Sassy cats — Catching up!

I’m definitely the second cat here. My peep says I can toss my dinner with the best of the Olympic cats!

Gracie here. No casinos for me today. We are celebrating the peeps 15th wedding anniversary! We cats voted for a round of catnip and a tuna cake but the peeps weren’t excited about that.

I had another round of barfing with blood. It gets the peep all excited. Last time she carted me off in the portal to hell to see the V-E-T and they couldn’t find anything but hard poops. I get some medicine a could of times a week and we all thought that was working. There is nothing else about me that is sick. I’m still the office stinker sitting on the computer keyboard and fluffing my tail at the screen. I did some settings that it took hours for the peep to undo. I am the IT tech here.

Sasha and Gus butt to butt

Sasha has been very happy to have a week without contractors, guests, or any sort of people hanging around. You can tell by the picture that she is sleeping thoroughly!

Wishing you all a great weekend!

60 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Catching up!

  1. Gracie – you make me smile. You tell it like it is, don’t you? I like the Peep’s cartoon and well that’s great that you’re the second cat and possible Olympic material for barfing. Don’t be messing up the Peep’s new computer – she has had to deal with too many new things the last year and a half. Please tell her happy belated anniversary wishes okay?

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  2. Happy Anniversary to your peeps!! Sorry you are still vomiting blood. My Trouble loves to barf from the top of the cat tree- ideally onto my spot on the couch if she can. Have a nice weekend.

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  3. Well I’m the lucky Cat Mom who has a cat who asks to go outside if he needs to barf (truth) and once he does it’s back inside. Now I also have to say that he’s six years old, has lived five of those years with us, and has only barfed about three times in 5 years! Love the cartoon – it is definitely “on the money” !! I have had barfers before and it never fails that they find the least convenient (for us) spot to do their thing. I do hope that Gracie is OK though – if the vet has done tests and sees nothing – it’s a genuine mystery!

    Hugs, Pam

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  4. The cartoon is truth. The hoarking up of whatever will always be a mystery with regard to carpet versus easy to clean flooring. Our Z Cat would run all the way downstairs to make sure she had wall to wall berber to barf on. I was convinced she preferred the traction of the berber.
    Happy 15th Anniversary… have a most wonderful day you two!

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  5. Gracie, I need a “dislike” button for this article! I dislike that you are having medical issues for which that nasty old V-E-T cannot find a reason! But then again, I like that the peeps are spending the day celebrating finding and keeping each other. Nonetheless, you know the lady peep gets nervous whenever any of you get any kind of sick, so get better soon!

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