Sassy cats — Gracie coming of age

Maybe it’s her time or maybe without the distraction of Mollie’s health, Gracie is more vocal and visible. She does a 3 a.m. love fest. That involves waking me up (I can’t enjoy it if I’m sleeping), and rolling all over me. I would appreciate it more at 6 a.m. and we are in discussions about the timing.

She is the queen of zoomies. She’s a small sleek cat weighing in at barely 8 pounds. She can navigate the turns with the precision of a NASCAR driver. Like those cars, she has no muffler as the sound can be heard throughout the house. There is an occasional collision with an unruly doorway but that won’t stop her. Unfortunately her favorite time for that is also around 3 a.m.

Gracie has been here since 2017. She’s around 5 but no one knows for sure. She was an outdoor cat (who has no interest in the outdoors) that was part of a hoarding rescue.

She is a shade of gray that is harder to photograph than Morgan. Consequently she is the star of this blog less often (and whines about that all the time). Today is her day!

Gracie on left, Morgan on right. You can see the size difference. Gracie at 8 lbs and Morgan at 12. Morgan is also a shade darker with more silvery highlights which you can’t really see here. They have opposite eyes so we call them bookends.

No good bag goes unused.

All the cats here, especially Gracie, wish you a great weekend!

61 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Gracie coming of age

  1. Let me know what negotiation technique works. I need o do the same with my parrots that wake me up at 5:30, 5:35, 5:40, etc.). Gracie is gorgeous, though. The highlights in the silver over-hairs make her glow a bit, don’t they?

    Liked by 2 people

    • They do although Morgan’s fur glows more silvery. Not sure what to do about parrots. To keep my canary quiet during the early morning my mother put a cover over the cage. At least you don’t have a rooster!

      Liked by 1 person

          • I understand people can be that way and still be nice folks. My husband is also a “rooster” to my “owl.” Over the last 24 years, we’ve both moved more toward each other to find a schedule that mainly works, but it can be a challenge. The cockatoo would rather we were both “chickens,” up and down with the sun.

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  2. 3 am wake up calls are the reason Theo gets to spend every night in the basement where he has a big bed and his food dishes. His night time etiquette leaves much to be desired and when a 20 lb cat decides to jump on you when you’re in a dead sleep, it’s rather jarring!

    Gracie is a beauty. It sounds like her tiny stature gives her speed and agility, buts needs a much louder voice to be heard over the crowd 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What is it about small cats producing huge noise? Catorze is the same. Sometimes he thunders about the house sounding like a fully grown human.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Middle of the Night Cats are a challenge to live with. Mine have decided that first breakfast is 4am. This is also about the time they feel it’s important to jump on the bed, via a bounce on me. It’s a terrible way to wake up in all the ways. But they always win because if I want to stop the continually getting on and off the bed via my torso, I have to shuffle into the kitchen and put down some food, which they ignore but also stop the pester fest.

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  5. Three a.m. is Teddy’s favorite time…….EVERYBODY UP! Actually Dad continues sleeping and I get up and do the morning routine…..fill food bowl/clean litterbox/play with Ted. I love that time really – Teddy likes me to hold him like a baby and give him a massage (!) – his own personal maid and masseuse. Not a bad deal right? Funny what you get used to even if it’s just plain NOT convenient timing. LOL

    Hugs, Pam

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    • I know. I’ve said in other comments that my old cat Jake, who had a form of dementia, would get disoriented in the middle of the night. I’d be up for at least an hour, maybe more until he settled down and was exhausted. I got used to it. Still miss that guy and he’s been gone 5 years.

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      • I usually have a lot of grocery store bags and since I’ve not been shopping like usual, I have none. Boxes I have as I’ve ordered from Amazon to avoid going to the store. Better not to have boxes and cats hiding in them – cats go missing that way if it’s not time to eat. 🙂

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    • This wake up isn’t near as bad as when Jake would wake me up. He was old and had a form of dementia. In the middle of the night he’s get disoriented and scream (yes scream). It would take an hour of holding and cuddling to calm him down. then I couldn’t get back to sleep. Compared to that, this is a piece of cake. This morning it was 4 a.m. and it was just a few wet noses in my neck and a roll over my entire body before she settled in for a nap. Gotta love her!


    • This is far better than Jake. When he got old he would get disoriented at night and wake me up between midnight and 1 and it’s much harder to get back to sleep after trying to calm him down for an hour. At least with Gracie I can stay in bed and give the occasional scratch.

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  6. It is great to see them together. Can see the difference in size and color of furs! I like that she is quirky and fun. Lovable is good! I am happy she is more vocal and visible… for pictures. Today was her day to star on Sassy Cats Friday. I’m interested in an update on the negotiations, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. today you are the super star gracie!!! if we would be neighbors we could have a chat 3am , it’s our time for the non-pee break where they watch the moon or the stars while I stay in the backyard in my PJ like an idiot LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! Gracie is very quirky but lovable. She is fearless and considering her start she is very social with both cats and people. All the cats get along well although Sasha, most likely because she is so young, can get pesty. She’s also chonking up!


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