Random 5 for May 3 – Jeopardy, litter boxes, day lilies, TV, Morgan

Source: clkr

Source: clkr

I know it, I know it! – Those are the words most often heard during Jeopardy in our house. Our problem is that we can’t pull the answer from our brain’s data bank fast enough. We are big fans but I swear the questions have been getting progressively harder over the years. I love it when I can impress the beloved husband with an obscure piece of knowledge that is utterly useless. Sometimes he surprises me.

Argh! – We have four cats (no, I don’t know how that happened. One day there were two and then there were four). Lots of poop. Although the litter boxes get scooped twice daily (yes twice) they get thoroughly cleaned several times a year. I take them outside; give them a thorough cleaning with disinfectant; and let the sun dry them. This was the week for it. Unfortunately, all that bending (combined with planting pachysandra the day before) made my back unhappy.

Source: Newsolio

Source: Newsolio

No deer – I had a lot of day lilies in my yard. Unfortunately the deer love them, especially the red ones. After years of weeding them and caring for them with no blooms, I pulled them all out and gave them away. I was able to make two people happy. I am not quite as happy….

Season finales – I hate them! Even the programs I like use convoluted, unrealistic plots for their season finale occasionally with stupid cliffhangers. It’s also when they kill off the actors who want out or didn’t renew. On Gray’s Anatomy a few years ago we lost Dr. McSteamy. This week we lost Dr. McDreamy. There are no cute terms for the remaining doctors. So sad.

Morgan: Seriously could I be doing all that naughty stuff? Aren't I adorable?

Morgan: Seriously could I be doing all that naughty stuff? Aren’t I adorable?

General cat update Morgan who is going on three years later this summer and has been with us for two years still acts like a six-week old kitten. She continues to (kindly) torment the other three, then runs away singing, “Na na na na na!” Of course I have seen the others chase her so I’m not worried. Jake will correct her with a (gentle) bop on the head. She goes to the vet this month for her annual. It’s a chance for me to ask why she still chews things she shouldn’t and why she grinds her teeth. Maybe she needs braces?

So how was your week?

43 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 3 – Jeopardy, litter boxes, day lilies, TV, Morgan

  1. I gave up Jeopardy some time ago; replaced it with brain puzzles each morning…just to keep my brain in shape. My kitty litter days are needing improvement Kate. Keeping up with cleaning duty w/as many cats as you have would knock me out. I love your Morgan! A winner!
    By the way Morgan, hoping you have a purr-fect check-up!


  2. I worked at a law firm with some huge egos. Jeopardy was in town looking for potential contestants and one of the associates tried out with his fiancé. Ugh the way he bragged about his knowledge was so annoying. He came back to the office and threw an adult hissy fit ….. his fiancé was selected. I love karma!


  3. Our youngest daughter comes over nightly to play Jeopardy with us. She wipes us out cleaning boards. At least I think she comes over to play Jeopardy. Maybe she’s just coming over to get an ego boost at our expense? Nah! :O)


  4. What a shame to have to give up those day lilies! When I lived in deer country, I read up on what they liked to eat and planted other things. The trouble is, different deers have different favorites.

    It’s hard for a season finale to make me happy. My main complaint is that it will be months before I can watch it again–if it’s a good program. I’m the only one I know who watches Orphan Black, the violent sci-fi series on BBCAmerica about clones. After a long wait, now it’s back. Hurray! I love the star, a young woman who does an excellent job playing all the female clones. They started out the same, but have turned into very different women.

    I hope your back becomes happy again soon.


  5. Kate … I have two friends who have been trying to get on the Jeopardy quiz show. I wish them well. I suspect those whipper snappers, who are lightning fast with their answers, would outshine and outpace me.

    Our TV is rarely on in our house. It has lost out to the rabbit holes we fall into on our computer. 😉


  6. I love Jeopardy! About 30 years ago, there was a memorable article about a DC guy who went on the show. He was tied with the champ, and really feeling his oats. The category was Greek and Roman Gods. He knew that subject cold.

    The answer: the Greek messenger God.

    Local DC GUY knew the answer. He was positive. He slammed that buzzer!

    “Who was HERPES!”


