A collection of odds and ends


I have nothing thought provoking today. We are hunkering down for a good rain so soup and crusty bread are on the menu! Here are some short thoughts to go with it. Earlier this week as I was driving though … Continue reading

Random 5 for October 30 – Teal pumpkins, interstate highways, patience, inflatables, election signs


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Teal pumpkins? – I never heard of that before. Our neighborhood has a website where you can share information or ask questions. Someone posted that they put a teal pumpkin by their front door for Halloween. It signifies a house … Continue reading

Catching my breath


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Kudos to all of you who are caretakers. It takes a special person to do it selflessly. I am a good pet caretaker. An elderly or ill pet presents very little resistance. I call all the shots. I like that. … Continue reading

The saga of project two or I’m smacking my head against a wall


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Don’t gloat. Mom said it wasn’t becoming. Karma will get you in the end. It’s ok to celebrate a success but don’t get braggy about it. I found that out the hard way. If you read about the success of … Continue reading

In recovery or notes from the loony bin


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I hate making phone calls. Any kind of call. Even to friends. The worst are the ones to customer service reps. I’d rather have a root canal. Or colonoscopy prep. My computer has been wonky for a couple of months but I … Continue reading

The result of raising four kids


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No, not me! I didn’t have children but the beloved husband did. He raised four (including a set of triplets) by himself. All by himself. I didn’t know him then. His kids were high school age when I met him. … Continue reading