Sassy cats — Winter cold edition

Human, ‘splain why the screened porch is so cold. Did you not install a warmer for us? Do you understand how we need to go out there for one minute every hour. We do that to give you good exercise opening the door. Keep those opposable thumbs working. How long until the outdoor heating is fixed?

Meanwhile in other rooms…completely oblivious to the porch heat issue…

Porch owner’s note: The first picture gives you a better view of the size difference between the two grays. Size doesn’t matter much though. Gracie likes to bite Morgan’s nice soft belly. That evens the playing field.

54 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Winter cold edition

  1. Tigger was always a bit shocked at the temp differentials between inside & outside ~ both summer and winter. 😀

    That first shot surprised me . . . I didn’t realize that they were in different weight classes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The cats are always stunned at the temp differences even after all these years. We have tile on concrete over ground in the porch and it’s cold. They shake their feet all the way back to the door! In most pictures the cats weren’t standing in a way you could tell. Gracie is in the flyweight group and Morgan is a heavyweight. However in fighting terms they are even. Gracie is a street fighter. The ref often blows the whistle on her tactics.


  2. Love the picture of the grays! They are both obviously wondering what happened ??? How did it get so cold. Think they buy us a couple of tix south? Oh wait, someone has to tell them that the south is freezing too.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Morgan and Gracie certainly do look cold in the first photo. I’m with Hazel and Molly here — they certainly have the right winter attitude!

    Liked by 1 person

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