Sassy cats — Cat day pictures

The cats wanted new pictures posted. I was embarrassed to notice that most of my pictures for the older cats were well…older. The younger grays still do things that make interesting pictures but for Mollie and Hazel, it is eating, sleeping or sitting. It was very embarrassing to explain to them that there were so few.

Here is Hazel having a niptini!

Morgan after a snack of spiders!

Gracie having a moment with her bunny stick!

Mollie is on vacation but all the cats here wish you a great weekend!

40 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Cat day pictures

    • I don’t think I’ve seen a cat that wasn’t adorable! Then again, I’m a cat person. Even cats that people tell me are unapproachable come to me. I must have some musky smell they like.


  1. Spiders? My cats say yuck. Now cricket legs, them’s good eatin’!

    Seriously, every fall when the crickets sneak into the house, I find cricket bodies with missing legs when I wake up in the morning. Poor little critters.

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