Sassy cats – Hazel part 2

Hazel: I don’t feel so good.

I didn’t know there would be a part 2 but there is. Last week Hazel was at the vet. She’s overweight (no surprise), has arthritis in her hips and back legs (no surprise again) and she got her rabies shot.

She came home and had a nice dinner. Since she was good for the vet, she got tuna with a niptini and some soft music. (Who am I kidding? She would have gotten that anyway.)

Starting the next day, she stopped eating normally, only taking a bite or two. I wasn’t initially worried because she needs to lose weight but it dragged on for three days. She was eating less and then not at all. I knew we had to take another trip.

I am not good when my cats are ill. I can’t focus or think. I have one mission and that’s to make sure they are ok.

Capturing Hazel for a midday appointment was no picnic. It involved the beloved husband and a broom handle. She was under the king-sized bed. She had some hissy words for us and they weren’t nice. (I couldn’t include in my G-rated blog.)

After a look-see, the vet said it was a reaction to the shot. She had never had a reaction before. This was a first.

Hazel was given a steroid shot and some appetite stimulant. (I asked them to go easy on the appetite drug. Weight loss would be a good outcome of this whole episode.)

She was eating a little after a few hours. Within a day she seemed better. She lost a half pound during this ordeal. It’s like using a colonoscopy to jump-start a diet.

Then she slumped again. Stopped eating. Dragging around. This time she didn’t have to go to the vet. We picked up meds for nausea. It’s been a week and she’s still not her chipper self but is eating somewhat.

The vet noted everything on her chart. Next year she will get a steroid shot with her rabies vaccine (and I am wondering if she really needs a rabies shot. She’s an indoor only cat and never comes in contact with any cats except the ones here). I noted it on my chart so I am stocked with chocolate and margaritas.

Total weight loss for this ordeal — Hazel 1.3 lbs., Kate 2 lbs. I win!

82 thoughts on “Sassy cats – Hazel part 2

  1. Pingback: Sassy cats — A crazy week | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  2. Pingback: Sassy Cats — Peace again | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

    • My vet is cats only too. Our state requires them for all pets although they will make exceptions for older, indoor only which is what I’m looking at now. She is ok now. Haven’s seen soft poop in over 24 hours. Ten days of diarrhea was a lot for both of us! Note: I think you live in California where another commenter said there aren’t cases of rabies. I live in a state that used to have a high incidence, hence the law. We still have a few cases a year but mostly wildlife.

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  3. I’m with you about Hazel’s vaccines. If she’s an indoor cat why does she need a rabies vaccine? I think she really needs as little disruption as possible, poor thing! I think your minimal weight gain would have been doubled were it me!

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    • It was a weight loss and that’s the only good thing. Last night, 10 days after the shot, was the first poop free night. We’ve also bonded during this episode. She’s had to be cleaned a few times and while she doesn’t like it, she feels better afterward.

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  4. Team No Rabies Shot, right here. It might be different for you, but rabies is very uncommon out here in Los Angeles. Once Bat Cat reached 10, the vet was like, yeah, don’t bother, not worth it for senior cats, especially indoor ones.

    Rabies every year? Really? Ours are like every 3 years.

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    • There will be one case in our part of the state every year but not pets. State law requires rabies for all pets although a vet can exempt a pet that is prone to illness and indoor only with an unlikely chance of getting it. I don’t know why my vet does the 1-year. It used to be that the 3-year was linked to sarcoma in cats but not so with the newer shots. You can be sure I’ll be asking about it. We are 10 days out from the shot and she’s still struggling with diarrhea. I have a great vet so there will be a great conversation.

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  5. Where I live the rabies shot is only required every 3 years and you can always have the vet do a titer to see if she still has enough in her system. I am sorry she was sick.

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    • In our state it’s required and a titer showing some level of immunity won’t cut it. However 3-year shots are available and I’m not sure why my vet doesn’t do them. They used to be linked to sarcoma but not anymore. She’s 10 days out from the shot and still struggling with diarrhea although she’s eating fine.


  6. I think it’s time to let Hazel skip the Rabies.
    She’s an indoor cat and she had a bad reaction. You risk very little by skipping Rabies.
    Poor “little” Hazel.
    When I had a cat who went on a suicide mission of not eating, the vet told me that it’s a vicious circle. They don’t eat and that causes them to feel nauseous so they don’t eat. I THINK it has something to do with the liver acting weird when they don’t eat.

