Sassy cats — Lazy edition

Gracie here: I don’t know why the peep called this the lazy edition. We are not lazy. The peeps have had a hectic week. The kitchen window was lowered so the short peep can see out of it. They should have made a cat perch so we all could see out of it. They are very fussy about the kitchen. “Don’t jump there!” “Get down!” “Get down right now!” How long have they had cats and think we actually listen?

Anyhow the diet has gone catawampus. It’s a Keystone Cops routine as we are all fed in different spots and by the time the peep is done putting it out we are all stealing from each other. Mostly everyone is stealing from me. Morgan and I am the only ones allowed kibble. That doesn’t stop the two tubbies (Sasha and Gus) from stealing it. The peep gets her morning steps in by the time cat breakfast time is done. She also needs a nap.

Did she call us tubbies?

We had a visit from a blogging friend. It’s the person who fostered Sasha before she came here. Sasha was her weird self and refused to come out from under the bed to see her old friend. Gus watched from the cat tree but did not want to be touched. Fortunately us grays were very welcoming. We got an update on Bucky, the dog she is fostering who sadly has leg issues from being hit by a car. The peeps did the walk of serenity around the stream. You can visit Debra here.

We hope you all have a peaceful and lazy weekend.



50 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Lazy edition

  1. Always wonderful to hear from you, Gracie! Glad you and Morgan were friendly to your visitor πŸ™‚ Gus and Sasha are such cuties, but they definitely should leave your kibble to you! Glad the peep can see out of the window now, but sad you will have to do with your other windows πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love that top picture. Just the way I feel many days!
    Happy Holler-Ring and remember kitties: better to hide in a corner from the noisy chaos than to huddle around peeps’ ankles. East-west- inside the closet or under the bed is best!…and no you don’t get to even bat the fallen candy packages around HAHA

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Gracie – why pray tell does Gus hog all the towel leaving poor Sasha with just a scrap of towel to lay on? You have to work on those two and their reluctance to mingle with “outsiders” but I’m glad you and Morgan are so accommodating.

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  4. Gracie, you are certainly feeling your oats this week! I hope you are being kind to your two friends you refer to as “tubby!” I wouldn’t want to see you fall into an area where you need to be humbled. Have a good weekend, and be especially kind to your peeps–the short one has a lot of responsibility! I hope she has a restful weekend. She deserves it.

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  5. We are blogging pals with Debra and have followed her kitten fostering and Bucky posts. So good. She’s an angel on earth for going through all the things she and Marley do for cats and dogs. I cannot imagine administering eye drops in cats. And a howling Bucky in a crate who wants to play like all puppies do but can’t because of his leg issues. Amazing, simple amazing. Diets with multiple pets is always an adventure (loosely translated as a real cluster). Hope things get better. Enjoy a rejuvenating weekend-I think the weather is going to factor in Halloween (and not in a good way).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra was talking about Bucky’s yeowling. She said you could hear him three doors down. He needs a home where he is the only pet or maybe with another young dog. Eye drops are hard but she administered breathing treatments. Can you imagine putting a breathing mask over a cat’s nose without getting clawed to death? Me neither. Sasha is one of her fosters. I took her because she hid when potential adopters came to see her and spent a year in rescue as a result. She is an amazing outgoing cat but still fearful of strangers.

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  6. I was just thinking about your steps, Kate. Thinking you had to be getting them in with the food/diet thing and then you mentioned them! The two tubbies look like they are without a care in the world, Gracie. Happy you had a great visit with Debra. How wonderful it is to meet blogging people and find a beautiful Sasha Catβ™₯

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  7. Hubby and I don’t argue much but one of our early marriage big ones was over the height of the kitchen window on the first home we built. He had framed that window. I walked in and thought it looked too tall. He said it’d be fine and he wasn’t rebuilding it. So, I got a crowbar and hammer and pulled the 2×4’s back out (not easy when a nailgun is used) and reframed it lower. What’s the point of having a big kitchen window if us shorter people can’t see out? 5 houses later and we don’t argue over much like that…. it’s just done right the first time πŸ™‚

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    • This is the second time I’ve done this. I don’t know why they put them in hanging off the ceiling? What’s the point? I’m also putting in a slightly lower island so it’s easier to work on. Currently it’s an inch higher than standard and it’s killing me. If I’m hand mixing I go to the kitchen table to do that.

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  8. It was great fun visiting yesterday, even if Sasha would only stare at me from under the bed, and Gus acted like I had Cooties!! The grays were quite welcoming, as were the peeps. Thanks for a fun day!

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  9. We follow Debra’s blog and the adventures of Bucky have been amazing – she’s done so much for him and hopefully he will one day be ready for a forever home. Anyway, if you want to know about “tubbies” tell your Mom I weigh 23 lbs. Makes you guys feel skinny right? And I don’t eat kibble – I eat weight control wet food! Hey – I’m “big-boned” !!

    Hugs, Teddy

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    • Don’t eat kibble? Don’t give the peeps any ideas. They are trying to curtail that as it is. I think you are tall and big boned. Jake (RIP) was a large (bone structure wise) cat. He could carry 18 pounds and look slim.


      • Jack wants to eat Teddy’s food and when he does he vomits because it’s Rx. food. Teddy wants to eat Jack’s food (it’s for sensitive stomachs) but he needs to eat the Rx food or he will get bladder stones. This is the first time I have food issues with cats.πŸ™„ It’s a pain in the butt!

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        • It is a pain. I’ve had this before. Diabetic cats shouldn’t eat kibble. Tubby cats shouldn’t eat kibble. Actually Gracie shouldn’t eat much kibble because she is prone to crystals but she likes it best. She’s a fussy cat and won’t eat unless it suits here. She is sitting next to me yelling “that’s right!”


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