Sassy cats — Quiet time

This week was full of gray, dreary weather. That makes everyone in this house a little gray and dreary (except for Morgan who is always gray but rarely dreary). Here are some pictures.

Morgan snoozing. This is temporary but even a showgirl needs a catnap or two.

Morgan snoozing — even a showgirl needs a cat nap or two.

Here is Mollie catching some zzzz's except for that damn paparazzi

Here is Mollie catching some zzzz’s except for that damn paparazzi snapping pictures.

Hazel is guarding the catnip bag...sort of....maybe....

Hazel is guarding the catnip bag…sort of….maybe….

Hoping your week had some sunshine!


29 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Quiet time

  1. Raining here as we settle into autumn weather and you enjoy the spring. Loving the cat nap snaps Kate. So very sweet, sometimes I say to my kitties I wish I was a cat and I could sleep all day. I feel like a lie down now and its only 7am in the morning.


  2. I think maybe the cats are choosing to hibernate until the winter is entirely a thing of the past! I hope the weather brightens up soon! Too much gray isn’t good for anyone!


    • It’s been a mild winter here but very, VERY gloomy. Not much sun at all. Still not complaining although I’m starting to think I should get those “lights” for seasonally affected people next winter. (Grump, grump)


    • Morgan is definitely the model in the family. Has the attitude too. It always surprises me because she is a dark grey cat. I would think she would photograph like a shadow or a black hole but her silver nose seems to attract the camera focus thingie.


  3. Nice photos, Kate! Cats have elevated napping to a fine art, I think. It’s been dreary here this week too, but sunny today and we’re expecting 50 degrees tomorrow. Crazy for Minnesota in February!


  4. The geese are flying over us by the thousands. The skunks (phew) have come out to play. Spring is near! Keep smiling…it’s on the way!


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