Sassy cats — This week’s pics

Outside of Washington DC, it’s a slow news week filled with approvals, naps and ummm…friendship.

Hazel is breaking in the new carpet. The cats are doing their best to replace new carpet smell with old cat smell.

There are no limits to friendship. Instead of trusting a face to face encounter, Molly prefers to verify with a quick (or not so quick) butt check.

Mollie says you never can be too careful. Verify, verify, verify!

Everyone here hopes you have a great weekend free of smelly carpets and butt verification.

41 thoughts on “Sassy cats — This week’s pics

  1. I really like your new carpet! I hope the cats are kind to it for as long as possible. You are the one with the sensitive nose! You’ll smell things no one else will, but new carpeting smell is always a favorite for as long as it lasts. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your new carpet and your comfortable, friendly cats.

    I have a busy weekend coming up: Write on the Sound Writers’ Conference. I’ll be worn out by the time I finish nine sessions and a keynote address. Hope I learn something and meet some fascinating writers.

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    • My header is set to random pics so it should be always changing although I don’t see what people see. Lately every picture I take of Mollie has been either grumpy face or blurred. Hazel is a mix depending if she’s in the mood.


  3. You know how there’s so much more time when the news/tv is off? Drama has sent us all outside. RC Cat is thrilled to have not only clean litter ahead of schedule (trying the pads underneath as you suggested) and new cat grass. (3 days with no real amounts of rain…now for the tossing of drowned plants who have given up…but no way going near plant nursery on weekend if it’s sunny!)
    Hope to verify you and the cat crowd have a great weekend!

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    • We ate dinner out on the porch all summer foregoing the evening news. I was much healthier. There is nothing like yelling at the TV while you’re eating to get indigestion. Now we wait for Jeopardy (and occasionally we will yell at that!). I am simplifying all my beds. Non-maintenance plants only. Need blinders at nurseries. I still want everything.

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      • I have gotten down to 3 medium pots of probably won’t last long seasonal plants – had hoped these would hang on a bit longer until cool enough for pansies. Right now the nurseries all have loads of lovely blooming summer plants which are hard to pass up…a bit like displaying little kittens and puppies while cute and before they get big. Hard to resist, but must.
        If we move, I want another screen porch or place where mosquitoes aren’t. Eating outside always sounds so restful and enjoyable..but between the rain, humidity, heat and mosquitoes, it’s not happening.
        It always looks so lovely in the movies…

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  4. hahaha! I could do without the butt checks šŸ™‚ but Happy Friday!!

    It is Thanksgiving in Canada this weekend and tomorrow is turkey day for me with the family. Today I’m knee deep into prep and errands. Once tomorrow’s dinner chaos is over I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

    Hope you have a good one šŸ™‚

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