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    • She’s eating now, just pooping diarrhea-style. I will be discussing with the vet. This was just nuts. Cats are a little crazy when they are sick. It’s why it’s so hard to figure out what’s going on. Initially she would go to her dish for food and then walk away. The vet said that’s a sign that she’s hungry but nauseous.

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  7. This happened to my last dog. The thing is, he had a bad reaction to steroids when he was younger and they couldn’t give that to him. So instead, they gave him Benadryl when he got his shots. I’m not crazy about the steroid thing for my pets ever since that first encounter.

    I hope that Hazel improves. Have they checked her thyroid? My friend’s cat had similar symptoms and it was a treatable thyroid issue. Good luck and my best to you all … people and pets alike.

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    • They checked her blood sugar but not her thyroid. Her blood work last year was good. She is ok now except for loose and stinky poop. I still have her on the poop med but not on the appetite stimulant (as she clearly doesn’t need that anymore!). She is normal in most ways. She’s back to jumping on the furniture. That’s a great sign.

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  8. Not good when they don’t eat. My Misty had a hairball in her stomach and would not eat. Doc tried every food on the market and finally found one she would eat. Costing me a fortune to keep her in food now. Hope your Hazel continues to improve.

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  9. Nothing triggers an anxiety response like a sick pet. I’m glad that you and Hazel are on the other side of this episode. I’d be torn about renewing the rabies vaccine, too, especially if they are indoor cats and chances are low that you will board them out. Especially especially if she has had bad reaction. Tough call.

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  10. Glad she’s getting better…it’s really a worry when you’re not sure what’s going on. I tried not to worry too much with my cat..unless he went, say 2 days without eating. I also found that Troy would often behave differently in some way after a vet visit (get the hump with us/be sick/runny poops (sorry can’t spell diarrhea) …also i think that sometimes they know when they need a break from their regular eating routine…and just need to chew a bit of grass.. jx

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  11. Oh dear. Poor Hazel and poor you with all that anxiety. Hope things settle down and her appetite improves.
    Maggie has to have a rabies booster every 3 years for her Pet Passport. We got her vaccinated in case we ended up emigrating or going abroad for a holiday when we sold the cottage in 2014.

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  12. And go with the three year rabies if you’re still going to give it. They used to think that the three years caused sarcomas, and no longer believe that in medical circles. All my cats are on three year vaccines for the ones they get.

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      • Many vets do give the one year vaccines to try to encourage folks to come in annually. Too many people, especially cat guardians, don’t take their pets in regularly.

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        • I have two old and two young ones. I may be tempted to skip an annual for Morgan but for the older ones, there are always discussions to be had. We are starting meds for Hazel’s arthritis as she walks very stiffly. Gracie had so many issues to start but now other than being the most finicky eater I’ve ever had, she seems healthy.


          • I’m never tempted to skip an annual for anyone. Just me. The vet often sees something I haven’t seen because I see them everyday and don’t always notice small changes. Cats are very good at hiding things, and teeth and lungs and heart, etc. never hurt from a yearly check. End of lecture.

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  13. Vaccine reactions aren’t fun. Glad they made a note of it so they can prevent that next time. As far as rabies, here is my take. They are required by law, and your vet is required to know and act on that. But, vets often stop giving any vaccines to cats who have health problems, and my own take on this is that if a cat is indoors only, and there’s no chance of escape, I’m good with going without vaccines for my cats when there’s a good reason. My take only, as a totally non medical professional.

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    • I was thinking that too although everything I’ve read is that if I ever have to board her (unlikely) she will need shots. I was looking at asking about 3 year-shots. Looks like they have made them safe from sarcomas. I have one more cat, Mollie, to take in. She’s never had a reaction to rabies shots but she gets the other one nasally as she got lame for a time after that shot when she was young. She is the “delicate” cat. None of my cats are interested in going outdoors, even if the door is accidently ajar for a few seconds. Without Jake, the chances of contact with a rabid animal are slim to none. Poor Hazel. I have never seen her so sick.


  14. I’m the same way with my cats, too, Kate. So much worry when they are ill. We just started feeding a feral cat (had him neutered) and now I’ve added him to my list. Love your funny blogs!!

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  15. I understand you… and I’m incomplete somehow when the beloved furkid is sick…. is it law to have a rabies shot at your place? we had such a bad reaction once with easy and the vet used a thimerosol-free stuff the next time so it didn’t happen again. but I ask me too why I have to get this shots if rabies is officially no longer a topic here…. sigh…

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    • It is the law here. The vet said next time they would also give a steroid shot at the same time. I am looking into the 3-year shots. My vet does an annual. Hazel is better but still has loose very disgusting poop.


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