56 thoughts on “Jake, 1997 – 2015, R.I.P.

  1. Am so sorry for your loss.
    I just got here via another blog that provided a post to honour the memory of your Jake.
    I never met Jake, and I didn’t hear about him until today, one year after your last farewell when I saw that tribute to him. He must have been an awesome little boy. It’s amazing how each cat is unique. Am sure you must still fondly remember all his endearing qualities, and how he enriched your life.
    Thank you for having offered him such a good home. Am sure he made it just that much nicer by his presence. Do take care.
    And if it’s any comfort, Timmy, the resident tiger here, sends purrs.


      • Thanks for your kind thoughts to Timmy. He takes all the hugs he can get.
        When he moved in, it was under the advisement that he be the only cat. Seeing him interact (only once) with the neighbour’s cat confirmed that. Nothing happened in that interaction except for some terrible sounding yowls, howls and hisses, especially from Timmy. Amazing how such a handsome boy can make such hideous sounds.
        Anyhow, onwards and forwards. I do know what you mean about having a presence, though. Timmy is like no other cat I’ve ever shared a home with.

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  2. Pingback: Yes, Jake, memories of you do last even if you are a cat | Life Is Like That

  3. Pingback: Random 5 for October 11, 2015 – Stupid, health, friendship, service, cats | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  4. Pingback: Random 5 for October 4 – Closets, Summer, Rain, Projects, Follow-up | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  5. We are so sorry for your loss, Kate. And sorry also that we didn’t see this before. We have been having computer trouble so it’s been off most of the time.
    We know Jake is in a good place and that you will meet again some day.
    And that’s a splendid picture of a handsome kitty.

    Trixie, Caspurr, Shimshi and Shimona (aka Mummy)

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  6. Pingback: Random 5 for September 20 – Mojo, Starbucks, frogs, raccoon, projects | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  7. I am so very sorry, Kate. You gave him such a wonderful home and he definitely enjoyed a long life. I know he will be very missed! These little creatures sure do take over a part of our hearts! ox

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  8. I have a friend who recently lost her dog. Dogs or cats, doesn’t matter…we love them all. I sent your blog to her to help her. Thank you Kate. Here:s to Jake..I hope he meets up with my friends beloved dog there. Make mine a Caesar, please. Hugs to you girl.

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  9. This is so heartbreaking. Makes me remember Inky, a black cat I had who got cancer. The day I expected to put her down, she miraculously seemed to rally. So I said to my vet, look…she’s like her old self, thin, but perky. Dr. Johnson looked at me and said, she still has 4 stage cancer. Whatever this is is temporary Susannah, but let me ask you something. Wouldn’t you like to go out when you feeling relatively good?
    We have the privilege of doing that for our beloved pets. I held her close while he he gave her the needle. Humanity…it’s tough sometimes and I know how much you loved Jake hanging in there with him till the very last meow. He was a swell guy and I’ll just bet, he’ll run into Inky;

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  10. To lose a pet always comes with anguish. You wake up everyday and there they are. It becomes so much like breathing you can’t imagine them not ever being there. They ask so little of us food, water, love and affection, yet always they give it back tenfold. We get so used to them being around that it might be easy to take them for granted. But, we don’t for long, if at all, because we love them too. I think for most of us losing a pet is our first encounter with the loss of a loved one and it stays with us, and that’s because they become family, as obviously Jake was. Anyone who has ever read here though, knew how much you loved Jake and what a fixture in your life he was. So his passing will certainly leave a void in your life, Kate. But, as you can see by the number of people who have left their condolences here, Jake’s life apparently touched a few other lives as well. Maybe that’s Jake’s meow. Thinking of you, Kate :o(

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Kate, I am so sorry. Jake was so fortunate to have a home with you. With you and your Husband as his humans, he was truly loved and respected to the very end and all cats deserve a life like that. He was such a handsome cat… Jake, yes she did get your good side.

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