Random 5 for February 12, 2023 – Super Bowl, furniture, taxes, old age, cats

The big day – Our local team is in the Super Bowl (football championship for those who are sports challenged) and the playoff is today. All week the news has had stories of school children, nuns, bar patrons, etc., singing the fight song. The nuns especially were hilarious as there was no one under 70 there swinging their arms in harmony. It’s a nice change from drive-by shootings and mass killings. (Go Eagles!)

Decisions are done! – We bought (or should I say ordered) the new furniture. The running around comparing and the weight of indecision is over. I’m trying not to think about it or I’ll worry I picked the wrong thing. Now I’m making arrangements to get rid of the old stuff.

Next on the list – Is the taxes. I hate to do them although they are considerably easier   since we don’t work. I still dread them and work myself into a frenzy when they are due. I could have them professionally prepared and consider the cost as a therapy charge but I’m too cheap! I’ll save that for when I’m old.

Which reminds me of a story – My brother and SIL were in an accident when they were 88. My SIL took the brunt of the crash and was hospitalized for eight weeks. When she came home, she needed a lot of help with getting dressed, eating, medications, etc. My brother was still recovering too so I suggested they use their long term care insurance. It would pay for someone to come in for a few hours every day to help get her up, dressed and fed. He said he was saving that. I asked what for. He said for when they get old. Almost split a gut! It’s all in perspective.

My brother and Gracie taking a nap while he was recovering from his auto accident. This is from 2018.

Always something – My next-door neighbor feeds three cats that are semi-feral. They don’t let people handle them but they aren’t fearful of their caretaker. One of them had something happen. She was missing for two days and now she’s freaked out when anyone comes near. My neighbor can’t check to see if she was injured. We can only wait and see if she recovers by herself. She is a very beautiful, sweet cat. She should have been adopted when she was young.

So how was your week?

65 thoughts on “Random 5 for February 12, 2023 – Super Bowl, furniture, taxes, old age, cats

  1. My friend Ann Marie, whom I write about sometimes, had hip replacement surgery on February 8th – she went in that morning and went home that night. That about blew my mind … Ann Marie turned 80 in Deceember. Surgeon’s office scheduled the surgery back in early December when they figured we’d be in the throes of the “Tripledemic” so he had her go to a small hospital and in/out to avoid germs. She has a nurse come daily to the apartment I sent her a text from my computer last week when I didn’t hear from her (I had said “send me a text when you’re home and feel like it). I asked how she was – her response: “I’m overwhelmed.” She had been driving all the “old people” in her apartment building to doctor’s appointments for the last five years. She told me “I won’t consider myself ‘old’ ’til I turn 80.” I’ve never done my taxes – I feel dumb about that. My parents took my taxes way to the CPA back in my diner days when they had their taxes done and I’ve stuck with the same firm, now his daughter runs the place. My father was a tool-and-diemaker and could take off for depreciation of tools, new tools. Maybe I could learn to do them in retirement – I have so many “new things to learn” it will wear me out once I’m there!

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  2. I surprisingly and unexplainably love watching pro football. Being in New England I rooted for the Patriots, who had an uneven season. So then I set my sights on the 49ers, who had a great team until everyone got injured in their playoff with the Eagles. Thus, I rooted for the Chiefs during the Super Bowl, but I must say, both teams played so well, so professionally and with great passion. Both of them are winners in my mind. Happy new furniture!

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  3. LOVE your brother’s attitude! Bravo to him and hope the SIL has fully recovered. Congrats on the furniture order. No doubt that was a load of your mind. So sorry about the outcome of the Super Bowl. Both teams played their hearts out-it’s too bad the Eagles were on the losing end.

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  4. Your brother’s attitude is just great! He really makes me think about how I relate to age! He’s a good example. And I’m sure you’re very concerned about the poor cat as you describe the notion that “something happened.” How worrisome. I hope for the very best possible outcome.

    Sorry about the Eagles. I thought of you. I never watch the game, but I did yesterday. I was intrigued with the Kelce brothers! When I know something about the players I tend to enjoy the game. Sort of. LOL!

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    • Good news (sort of) about the kitty. She’s back hanging around home and eating but she won’t let her caretaker get near her (this is new behavior). The caretaker doesn’t think she is hurt but something happened that traumatized her. Hopefully she will settle down. As for the Eagles, so sad. There was so much happy stuff on the news all week as people were getting very excited. It was a welcome relief from drive-by shootings.


  5. LOL! That’s a pretty funny story about the long term care insurance!
    About the semi-feral cats. The reality is there aren’t enough homes for all the cats. But on a case by case basis, I often think that rather than feeding cats for too long it is best to trap and neuter and at that time really make a firm decision on if the cat is truly feral or not. So often they are not–they are just scared. Anyway, that’s my two cents. Not saying that is true in this case, but it’s one of my little soap boxes ;).

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  6. I wasn’t planning on watching the Super Bowl, but I thought I’d look in now and then. On Xfinity, though, they only seem to be showing it in Spanish unless I change my subscription–which couldn’t be true. I’m paying way too much as it is. I guess I’ll just hear about it when it’s over.

    I’m looking forward to seeing your new furniture.

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  7. I used to be a football nut – that was about 40 years ago though……I actually MIGHT tune in just to see what’s happening in the game. YAY for new furniture ordered – I would LOVE to get new furniture but I think we need to get ourselves into some sort of senior living community first with a smaller house – THEN I’ll get new stuff. Going from a three story house to one of those little senior cottages will be weird but sensible. I only started doing “sensible” after 70! LOL

    Hugs, Pam

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  8. I used to be so into the Super Bowl. Now I appreciate you reminding me which teams are playing! Even before my son was born, I’d let football go. Now that he’s into soccer, it all about Premiere League, Welcome to Wrexham, and World Cup (though FIFA leaves the NFL in the dust when it comes to corruption).

    Fingers crossed for the pretty feral.

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    • I let football go a long time ago too. But I didn’t replace it with sports unless you count figure skating. I have things I will do later today, checking in occasionally although I’m sure I’ll be able to tell what’s going on by the cheers or groans coming from the family room!

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  9. So hard caring for feral kitties, especially when something is wrong with them. Can be so heartbreaking when you can’t really help much. Enjoy the new furniture. Marley and I will have to make a visit when everything is done!

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  10. I am applauding the school district officials who have already scheduled a 2-hour delay for school on Monday. If the Eagles win, the partying will go on until sunrise! If they lose, the adrenaline from watching the game will still take some time to get out of our bodies so we can fall asleep. Now if I were a school district official, I’d say, “2-hour delay if the Eagles lose, full day off if the Eagles win!”

    I’ll be watching the Super Bowl for the first time in a while. I got tired of the hype over commercials and the ‘excess’ of the halftime shows, so I stopped watching unless my team was in it (that’s been a while now). I will just learn to get up and move at the commercials time and mute the TV during the halftime show.

    I’m excited for your new furniture. Don’t doubt yourself – you did you research and made your decision based on facts and preferences, so it will be just right!

    Liked by 2 people

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