Sassy cats — Opera edition

Gracie here. Dang renovation project still going on here so peep is still grumpy. She said not much work was done this week. We are waiting for tilers. Not sure what that means but I decided to cheer her up.

I did my best version of Carmen. You know, the opera. I did a great job! I’m an AC/DC kind of gal but once in a while I go high whisker. I fluff up my tutu fur and have at it.

There was only one problem, It was 1 a.m. I didn’t see a problem at all but the peep did. She was not happy. I’m starting to think she’ll never be happy again! What a grouch.

It was rotisserie chicken week. That was the other highlight. I rubbed her legs and weaved between her feet while she was cutting it up. She likes that. It makes her go faster and use words that I don’t understand.

Nothing else is new here in grumpy city. Have a great weekend! If you see our tilers, send them over.

Bleh! Stick to the rotisserie chicken!

52 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Opera edition

  1. Gracie, you do the best job “tattling” about what happens at your house. Good work! My favorite part of your post was reading about your operatic talents at 1:00 a.m. and your admission that “once in a while I go high whisker” – all that good music wasted on the peep who clearly didn’t appreciate it. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “I got the zoomies and then I felt like a tune.”

    Perfectly understandable, but not to sleeping peeps.

    “This isn’t a good time to get appreciated for my vocal abilities.”

    See? You had an insight. That’s a very smart girl.

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  3. Gosh, Gracie! I’m so h look as that you don’t understand some of those adult words. Our parrot shouts her version of those words when she’s mad. I don’t understand them, either, but by her tone, it’s clear that she is dissatisfied and wants me to fix things immediately!

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  4. Tough times huh Gracie? It’s tough enough on we cats going through a reno but humans are 100 times worse aren’t they. As long as we get fed and have our usual (or reasonable facsimile) snacks and treats we manage but humans – well – they’re DIFFERENT! Hang in there – this too shall pass (I heard my Mom say that once).

    Hugs, Teddy

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  5. Sorry that your peep isn’t happy and that you’re in grumpy city. I think that’s common during renovations. At least you got some yummy chicken!

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  6. Gracie, I want you to know that I totally support your singing career, but maybe we should think more of dinner theater since, it’s earlier. Another suggestion. When the mood strikes you again at 1 a.m., try rubbing her leg since, like you say, she likes that. πŸ™‚

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  7. Oh Gracie, try to give your peeps a bit of slack. Renovations are tough, and your peeps haven’t had the best of luck with schedules and things getting done. Carmen is fine between the hours of maybe 8 am – 8 pm, but your peeps need sleep, so let sleeping peeps rest, ok? Just remember who goes out and buys that chicken for you.

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