Sassy cats — Mollie’s boo-boo ear


Hi! Mollie here. For the past two weeks the humans have been ignoring me. My ears have been itching and well….I’ve been cranky. I was hiding from everyone and wouldn’t let anyone touch me.

Because I am always a super wonderful cat, Kate got worried and got out goopy stuff leftover from Jake’s ear infection.

She tricked me and got the stuff in my ear. Within an hour I was purring again. Now I lie still when she puts the goop in and it feels so good. No more itchy. All better.

Here is Mollie doing yoga -- downward dog position

Mollie: This is my downward dog position. Got to be in shape for Morgan. She’s a rascal.

‘scuse me. Gotta go check on Morgan. That cat needs a lot of checking.

Morgan: Me? Rascally? I think not!

Morgan: Me? Rascally? I think not!

31 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Mollie’s boo-boo ear

    • Within 24 hours there was a total change. She wouldn’t go downstairs anymore. I was afraid she was “aging.” The ears must have really bothered her because she’s acting like a kitten again. Morgan has to watch out or she’ll bop her. (Normally Morgan is the aggressor!)


    • When you’ve had pets a long time you can often treat without an expensive vet visit. I knew it wasn’t ear mites but when Jake was getting abscesses from scratching around his ear, it was a yeast infection so I thought it was worth a try. She’s a new cat. It’s a lot like after she had a bad tooth pulled (excepting the vet had to do that).

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  1. Oh Mollie, so glad you’re feeling better and letting Kate take care of you. Obviously, if at any moment you decide you’ve had enough, well, you know what those claws are for. Wink wink. Would you be jealous if I asked you to also send my love to Morgan and Hazel? No? Good girl.

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  2. I’ll never forget the time we went away for a few days, and my friend was cat-sitting. One of our cats needed medication, and she was having a difficult time getting the cat to take it. So she had a brainstorm. She figured she’d put it on the cat’s paw and he would just lick it off – thereby ingesting it. However, the cat did not lick it off. He shook his paw violently instead. The medication was bright pink. My friend ended up scrubbing our kitchen walls.

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