Sassy cats – Living in wackoland

Gracie here. Interesting week. Work started on the new bathroom which has upended life as we know it. It’s a human version of a litter box so what’s the big deal? More about that later.

The big news is that the lady peep was in wackoland. She has been moving stuff that was in the bathroom. It looked like she needed some inspiration, so I did an epic barf on the window. It was one of my best works. A real Jackson Pollack. Splatters all over. She asked how I did that. I started to explain about the proper stance and projection angle when she screamed “that was rhetorical!” How am I supposed to know what rhetorical means. She then started yelling “Goldfish, goldfish!” *  Wackoland.

Ok, my barf didn’t look exactly like this but close. This is Mountains and Sea by Helen Frankenthaler. Very pretty.

Moving on to the moving on. The contractor guys were here this week ripping out the old stuff. Sasha totally freaked out. She hid under the upstairs bed (which is a favorite hidey place of hers). She was more fearful than normal, and the peep thinks it’s because the bedroom is over the garage where a lot of noise was going on.

She had to go potty, but the peep couldn’t get her out from under the bed. She finally fled into the closet and pooped there. The peep was stunned. In her five years living with us, she has never had an accident of any sort. She is now confined to the cat room during the day when the contractors are here. Gus stays in the room with her for company but she’s still whiny.

Morgan and I are allowed to roam. Contractors do not scare us, nor do we try to bolt out of the house. The peep said I’d be perfect if I didn’t do the Jackson Pollack thing.

Have a wonderful artistic weekend.

*Editor’s note: “Goldfish” is yelled as a threat. In her next life the peep will keep goldfish instead of cats because they are easier. So she says.

40 thoughts on “Sassy cats – Living in wackoland

  1. Poor babies! At some point cats feel they have the right too say “enough is enough.Live with it”…but humans don’t listen!
    May the retainer of the week feature fewer intruders! Hibernation is an option – for during contstruction or rain storms. Paw waves in pet solidarity

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope you weren’t affected by the storms. We’ve seen some pretty awful pictures. I will have PTSD by the time we are done. Cats upset and today I think I smell a dead mouse decaying in my car which cannot be parked in the garage. Argh! We are only 2 days into a 6 week job!


  2. Poor Sasha. Well, I hope the work goes very quickly so she doesn’t get too stressed out. Ah, Gracie. Did you dip a paw in to sign your work? Did the peep take a photo of the masterpiece before cleaning it up? All things to consider. Happy Dad’s day weekend everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well on the one hand, you lot have been through this before – so you know that these worker people make a heckofa lotta noise…..all day long. With our super sensitive ears, it’s twice as loud as it is for the peeps. We just have to suffer through it and hope that the need for reno projects will end after this. So suck it up, be brave, try not to hork or poop in unauthorized areas and hope for the best. I’m just glad my humans haven’t undertaken any reno stuff here or I’d be packin’ my bags!

    Sympathetically yours, Teddy

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  4. So Gracie, I’m here thinking about Sasha who might have some post t. stress happening. Do you think maybe you can diplomatically suggest to your lady Peep , for Sasha go talk to someone? A professional? Pooping in the closet is very bad for a girl’s self-image. I’m just saying. And by the way, I’ve been to Wacholand many times. No one stays there very long since it rains there a lot.

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