Sassy cats — A special place

There is something very special about my desk. All the cats except quirky Gracie will hop up there when I’m trying to work. They will walk on the keyboard and do things it takes me a half hour to undo. Morgan can engage Cortana, my vocal assistant in the computer. I’ve been grateful she hasn’t figure out how to order from Chewy or Amazon. Sometimes there are more than one cat on the desk.

Sasha is half on and half off with Morgan looking on but not giving up an inch or territory.

Morgan is contemplating her next action. Engage Cortana to order ‘nip or delete files. What to do, what to do.

I don’t have a shot of Gus on the desk. Mostly he walks across it to jump in my lap. Maybe I’ll try a selfie with both of us next time he’s in the mood.

Everyone here including quirky Gracie wish you a great weekend.

41 thoughts on “Sassy cats — A special place

  1. Yep, Cats are the office managers. (Helps if there’s a nice window there…and the view/wind is nice) RC knows the routine and gets really miffed if the computer is turned on and people in their places on schedule …we sometimes regret she learned to talk over the past few years…she comes looking for us and lecturing.
    Your cats seem to be thinking they need to help you hold down thoughts these days? They are always on top of things like that.

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  2. When Ted was little he liked to climb up on me and gain access to my computer desk…..then he’d go behind the computer and nap. Maybe the warmth was nice? Who knows. These days he doesn’t have any interest in my desk, the computer, or my lap. I think he knows he’d probably squish me if he jumped up on me at 25 lbs. LOL Love the photos of the kitties!

    Hugs, Pam

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