Random 5 for February 27 – February, gorilla man, projects, bloggers, taxes

And just like that February is over. — It was another month full of surprises, none of them good but we ended with a good week. Our new computer equipment is working. All wireless stuff is synced and works wirelessly (that is a miracle). The beepy stuff was not so great. We had another round with smoke detectors and the battery back-up for my computer is dead. Both give off loud annoying chirps when they are not happy. Both need new batteries. The battery in the offending smoke detector had a note that it was last changed in 2017. Oops. Buying batteries is better than buying new equipment. Cheaper too but not a lot cheaper. The beloved husband found batteries for the smoke detectors that will last ten years. We’re not sure if we will last ten years.

He’s back! – Remember the gorilla man from last summer? He was a regular who wore a gorilla mask at Starbucks. After a long lapse, I’ve been seeing him again. He’s a teacher or in a school position because he complained about returning in late August. He’s still driving his Mercedes convertible (with the top up) and I’m still wondering how a teacher can afford that. He’s sporting a mahogany tan. Maybe he spent his winter break someplace warm or it’s a spray job. It’s more mahogany than tan. He has reddish brown hair with freckles so maybe that’s just how he tans. He still walks with a regal air and is friendly to all. I’d just love to know his story.

Some things are done – The kitchen is completely done unless you count the missing window treatments and a new carpet under the table as being incomplete. I don’t. I shop when I’m in the mood. Not in the mood right now but a big dose of spring may do it. In the meantime, we are moving onto the deck project. It’s another complete redo as the old flooring is faded and the railings are full of nasty splinters.

Where did all the bloggers go? – This week a long-time blogging friend retired from her blog. She was posting sporadically in the last year or two. Now she isn’t. I’ve been very lax with my blogroll. I looked at it today and realized that many of the blogs are dead. I’m sure I’ve been connecting with new bloggers who aren’t on the list. I’m going to take down the dead ones and add new ones.  If I missed you on my blogroll, send me a note (or put a comment on the bottom of this post). I’ll add you when I work on it.

Lastly the taxes – I do them myself because I like to punish myself. It’s worse than corporal punishment. Taxes are the bamboo shoots under the nails. I’ve always done them myself. At first it was because they were simple. As they got less simple, I continued to do them but whined a lot (that’s whine with an “h”). Over the years TurboTax (or any of the software programs) has made it easier. Some of the information can be downloaded directly from banks and financial institutions eliminating typo errors. There is always one sticky wicket that I fudge through. The breaking news is that I did them this week to get the TT sale price and it’s all done, done, DONE! Hallelujah!

So how was your week?

91 thoughts on “Random 5 for February 27 – February, gorilla man, projects, bloggers, taxes

  1. I bought a new smoke detector with a 10-year battery and a new fire extinguisher (the other expired years ago and I never replaced it). That was in October during Fire Prevention Week as they were on sale. I’ve not opened them or read the directions for either. My smoke alarm has to be 30 years old and I feed it batteries and test it – it is loud. I wish I knew how to do my taxes – I will learn one day. I was all set to get everything ready for the tax guy this past Sunday and it was a gorgeous day so I went gallivanting instead – that will be on this week’s agenda unfortunately.

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  2. Congrats on the taxes. We are so NOT done. Still collecting all that has to be collected for our tax ‘guy’ who we’ve used for almost 40, yup, 40 years. He’s competent and conservative and a nice NICE man. Who says he won’t retire until he’s 80. Almost there, THEN what??? :-0

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  3. Our observations about smoke detector batteries is that they purposefully ONLY start beeping between 2:30am and 4:30am… Never when you’re not in the middle of the sweetest dreams. I’m going to call them purposefully malicious 😀

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  4. Yes to the starting the deck! We will all do better when we can sit outside more ( without splinters)
    It was grim, grey and rainy cold all last week – but so far sunny – this week looks good (and it will be hard not to get in the yard and do spring planting/cleaning…but you know winter is’t through with us yet.
    So happy you’re happy with the kitchen. (another reason I need to get outside…and stop seeing could be done indoor projects ) We’ve got a good start on the taxes – for better or worse, with COVID and business down, it’s a lot easier. You are always on top of yours – Congrats on being done with that annoyance that nags until done!
    It is strange and a bit sad to see how many blog roll people are MIA. Mine needs to be redone also, Sigh – where is the time? I’d love you be added to yours!

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  5. Gotta admire gorilla man! I would really love to know his story. I laugh just thinking about him! I miss so many of the people I enjoyed from the blogging community. I do think of them often and hope they are well. I don’t blog often, but I don’t just want to disappear. LOL! It’s funny how we do care about each other!

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    • We do. There is (or was) an older (and by older I mean older, she was 87) blogger who was a fabulous writer. She would disappear and then reappear with tales of a hip surgery or the death of a spouse. Haven’t heard from her in over a year and that worries me.


