Sassy cats — Sasha and friends

Sasha in the cat tree hidey hole.

Sasha is home. She is also at home. She has discovered all the best spots and where all the feeding dishes are. She is taking over Hazel’s role as food cleaner upper. I am very lucky that at just two weeks everyone is getting along like she’s been here forever.

Sasha and Gracie keeping an eye on me!

The two grays and Sasha have a nightly soccer practice where some poor toy gets a bashing with cats sliding into cabinets or ending up in a heap. The catnip mouse or the feather gets batted around by all three. It sounds like a herd of elephants. They also have a practice scheduled for 3 a.m. They will be a great team someday!

All the felines and humans here wish you a great weekend!

66 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Sasha and friends

  1. Sasha reminds me of my aunt’s cat, Charlie Chaplin, who was a favorite pet when I was a young girl. I hadn’t thought of Charlie in a long time! 🙂 I’m so glad Sasha is making herself at home and I know she’ll continue to add a happy component to the sweet cat family! I hope you, too, have a wonderful weekend, Kate.

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    • And the other cats! Today by accident she got locked out on the screened porch and she was not happy. It was too scary to be by herself although the weather was 70 degrees and she had been an outdoor cat. She has a tiny squeeky meow except when she is not happy. Then she sounds like a bull moose in heat.


    • They have different wake hours than we do. There is a long period during the day devoted to nap time so they can be chipper during the early morning hours while we are hopefully sleeping. New teammate put on sneakers and jumped right into the fray.

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