Sassy cats — Getting ready

Gracie: This is my usual bird watching spot.

Gracie here. Weird week. Peeps are all hyped up. Something big is going on next week*. Lady peep really needs to get a grip! She bought what looks like a plastic swimming pool but she says it’s a new litter box for upstairs. We don’t have a litter box upstairs but she mumbled something about Sasha will be spending more time up there in the next couple of weeks. Works for me. That tuxie cat is a royal pain in the rump. She eats my food, sleeps in my spot and expects me to groom her face. There is also a new pheromone plug-in upstairs too. That’s not a good sign. It means lots of strange people will be around.

Who said this is your bed?

We all decided that someone needed to keep an eye on them. Morgan drew the short mousie and she slept on the bed overnight to keep them calm. There was a discussion with the male peep because she preferred the spot where he sleeps but they compromised. Sort of. She moved a skooch and he moved a skooch. She purred occasionally to keep everyone calm. I have daytime duty. Unfortunately that’s when I nap. Oh well, they are on their own. There is always a run for a Starbucks mocha to calm nerves.

There is good news for Gus. He went to the vet this week and it was all good. His dental does not need to be done anytime soon. The peep will wait until  the fall, after all the commotion of whatever is going to happen in the next few weeks is done.

The vet is not a fan of the pricey “specialty” foods for his urinary issues. She gave some practical advice on what he should eat (no kibble at all).

The peep tried some of the special foods. Some he ate and some he hated. She wasn’t impressed with the ingredients which always started out with meat byproducts instead of real meat. For the price there should have been filet mignon in those cans! She and Gus are working on agreeing to a good quality wet food without fish. That is no small feat as most cat food, even those marked chicken or beef, have fish in it. Fish (which is mostly fins and scales) has a lot of minerals which aren’t good for him. There are helpful chat rooms and websites to ponder. As long as I get my favorite food with rotisserie chicken, I don’t care.

Next week I’ll report on what’s going on. Stay tuned and have a great weekend!

*Peep’s note: Our bath renovation is scheduled to start next week. It will take 6 to 8 weeks so we are working to make it as comfortable for the cats as possible considering the extra people and loud noise that will be going on. Oh yes, and cranky resident peeps. 

54 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Getting ready

  1. WOWZERS…..6-8 weeks will probably feel like 6-8 years. But you have survived the kitchen reno and everyone will make it through this one too! That is a long time to be in an uproar though. We wish you bunches of luck in everything going smooth as silk. Glad to get a good update on Gus….!

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Gus was the good news of the week. I took him to our “meat and potatoes” vet who is very practical. She looked at his teeth, heard his story of blockages and surgery and said, his teeth aren’t bad. You can hold off for a while. She gave very practical information about his surgery, food and what I can expect. Hopefully it will eliminate blockages but he may be subject to UTIs so I’ll watch out for that.


  2. That’s a long time for “upsettedness” in the house Gracie. I’m glad your fur brother didn’t have any pressing dental issues right now while other commotion will be going on. I’m glad your food routine is simple, albeit fancy, as to rotisserie chicken and I’m sure the other cats envy your menu!

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  3. I hope you cats try to keep the house calm for the peeps with as much thought as went into making it bearable for you! 😉 Wait, these are cats I’m talking to?!?!? Never mind 🤣….dear Kate, I hope the reno goes as smoothly and quickly as possible!


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  4. Good luck! Don’t envy you We did our bathroom last year and ti took three times as long as we expected. Our neighbour let us use her shower whenever we needed to but than goodness the loo was never out of commission!

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  5. You know Gracie, you could easily be the next Diane Sawyer. I especially like how you combine sass with a little empathy, like with Gus’s diet issues. Men really hate when they can’t just eat whatever they want. Must be a macho thing.

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    • They went through it with the kitchen which was almost 11 weeks but for most of the job we had a single carpenter who did not have a radio going and was relatively quiet. Fingers crossed.


  6. Hooray that Gus doesn’t need a dental right away. It will be wild enough with the renovation. Ours starts Monday as well. Gonna be very interesting keeping three dogs and two adult cats away from all of it. Luckily the 9 fosters are already all contained. Hopefully ours only takes the three weeks as scheduled and they don’t find anything unexpected.

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    • Ours starts on Thursday. I’m making the upstairs very comfortable for Miss Diva who will be annoyed with us. She survived the kitchen job and will survive this one too. The other three cats don’t seem to get bothered. Gus will watch from his spot in the family room. Gracie will stay in the office and Morgan will do whatever she wants.


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