Sassy cats – Poor sweet Mollie

We are late posting today. Mollie had a vet appointment and I wanted to have the whole story.

For the last week or so (that I noticed) she has been pawing at her mouth when she ate. She prefers dry cat food. I have been trying to get her to eat wet cat food for 12 years but she wasn’t having any of it. In the past week, she switched herself to wet. (Cats are really smart.)

I knew something was wrong because in the old days (prior to last week) when I would give her wet cat food, she ate all the gravy, licking around anything that resembled a lump of meat. (Hazel loved her as she got to eat the lumps.)

All of a sudden she ate the whole dish. She must have been starving as it hurt to eat the dry stuff. This is not good news for me. Most likely a dental issue. Cha-ching, cha-ching!

Off to the vet in her spiffy new carrier which she got out of before we left the house. Scared the bejesus out of me but better in the house than in the car. Securely enclosed we were off.

She was her sweet self. No mewing on the ride over. We rocked out to John Lennon’s Imagine. She was good in the vet’s office allowing the vet to open her mouth and touch each tooth. When she touched the offending tooth she nearly jumped off the table. “That’s the one!”

She has an appointment at the end of May (her second dental procedure in two years) and some meds to get her through until then. In the meantime she will be pampered and fussed over (always the case in this house) so hopefully she won’t be uncomfortable.

I was able to get some tips for her itching. Mollie has allergies. She’s a very sensitive cat and will be loopy from the surgery for 24 to 48 hours. If I can now get her on a good wet food along with allergy meds, she may be a new cat. She deserves it. She is the sweetest floof around.

Just look at that floof!

83 thoughts on “Sassy cats – Poor sweet Mollie

  1. Poor little thing! Yes, she’s really a sweetie, and I hate to think of her in pain. And I hope your vet bills won’t be too painful for you. Vet bills can be exhausting!

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  2. Must be tooth May! My grandson’s school called my daughter to inform her that he just pulled out two of his teeth! Poor Molly. But, the mouth heals quickly. Such a pretty kitty.

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    • He pulled his on teeth! What a brave boy. The mouth does heal fast. She’s not great under anesthesia so that’s what I worry about. I have painkillers I picked for her. Let’s see give them to her or give them to me. What to do, what to do…


  3. You really are in dental hell this year. Poor Molly! I hope she’s feeling better soon – both from her tooth and allergies.

    LOVE the 2nd photo. There is just something so irresistible about a kitty tummy 💕

    btw – Theo too just licks all the sauce and leaves the bits of meat behind. The difference is he doesn’t have a Hazel to come behind him and clean up 😉

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      • That still sounds like she’ll be fine. Actually, they do OK without any teeth, but I think that’s traumatic at first. Fingers crossed that Mollie’s procedure goes off without a hitch!

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        • This is her second dental procedure. She lost a few last time. She adjusted well (better than I did). She still has her canine incisors and front teeth plus some back ones. My old cat Jake had 2 teeth left by the time he died and he ate just fine.


  4. Oh Mollie, we are both so sad to hear that you have some dental problems. Steinbeck has been lucky so far but I’ve had to have some teeth removed. Don’t worry about it. They let you go to sleep so you don’t feel the owies. When you wake up, your mouth will be sore but that bad tooth will be gone. I’ll let you in on a secret, Mom has a tooth that the specialist has to look at next week. She’s already told her dentist that nobody is pulling that tooth. I really want to ask her why she’s putting up such a fuss ‘cuz I feel much better now. Oh well, that’s humans for you.
    Giant purrs………….Hemingway

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    • She’s a sweet cat too. I hope the surgery won’t change her. Right now she’s being more active than she has in a long time and that’s with nothing but a vet visit. No meds, no fixes, just an active happy cat.

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  5. Poor Mollie… I don’t like noBODY messing with my teeth either. I am glad the offending tooth has been found and it will all soon be history. Heck of a way to switch to wet, but woohoo!!!! I love that she is already feeling better and zooming around!

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  6. Maybe putting some water in with the dry food will make it easier to chew in the meanwhile. According to our vet, sometimes bad teeth in cats actually grow over and the nerve dies or becomes nonpainful, so perhaps that will happen. I hope she gets fixed up well soon, whatever the best way.

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    • Communicating with a human is the worst. She may have been trying to tell me something for a week and it took a while until I got it. She had been so cranky lately and I was attributing it to getting older and of course youngster Gracie pesting her. I must be more alert!

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  7. Mollie all paws and fingers are crossed that the meds help you till you have your appointment… and we hope efurrything goes smooth. the cha-ching probably belongs to the dentat stuff, our dentist gave my father the bill last month and he jumped nearly off the table too ;O)))

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