Sassy cats – Mollie update

Mollie: Hey human! Food! I need food!

We had good news this week. Mollie’s dental work scheduled for the end of the month was done this past Tuesday. There was a cancellation. Better all the way around as I would have worried and she would have had a tooth ache.

Mollie is my sensitive cat. She doesn’t do sedation well. The vet is familiar with her (more familiar than I wish – cha-ching, cha-ching!). I don’t know what they did differently but she wasn’t loopy when she came home. She was a bit unsteady but definitely not drugged.

She ate overnight and had breakfast the next morning and was her old wonderful self. I had pain meds for her but I only gave her a few doses. She’s seems just fine. Except…

She is a cat. As such she understands (probably learned from her mama) that when she doesn’t feel well, she has the upper hand and humans will do anything for her.

She decided she needed round the clock attention (except for her frequent nap times). She also wanted multiple small meals which she had no intention of eating alone. Nor did she want to eat on the floor. She wanted breakfast in bed. AND…she got it.

She is back to normal now but she still wants me to sit with her while she eats and prefers to eat on the bed. In a normal house (is there any?) I could do that but I have three other cats just waiting for me to get distracted so they can eat her food (which is the same as what is in their dish).

Cat recovery is a full-time job.

54 thoughts on “Sassy cats – Mollie update

  1. Good news on Mollie’s procedure and recovery! She sounds like she has very sensitive feelings and knows how to get her needs met! I hope by now she’s regained some of her independence!

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  2. So glad Mollie is better and I’m sure so are you! You are such a good pet parent 🙂 Cats will pick up a habit you don’t want them to have in an instant, but it takes them weeks to build up a good habit!

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  3. I’m glad she’s better! We are facing this again, too. Kana needs a dental and one of my son’s cats REALLY needs a dental. He goes to some fancy pants vet. Kaching. Kana had a reaction to a sedative this past week. I stayed up most of the night with her. So I get that nurse for a cat thing.

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    • It has completely changed Mollie. She must have been suffering for a while and I just chalked it up to aging. She has lost a pound and a half and for a 7 lb. cat, that’s a lot. Now she’s eating nonstop. She is much more active and not at all grumpy. She just had dental surgery 2 years ago so I wasn’t expecting a tooth problem until I saw her pawing her mouth.

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  4. I’m glad Mollie is better. I read that people resemble their pets, but I assumed that was referring to dogs. Not so! Look at lovely Mollie’s photo at the top of this post. Compare it to beautiful you on the left. Only glasses are missing.

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  5. So glad you were able to get that over with sooner and that Mollie is doing well. Now you can enjoy your weekend. Hope the weather is nice.
    P.S. I know that cha-cha ching sound at the vet. Just spent $450 on Max.

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      • Max wasn’t even sick! Just yearly vaccines and check up. Since he turned 10, we did a senior workup. Don’t know if we’ll do that again.

        Hope the rain breaks, but glad you’re staying warm. Maybe they’ll be a rainbow. 🙂

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        • Wow! That’s a lot. Our senior work up are blood tests. Fortunately about the time I should have done them my two seniors had dental work for it was done for that. Not sure if I would do without symptoms or worries about something. My old cat Jake was diabetic so he had periodic testing but I did his glucose tests at home.

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  6. So glad she is doing well. My beloved husband would like to know if perhaps you would foster him! (Yes, he often reads your blogs) His request is for chicken wings instead of kibble! Give her a squeeze for us.

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    • I am. It was hanging over my head knowing that Mollie was uncomfortable. Although I had pain meds for her, I didn’t want to drug her for 2 weeks. I was lucky. When I asked to go on a standby list for cancellations, they told me they already had put me on it. They know me well. Since I’m retired, I’m flexible.


  7. Awwww…glad all went well and that Mollie is milking her recovery for all it’s worth. That’s a cat’s job, after all. A fact I know all too well.

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    • She has been amazing. She is completely on wet food now and eats a lot. She had lost some weight probably due to her teeth. She is making up for it big time. I have no idea how much to feed her. I’m almost up to a full Fancy Feast can at a meal.


      • How many pounds does she weigh? A full can of FF isn’t an exorbitant meal for most cats. Two cans a day isn’t unusual for a good sized cat. (one can am and one can pm)

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        • She had dropped to 6-1/2 lbs. Pre-surgery, she ate very little wet and was eating less and less of the dry. Now with the switch over I’m feeling my way along. Yesterday she had 5 meals which translated into two cans of FF. I gave her just shy of a full can this morning hoping to wean her to 2 meals a day with whatever amount she wants. The other thing is that she often eats fast and throws it up. So far she hasn’t done that either. Fingers crossed.


            • That’s where I was moving to although in the past that was out of the question. Neither of my grays eat that much but they like a mix of wet and dry. (They always leave some in their dish from the half FF can they get twice a day.) Hazel gets 6 oz a day plus leftover from the grays or whatever she can steal! I am so excited to get Mollie on wet food! She still goes to the place where I keep the dry but will eagerly follow me when I put wet down.

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  8. hahahaha! I shouldn’t laugh because a sick kitty is serious business, but with your furry little manipulators, you are so screwed!! 😏

    {speaking of furry little manipulators, Theo just jumped on the table to remind me that I should be taking care of him instead of being on the computer}

    Glad to hear that Molly is making a speedy recovery. I hope your nursing duties come to an end soon 🙂

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