Sassy cats — Two more weeks of…

Gus is photobombing again!

We can blame it on the groundhog. Morgan had her leg x-rayed yesterday and while there is significant healing, the vet thought another two weeks of splint would do her well. I thought I would cry. That poor cat has been so good about it all and there is another two weeks of hobbling along.

They all love her at the vet because she doesn’t fight them. When they take off her old splint, she flexes her toes. They get such a kick out of that.

So this week we found out there will be six more weeks of winter and two more weeks of splint. Overall not a great week.

No week is complete without the lovers.

The dining room table is now used to pack boxes and these two love to be “indaway.”


69 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Two more weeks of…

  1. Ah, poor Morgan – the longer it’s wrapped, the better she’ll jump when the time is right and I wonder if she’ll be timid about jumping now, like thinking twice every time before jumping. Makes you wonder. The lovers are perfect for the upcoming holiday.

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  2. Our dog had an eye removed this past summer and I think what made the whole experience even more heartbreaking was that she didn’t even fight the cone. She accepted every stage of the healing, and some of it was very unpleasant. (I’ll spare the details) Let’s hope the two extra weeks proves very beneficial and not just a nuisance!

    Liked by 1 person

    • As the owner of two cats with one eye, I applaud you. I was fortunate that both cats had the eye removed while they were in the rescue but right before (like weeks) I adopted them. Both do just fine. Morgan doesn’t know she only has one eye and can easily catch a mouse. Gracie’s vision isn’t as good but she still sees well enough. Hugs to your pup and you too. Pets are very resilient. Maybe more so than humans.


  3. I expect that Morgan doesn’t know that it’s ever coming off for keeps. This is her “new normal” and she is a very ZEN kitty ~> “accept the what is.”

    That said, think how happy she’ll be when it finally comes off for the last time! “What?! No new cast? I’m done? That’s it? . . . . Wait til they get a load of me NOW!” {{Doing a cat happy dance}}

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A long haul for Morgan and for you, Kate. It sounds like you are getting wonderful advice from the Vet. The lovers in your bottom photo resemble a photo of my husband and me…….not overly excited, yet comfortable.πŸ™‚

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  5. Sounds like the vet is being cautious and that’s a good thing. A good thing that Morgan has a sweet disposition. If it was Teddy with a splint we would be at the vet every week having the chewed up one replaced.

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    • Originally they wanted her coned for the entire time. Fortunately she licks right above it and will occasionally give the bandage a lick but I don’t think she likes the texture. We are very lucky. The vet says she just sticks her leg out for them to wrap. I’ve had cats that would have taken their arms off.


      • I never had a cat that wasn’t fine with the vet. They may not have liked being there but they were well behaved. Well, Kitzy did have to let them know who was boss. Dolly was the best; showed off like the diva she was purring and head butting and kissing hands and noses.

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  6. maybe that is the point?… ninja-patients are in advance, because no vet is keen to see them more often LOL but we wish your Morgan all the best and we hope the two weeks are over soon and then you can sing the theme of Cast Away…. Happy weekend to you ;O)

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  7. Hopefully Morgan’s time in a splint will be a memory best forgotten soon! So much going on in your life right now. May the splint be removed and the move be over and the boxes be unpacked as soon as possible!

    Liked by 1 person

    • No one is happy about the extra weeks of splint. I’m going to try to get to the “soft” bandage next weekend. We are moving on the 15-16 so she will go to the new house. It’s bad enough that it’s new and unfamiliar but to have a tree trunk stuck to your leg is no fun.


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