

Yo Cupcake, grab me a tuna juice from the fridge. Can’t move. The chipmunks running Olympic trials out there. Maybe they need a judge. I could use a snack.

(This one to Morgan) Hey Toots, get your nose outta my business. You know I can spray, doncha?

(To Mollie, the first new cat after he was here. She tried to teach him about the birds and bees before we got her spayed. Fortunately he already had his business snipped and wasn’t interested. This was overheard shortly after Morgan joined the crew.) Hey Molls, waddya think of the new kid? Kinda pain in the ass, doncha think?

(To anyone in general) Cool dude has arrived! I can take your presents now. Bring ‘em on.

(To the staff) What? Service on strike around here? I haven’t eaten in over an hour. I’m diabetic. I need my food. Pronto!

(To anyone with a camera) Damn paparazzi! Are you from Cat Fancy? Be sure to get my name right. I am not Morris! Morris is a red cat. I’m a black panther cat. Send the check to my agent. Include Friskie samples and no damn diet stuff either.

Jake with one of his favorite peeps

(To anyone sitting) Hey yo! You’re in my chair. (Didn’t matter which chair. Whichever one you were in was the one he wanted.)

Aw Jake, may he rest in peace. There aren’t many cats like him.

Jake guarding his catnip plant. This shot was taken a few months before he passed. He was already an old cat but still feisty. Just ask Morgan, who was the new catkid then.

65 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Remembering Jake

    • It took a long time to adjust because he was so bigger than life. At the end he wasn’t in the best health and that’s the only thing that made it easier. He was the last indoor-outdoor cat which brought it’s own set of trials and tribulations.

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  1. Jake sounds like a character alright…..I have always LOVED that cats (and dogs) can have such developed and interesting personalities. I’ve known cats from all along the spectrum – introverted to crazy fun. It’s just wonderful how they interact with us.

    Hugs, Pam

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  2. Our pets are with us forever, whether they’ve been “gone” for five years or ten. Our Henry died seven years ago, but sometimes we still find him snoring at our feet as we watch TV. (yeah, weird). Hugs and love to the memory of Jake.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I loved Jake, Kate. He had a big personality and he had a lot to say. He had a most wonderful life with you and your husband. Sorry I have been inconsistent at visiting but we got some busy going on 🙂 I have read this post several times… it makes me laugh and warms my heart.

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  4. Jake sounds like a gem! Your narrations help paint a picture of his personality. My husband had a cat named Jarvis back in his 20’s and the stories he tells about him are so fun to listen to. He really loved that cat and no other cat since can quite measure up to Jarvis. Cheers to all our furry friends who bring so much joy to our lives!

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