Sassy cats — Odd squirks

Gus exhausted

It’s been a long time since I had a boy cat. Jake was very different from the girls — not better or worse, just different. Mostly Gus isn’t different except for one thing.

All my cats love to knead soft things. Give them a fleece throw and they are in heaven. Gus takes it to a new level. He will knead it for a half hour with is eyes closed and his pelvis thrusting. He doesn’t like to be disturbed as he’s having his moment. He will occasionally bite on the throw as a male would bite the female’s neck during copulation.

He was neutered young so I’m not sure where this is coming from. Jake never did it. Before Mollie was spayed she paraded her private bits with some caterwauling in front of Jake and he was appalled, covering his ears. He was such a prude.

Gus is different. He doesn’t hump things or pester the lady cats so I’m letting him have his moment. Anything that makes him happy is good with me.

The diva insisted that her picture would make a fitting close to this. I’m not sure how it relates at all but cats will be cats.

Sasha napping blissfully.

61 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Odd squirks

  1. As I’ve been away, Gus is a new introduction! How delightful. I will need to go back in your archives and see how it is he’s come into your lives. Very funny story, though. Glad you’re giving him “his moment.” 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have a male cat who used to do this. He would come into the bathroom when I was on the throne and “hump’ the bathroom rug. I thought he had a thing for me:) Enjoy your boy.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, travel is always a problem with pets. Sometimes we can find a neighbor to feed them but if we have to board them, it gets expensive. Sometimes we can take the dog with us, but not always, another bill for boarding. And that’s not to mention the sky-high vet bills. One of them always needs something.

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  3. Great post Kate, and love the individual antics of happy cats. Maggie just used to have all her babies round her (heaven help us if one fell off the bed in the night) and gather them close. Now she just snuggles into me as she used to when she was a pup.

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  4. Teddy isn’t a humper but sweet Angel Sammy was and seeing as how he was taken to the shelter at 4-5 weeks old that probably was a “missing nursing” reaction. He liked fleece blankets and sweaters (unfortunately on the sweaters). He stopped all of that when he got to be about 13-14 though. Ted is what I call a “happy dancer”….prances in place – no humping or “far away looks” or anything – he’s just happy I think. He did this when we first saw him in the shelter and I fell in love with it and him. Cats are all SO DIFFERENT in many ways which is one reason I LOVE THEM!!!

    Hugs, Pam

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  5. Each seeking comfort these days. Maybe he’s just so happy in his new home it triggers something. Great charter observation of Gus who is star of his own story.
    RC likes to knead on people just as they are falling asleep – and gets quite irritated if anyone objects – after all she is bestowing favor. (and loose cat hair to any nose close)
    You should’ve used those tags!
    Have a spooky good Holler-RIng

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Aw, Gus. He’s a teen male. At least his parents are understanding!

    I had to give Bat Cat two stuffed animals to satisfy her desire to knead something. Boss Cat, on the other hand, is more into pushing humans and dogs off the bed than making biscuits on them.

    I guess different cats have different “kneads!”

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  7. Kate, my daughter has many cats and she always talks about their many personalities. Huge belly laugh on biting the female’s neck…….Last time this came to my attention was the “Twilight” series. “Prude”…..’private bits’…..”hump”…..I don’t think my 60 plus year old heart can take all of this. At least until I have had my coffee. A very funny post.😊

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