Sassy cats — Summertime and the sleeping is easy

The cats aren’t as enthused about summer as I am. We had to turn the air conditioning on. That means the windows are closed. No sleeping on the sill. They can go into the screened porch but only Morgan goes out the whole day. She keeps an eye on the wildlife. The others….well, they use it as a time to catch up on z’s.

Here is Hazel belly up. She looks kind of like roadkill.

Here is Hazel belly up. She looks kind of like roadkill.

Then we have Mollie…

Looks like a similar pose!

Let me be! No pictures, please. I didn’t have my hair done.

Only Morgan is busy keeping her eye on the chippies.

Someone quick! Open the door! I can get it.

Someone quick! Open the door! I can get it.

The cats send their regards and hope your week was as interesting as theirs.

25 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Summertime and the sleeping is easy

  1. What great pics, Kate! The one of Mollie makes me smile ~ one of our cats does the same thing, constantly. At first we thought it was her way of getting belly rubs, but now it seems like it’s just comfortable for her.

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  2. You really did capture Hazel in a very unflattering pose, I must say! But then again, comfortable in my own surroundings I’m not always in the most flattering poses either. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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