Sassy cats — This time it was Gracie!

The sassy cats are early this week. Christmas is a holiday for them and they will be sleeping in with dreams of tuna with a side of catnip.

However, that did not stop the tradition of “sick cat on holidays.” It happens all the time. Jake did it often. I remember a particular 4th of July. I spent considerable time waiting in a vet ER. Hazel died on New Year’s Eve. Magic on Thanksgiving. I can give you a list of cats that did this. I often wonder if it’s just my cats or it’s universal.

Here is Gracie after her last dental. Notice the tooth fairy gift courtesy of Ellen from

This time it was Gracie. Over the weekend I noticed something odd. It was her tooth. The big canine tooth on the bottom was loose. It was sticking out at a funny angle. A little like a werewolf. Or Dracula. A very weird angle. Then it was sideways. Then I didn’t see it. Then it was pointed the wrong way completely.

Gracie came here with bad teeth. We don’t know how old she was but she wouldn’t let anyone touch her mouth. She had a dental and some extractions and was a different cat after that. I’m very tuned in to how she reacts to her mouth.

The loose tooth looked like I could pull it myself but Gracie wasn’t having any of that. No touchy. There were hassles. I’d let the vet be the bad guy. By now it’s Monday of Christmas week. Vet has limited hours and is closed Christmas through Sunday.

We have several ER vets in the area. They are twice the cost and the wait is long but when you have an ill pet, you don’t care.

To my surprise the regular vet was able to take her in on Monday. I feared she would give them a hard time. When she wants to be, she is 7 pounds of strong willful devilcat. They were able to get the tooth out easily and pumped her full of antibiotics. She even has pain meds for 3 days. (I’d like to point out that I had an extensive dental procedure a week ago — no antibiotics and no pain meds! Not even a margarita! Cats have a good life here.)

Gracie is back to her old self. She is still a picky eater but she is eating more. She doesn’t like the taste of the pain meds but she’s very mellow afterward.

She is a very quirky cat. Affectionate on her own terms but she must be in the mood. She is fearless and puts up with no crap from the other cats who are twice her size. We adopted her because she looked like Morgan (the perfect cat). She is nothing like Morgan but a delight in her own way. Maybe I’ll sneak some extra catnip in her Christmas toy.

Gracie and all the sassy cats wish you a great holiday (if you celebrate) or a great week!

Gracie sleeping off her pain meds or maybe just napping.

73 thoughts on “Sassy cats — This time it was Gracie!

  1. I’m glad that Gracie was able to be seen quickly. We’ve had a lot of vet visits in the last six weeks for two of our dogs. The COVID process is different, but our pets still get needed care. We are so grateful that the vets are so dedicated. I’m hopeful Gracie will have a smooth recovery.

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    • This worked better than it did for Mollie in the spring. I couldn’t get her in to see a vet until it was too late. I pleaded and begged but even though I was a long term client (like 30 years) she still couldn’t fit her in. I’ve been using another vet with bigger space that allows you to go in with your pet. They have several vets so it’s usually easy to get a same day appointment unless you want the same vet consistently but I thought I’d give my old vet a try. She has taken on a new partner. Maybe that helped. She is less expensive usually but that dang tooth cost $168 anyway. I could have pulled it with a pliers if Gracie wasn’t such a wuss! 🙂 When it comes to our pets, nothing matters but to make sure they are healthy and happy.

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      • Vets here still aren’t letting us in, but we found an emergency vet and a new vet that let us watch the exam through a window (all their exam areas are now in what used to be the waiting room, so we can watch from outside). This made a world of difference to our frightened dogs. They were all sad and freaked out until they saw us through the window, and then they smiled and settled down. We were pretty much the same way.

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  2. I can’t say any of my cats have ever had problems specifically at the holidays… Frankie had to have half his teeth removed when I first adopted him seven years ago and I was told by the vet he would need to have the rest removed soon. I’ve had experience with auto-immune diseases in feral/street cats so I immediately started him on L-lysene. He’s been fine ever since. I hope your gorgeous felines stay healthy over the rest of the holidays! And that you do too!

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  3. Poor Gracie. She’s such a trooper. I personally hate going to the dentist. Salem has bad teeth, too. I guess that would explain the bad breath!!! Ha! I hope she feels better soon. She is such a love. God bless and Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am glad the vet was able to see Gracie and that she is OK. Also glad she is enjoying her Tooth Fairy gift. Wishing your family ( 2-legged and 4-legged) a Merry Christmas! XO

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  5. “a side of catnip”? A side? You re living dangerously.
    Oh, Gracie glad that tootsie is taken care of and you won’t miss Christmas…although that’s a pretty nice tooth fairy gift.
    Your stiff upper lip pictures are being examined by RC Cat…as instructional pieces according to Staff….No sick kitties, please. (She’s gotten very picky about food again….but by now we almost have a full aisle of assorted cat foods….)
    Sweet catnip dreams for all cats and cuddles for humans – now that’s Christmas.
    Jingle on!

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  6. I am glad Gracie is doing well. Good that is behind you. I am going to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas because there will be no Sassy Cats posted Friday. I hope you all have a peaceful, happy Christmas and I hope somebody falls in love with the house over the holiday weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Glad Gracie is loose-tooth-free in time for Christmas and I also hope it’s the last urgent ANYTHING that happens for you through the holiday……you need a break for sure. Wishing ALL of you a peaceful and quiet and HAPPY Christmas and a New Year with a quick house sale!!!!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

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  8. “Sick dog on holidays” is a thing too. Or, as I liked to call them : Another $1000 weekend trip to the 24 hr Emergency vet. Glad to read Gracie is back to her sassy cat self and just in time for Christmas! Merry Ho Ho to you, Kate!


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  9. Oh darn, about Gracie, sick. I do wonder about universal. A good friend of ours just had both his Mother and Father pass away within the last three weeks. I don’t understand it. Teeth and infections can cause significant pain and serious illness. I appreciate the good wishes from the cats, Kate.

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  10. Poor Gracie, but glad she’s been sorted. We wondered if Maggie had a bad tooth as she was very careful some days the way she ate, and we had to break up her biscuits into smaller pieces.
    Hope you all have a good Christmas. Take care Kate. Hugs and treats by proxy to Gus, Sascha, Gracie and Morgan.

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  11. Cats and children–always sick or injured on holidays or when the vet/ pediatrician is closed!


    But it’s worth the ER money when they are back to their old rambunctious selves. You can’t even be mad when they start breaking stuff again.


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  12. I’m glad Gracie got quick care and feels better. At least she didn’t wait until Christmas Eve to be in trouble!! Tiny blessing. And as a pet sitter I will tell you it is rare for us to have a holiday where there are no sick pets…hoping this will be one of them. Have a great Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

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