  7. Every weeknight at 7:00 pm, Derek and I have a Jeopardy competition…friendly of course. 🙂 He blows me away in Geography, especially oceans and countries. Some nights, I hold my own, but often it’s a blow out. Sorry to hear about the Day Lilies. I wonder if there is anything like coffee grounds, etc. that you can put down to keep the deer away. As for McDreamy and McSteamy…I stopped watching the show years ago when a victim in a train accident had some sort of metal rod going through his stomach and he was carrying on a conversation like nothing was wrong. Have a great week!


  8. Kate that happened to me too. I had one cat and now four and the last is a beauty, she left a dead venomous baby snake on the doorstep yesterday. I had saved it from her claws a few days earlier hoping it went back to mamma. I think she has a death wish, lucky she is still here after two times not bitten. Other cats despise her energy and front. I think we both have an addiction and it could get cat-astrophic if we can’t stop at four don’t you think?

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    • Morgan, the last one was adopted because she only had one eye and who (but a person like me) would adopt a less than perfect cat. However, next to her was a wonderful grey and white cat that almost came home too (I had three at home who were not interested in increasing the number). Adopting Morgan was the best decision. She has brought such energy into the house but I always wonder how that grey and white one made out. It is an addiction….


  9. We watch Jeopardy if we’re home. We love getting the right answer, we give ourselves half credit it we “know it” but can’t spit it out in time, and we don’t worry about the stuff we don’t know. What worries me . . . all the biblical stuff I can still cough up. My Sunday School teachers did a good job of brainwashing me.


  10. I don’t usually get to watch Jeopardy, but when I do, I love it when I can spit out an answer before someone buzzes in with their response. Makes me feel like my brain ain’t quite dead yet. Obscure is exactly right. I might know that a baby raccoon is called a kit, or that there are 27 bones in a human hand, but then you ask a history question, and I’ve got nothing but a blank look on my face. Wheel of Fortune in my house is like a spectator sport. There are times I’m actually conversing with the TV, urging the contestants to solve the puzzle already. “It’s pancakes and waffles with syrup, people! C’mon already!” You would think I had actual money on the line, the way I sometimes get so verbal, hurling encouragement towards the TV. 🙂

    I’m with you on the Grey’s Anatomy season finale. SPOILER ALERT: stop now if you haven’t seen the episode, or you’ll be cussing at me later. END OF SPOILER ALERT. I mean, seriously, McDreamy is dead? And Meredith is pregnant? And disappears for nine months? They had me going, though. For a minute there, with all those flashbacks to her mother, I thought Meredith would go off the deep end, for sure. Not only do I usually not have much love for the season finales, I really get antsy during those in-between weeks; after the finales, but when the new season hasn’t started yet, and we’re all treated to that boring mish-mash of summer reruns. Thankfully, lately I’ve had less and less time for TV anyway, so hopefully, it won’t much matter for me. ps: I’m sure glad I read this comment AFTER I watched the Grey’s season finale on my DVR last night. Otherwise, if I had known what was coming, I might have skipped it altogether. Kind of like hearing about a good book before you ever read the first page. *chuckle* 🙂


  11. So you know what would enable you to get back your day lilies and keep the deer at bay, right? A dog. I’ve a sister in Virginia who got one just to keep the deer away from her garden. Soon as the small dog and his scent showed up, the deer fled. The herd memory of the wolf is strong, I guess.

    Of course, the cats might flee as well. Tough call. 🙂


    • We’ve been told that before but getting a dog is an investment. When we took a vote, it lost mostly because the cats voted no. I used to use sprays and bars of soap. All of this worked to some degree but you have to keep at it. Now it’s just easier to plants things they don’t like.

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  12. I always enjoy your Randoms Kate. Dunno why the deer love your Day Lilly beds. They have always ignored ours. Maybe they prefer more exotic fare – or it’s like the difference between filet mignon and chop meat. They love my hostas, laurel, wandering jew, and sedum autumn joy.


  13. I love Jeopardy too and occasionally get a history answer right like, what was the name of U.S Grants’s horse…Cincinnati.

    Best line… Maybe she needs braces? That made me laugh, and if you don’t mind me saying, those cats, who hate a dirty box, are very lucky to have you. I remember if I wasn’t on top of things, Missy would poop in the tub. I’d be so embarrassed apologizing with sardines or turkey. She always forgave me, till I did it again.

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  14. I understand about not being able to pull the answers quickly enough. Either the questions are getting more difficult or my mind is getting slower. I’ll go with the former and not accept the latter. And don’t even get me started on the deer and rabbit problem.


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