Sassy cats — It’s been cold!

The weather has been frightful dipping into the minus Fahrenheit category. That’s unusual for our area. It made us all sluggish. Naps were the order of the day.

Under that fleecy throw are my legs. Gracie loves her fleece more than the other cats and it’s even better when there’s a human under it.

This is Mollie on the cat tree. She rarely goes there but with Morgan safely sleeping somewhere else she said “Why not?”

Here is Morgan sleeping on top of the love seat, working hard to distort the cushion with her butt. What a cat!

Fortunately we don’t have any pictures of the humans sleeping but trust me, they had a nap or two.

My heart goes out to all the homeless animals that have to brave this weather. Please be kind to them.

65 thoughts on “Sassy cats — It’s been cold!

  1. I know we can’t begin to “compete” with the cold you’re experiencing, but we’ve had a lot of rain and colder than typical nights. I haven’t seen our little feral kitty for a couple of days and I worry about him. I have wondered how any animals without homes could survive in the extreme cold of the midwest. I don’t even like to think about it! Glad your little darlings have warm and cozy napping places. You, too! 🙂

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    • Severe weather culls the herd but animals who are in their native habitat can usually survive. After our bitter cold snap, we had a family of foxes come through shopping for squirrels for dinner. They looked very healthy. The birds are doing well too. It’s just the old and sick that don’t make it. I may not like it but that’s they way it’s supposed to be.

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  2. This has certainly been the right weather for slowing down and hibernating. Naps have been the order of the day … unless you’re a cat, then it’s in the compulsory code of conduct 😉

    Stay warm, Kate, and hope you have a great weekend 🙂

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  3. Soooo sleepy! But, I feel so guilty if I give in. I wonder why? My SIL is working in the basement, waterproofing it – but the husband and the kitties are sound asleep. I think I will go read a book. I will be alseep in seconds!!!!! LOL So ready for the warmth. Amazing when I am looking forward to 40 degrees!

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  4. It definitely seems like the weather has been insane! I kind of think Mother Nature is in a terrible mood and acting out. I love the cat pictures you have shared. Both of my cats are thankfully indoors cats, but the nasty cold has made the want to cuddle more. The cold temperatures have increased my MS pain, but hopefully things will settle down sooner than later. I look forward to reading more of your posts and hope if you have time you will check out my blog. I do my best to not focus on the negatives MS brings, but spread as much positivity as I can.

    Liked by 1 person

      • You are very welcome! I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to reading more. I do appreciate your thought and I know you are probably right that I should consider a part-time job instead of full-time. The only reason I haven’t done this yet is because I need insurance and my husband hasn’t been working, long story with that.

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    • It should. Today is minimally better but tomorrow starts a warm up (relatively speaking). I am hoping this is the last really cold snap of the season. Once we get mid-February we may get snow but we don’t get the very cold snaps.

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    • I am wide awake today although it’s still cold. Tomorrow starts (hopefully) a warming trend. I’m saving my energy for that! (spoiler alert — it won’t be flip flop weather here 🙂 )


  5. Our temperatures barely dip into the 40s, but when I see Boss Cat glaring at me, with her paws tucked under her, I hurriedly cover her up with a flannel throw blanket. She’ll stay under it for hours.

    I am a well-trained human.

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  6. Chilly and foggy here – but 50’s…with ankle deep water in part of the yard. Molly is getting like Morgan – will stick the nose out the door, but the rest has the brakes firmly on…I had to bribe her with treats this morning to get her up and out for a walk (before it rains again)
    Looks like a total snooze weekend here. We are lucky – power, solid warm dry house. I know the authorities try to get the homeless into shelters this time of year – but they really need to make room for their dogs/cats, too. Warmth of heart is important and will be chosen every time. Bless all creatures small and large

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  7. Cold weather makes everyone sleepy…… mind you in our house it’s a case of not wanting to wake up until mid morning, and thankfully Maggie has been quite obliging after a 6 am wee. Great pics of the cats Kate. They all look cosy, comfortable and…….. well, sleepy!

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  8. We had our first real snow of winter today but our minus figures are centigrade. We are expecting warmer weather next week as well. We put a litter tray down for our cat but she was brave and went outside. She did not stay long and is now sat on my husband next to the radiator. Take care.

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    • My cats usually go into an unheated screened porch. Morgan expressed interest (by yelling at the door). I opened the door for her to there and a cold breeze came in. She turned around and high tailed it out of there. My cats are not cold weather cats. Mollie won’t go out until it’s fully warm. Morgan sleeps so close to the fireplace that I fear she will singe.

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    • Well said. We have a lot of homeless shelters locally and I’ve wondered if they take pets. Some homeless people have dogs. There have been a few dogs lost in the past week. They were indoor dogs and are not prepared for this weather so I hope they found a warm spot. People are often kind. Anything showing up on my doorstep would be taken care of.

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