Random 5 for October 1 – Time, mouse, nesting, weather, gym

Holy cow! It’s October! Where did the year go? *bangs head on desk* Each it year goes faster. It’s a carousel out of control.

Source: Google

Mouse update – I so wanted to tell you that the mouse problem is resolved. We went two weeks without a sighting. There were high fives all around. ‘Niptinis were served (margaritas for the humans). Then…Morgan went crazy. We had a rolled up carpet and I could tell by her “interest” that something was in it. I diligently took it outside to unroll and there was a mouse wondering what the heck happened to his new cozy home. We are still confident that the new electronic thingies are working. There is always a “rogue” mouse that defies the odds. In the meantime, Morgan is working on her “high five.” Needs a lot of work! (PS: We are now in day 5 of mouselessness.)

Source: Fine Cooking

The nesting instinct – That’s me, not a mouse! A cool weather front came in and blew out a heat wave that’s been hovering with temperatures 15 to 20 degrees above normal. With the change came renewed energy. I’ve felt like cooking and stocking the larder. Doesn’t happen often so I took advantage of it. Chili and soups in the freezer.

Changes in weather – When I was in grade school, the nuns always said they could tell when the weather changed because the kids got “active.” The same thing is true of my catkid Gracie. She wants to play. All. The. Time. Only with me. I never had such an insistent (or whiny) cat! I’m just grateful she’s healthy and happy.

Gym update – I’m at a new gym with upgraded equipment. One of my colleagues who also transferred was exercising at the same time. I followed her on a piece of equipment and was stunned to see she had adjusted the equipment to 30 pounds of resistance. Our old gym did not have much resistance at all so this was quite an upgrade. Oh yes, she’s 87. It would have been embarrassing to lower it to 15 pounds so I soldiered on (in complete awe of her).

So how was your week?




51 thoughts on “Random 5 for October 1 – Time, mouse, nesting, weather, gym

  1. Lol…I know what you mean about following someone at the gym and feeling awkward about adjusting the weights. Especially when they’re ten years older.
    As far as mice…I don’t like them…I don’t like them, I don’t like them.

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  2. I need to go to the gym. I think I will look into joining one…tomorrow. I love “winter” food. Still kinda hot here but today it is in the low 70’s so maybe cool weather is coming soon. It’s nice to have the windows open and no a/c running.


    • We’ll warm up by the end of the week but I was able to get some food cooked. Surprisingly I am enjoying the gym even without a group of friendly people to talk to. The time goes very fast and the choices of equipment are large.


  3. One of my biggest fears is finding a mouse because…I cannot kill anything. I can just see me naming it, and emptying out a drawer for little mouse things. Now I’ll be checking my carpets.

    Yes, the weather is changing because I too, like Gracie, is becoming active. Hmm. Stay tuned.


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  4. My weightlifting, exercise bike riding uncle used to make me feel lazy and guilty…he started going to the gym at 99. Luckily we lived in another town so I did not have to feel the glares of the gym attendants/coaches
    We spotted a mouse outside the house scurrying up one of the palms…considering the electronic gizmo getting some fresh air – cool will be happening eventually and we’d like that one to make reservations elsewhere for the winter.
    Bring on the cool – (and maybe I’ll get some energy again)

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  5. Haha! That is exactly what I would do – no way would I have lowered the weights after she got up from the machine. If I ended up in agony so be it… my pride would still be intact.

    We are still experiencing warm weather here so it’s not soup and chili weather yet, but I am looking forward to it.

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    • I planned to do crockpot potatoes today but forgot to put them on until it was too late. In the winter I like batch cooking or crockpots. I like easy days. During the summer a lot goes on the grill and veggies in the microwave so it’s easy too.


  6. I’m suddenly in “cocooning mode” as well. I’ve been canning peaches and pears, filling my pantry as if I’m preparing for a zombie apocalypse! What’s up with that?!!! Turning on my Scentsy melter so the house smells like cinnamon and cloves, I’m ready to switch out my closet and move the summer clothes to the back. It’s sweater season. And dang it…I think you’re motivating me to go to the gym… ~ Lynn

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  7. Yesterday morning we woke to cool temperatures and a northerly breeze. It really was invigorating. I think I got more accomplished yesterday than I did the entire month of September. We’ve got our window open and it’s wonderful. Have a great Sunday, Kate. Go Eagles!

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    • Unfortunately we went from hot to too cold for windows open. Later this week it will moderate and hopefully we’ll get a few days to open everything up. I always get more ambition when the weather works in my favor. Eagles, fingers crossed!

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  8. I like cooking in batches too, especially now that I am back working outside the house. I find that even though I am only working 4 to 5 hours a day, I come home hungry and don’t want to spend time cooking. Dangerous situation when I have weight loss goals I want to meet! Congrats on the mouse taming. Happy Sunday.

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  9. My big dog is a lot less lethargic when it’s cooler, too. When it’s hot, walking him is a drag. Literally. It’s like I’m pulling a ninety-pound anchor…until we see a squirrel.

    We’re supposed to get cooler temperature this week and I can’t wait.

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  10. If that’s 30lbs of resistance for an arm workout, then I’m gobsmacked too. I admit to being a real weakling in the upper body department – could be my aversion to doing weights 😉
    Now I feel shamed into getting back to the gym to start a weight workout again.

    Glad to hear the mousers are still on duty. Good kitty! 😺

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  11. Glad to hear the electronic gizmo is helping. It takes a while before any existing mouse population finally moves the family and tells their friends your place is a bummer mouse residence. Seems the rolled up carpet must have been like mouse ear muffs, but no more, eh? Hope the mouselessness trend continues.

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