  6. That’s the second reference to a blog-roll this week. I’m not sure exactly what it means! I do look at bloggers I follow once in a while and actively drop ones who have stopped blogging. Is that it? And yes, I’ve seen many stop in the years I’ve been at it or shift frequency. I think it’s a bit of everything has a season.

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    • A blog roll is something you can put on your home page or as a separate page that lists the links of the people you follow. It helps people find similar people and yes, everything does have a season. I read somewhere many years ago that the average blog list was two years. I’m at 11 so I must be an overachiever (or maybe I just enjoy the people).

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  7. So fun to see life returning a bit. Congrats on getting all the electronics working properly. That’s quite a feat! Interesting observation about bloggers. I still see lots signing up, but that’ probably due to my job. I know I have been blogging less personally, but it’s because I’m trying to spend less time with screens.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: February Blogger Spotlight | BosssyBabe

  9. Congratulations on finishing your taxes. I haven’t started yet.

    There are lots of possibilities with the Gorilla man. He might have decided to teach even though he’s independently wealthy. He might have won the car somehow. Years ago, some of my teachers made tons of money fishing in Alaska in the summer. In those days, there were some eye-popping catches. Possibilities don’t count, though. Like you, I’d love to know his story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • From his complaining about having to go back last August, I don’t think he’s teaching for fun. Normally I’d say the car may be that one thing in his life that he spends money on but he is very well dressed. Even his exercise clothes smell of $$. I see him more regularly in the summer. I mostly see him on weekends during the winter or else we are out of sync time wise during his working semesters. Maybe I’ll get to the story this summer. Although I’m quiet especially pre-coffee, when I want to know something I can work it.

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  10. Looking forward to (perhaps) your interview with Gorilla Man. Nosy peeps want to know more! I do my taxes in March and use CreditKarma. They have sent some emails saying they have made some changes. Hope it doesn’t turn out to be a bummer. CK is a free service! I don’t want to have to pay. Read the comment that mentioned the picture at the beginning of your blog. I see a bird in a tree and sunshine. Oh, and I am looking forward to stories about the deck and Broken-Hearted Man.

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    • TurboTax has a free version too but I never qualify for it. The bird picture is what I put in. The kitchen picture is an old one from before it was finished. WP has a mind of it’s own. This isn’t the first time.


  11. I’m jealous that you’ve finished your taxes. My husband does most of the work before sending it on to someone to complete the final returns but I have to put together our charity deduction list (poor me). I don’t see a blogroll on your page but I’d love to be on it if I’m not already. It’s a great way to meet new friends.

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    • As I see him more I may get time with him. He doesn’t use the order ahead app so he has to wait for his drink to be made. My drink is always ready for me but I can linger (you know, stirring and tasting).


  12. I’m pretty surprised to hear you saw gorilla man again. Between Broken-Hearted and Gorilla Man you won’t run out of blog fodder! Not that you would run out of stuff to blog about. I am excited to hear about the deck and hoping all goes well. Congrats on your taxes! Ours are done too, not that I had anything to do with them. SSNS uses TurboTax too.

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    • I didn’t track my hours this year. As a final check I always compare to last year’s. There was a huge difference and it took me a day to realize that they waived RMDs last year. They should do a straight % of income across the board and keep it simple.


    • The last two times we missed. He was pulling in the parking lot when I was pulling out. The time before he was in a very animated conversation about the morning sun in the old eyeballs on the drive over! We talk heady stuff at that time of the day.


  13. Ahhh the Gorilla Man returnith! Yeah I’m sure that guy has some kind of story – would be interesting I’m sure. Glad the kitchen is DONE and glad the deck is STARTING. Now if Spring would just arrive things would be pretty darn swell!

    Hugs, Pam

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  14. Big time congrats on completing your taxes! I’m always in awe whenever anyone does theirs on their own. I looked at the forms and instructions and wondered when did the IRS print things in Yugoslavian and remain dependant on tax servicing by others. My eye starts twitching at the beginning of the year just thinking about collecting all the documentation.

    Perhaps one day you’ll approach Gorilla Guy at Starbucks and ask if he’d be willing to be interviewed for a blog? Then you could find out. Then again with his demeanor, it might be more fun just to guess all sorts of scenarios…each as outrageous as his appearance. 😈

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    • You never know. He’s very chatty and we’re talking before 8 a.m. and before coffee! Taxes, bleah. New Year’s Day is always the “OMG it’s tax time again!” Fortunately it’s gotten so much easier with the on-line services. They ask simple questions to get you to the finish line.

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  15. Congrats on the taxes, the kitchen, and ending February on a high note.

    I do our taxes. By hand. On paper forms. Ordered from the IRS. The only form they’ve sent me so far is the Payment Voucher. 😀

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