Random 5 for March 14, 2021 – Vaccine, people, Starbucks, weather, Morgan

Source: Clipartpanda

Reason to celebrate – I received my first covid shot this week. It was a relief. With our recent move we have had to go into stores and interact with people. Lots of people. The beloved husband was among the first ones in the area to receive the shots so he has had both. There are many people in the first group who have not been able to get an appointment but I’m hoping that as more vaccines are shipped it’s soon available to all who want it.

Typecasting – Yesterday I went into Starbucks. I walked past a BMW sports car. I can often pick out the owner and I did this time. There was a gregarious guy with a gorilla mask chatting it up with everyone. My cup was a leaker so before you know it we were besties all over coffee down my jeans. I’m sure there are some quiet folks who drive flashy cars but not as many.

Speaking of Starbucks – The store I frequent has plexiglass all over the place. It’s at the register between barista and customer. There is a slot at the bottom where you feed in either your phone, credit card or money. I saw this older guy (older but not older than me) twist his head around the plexiglass to speak to the barista. He also had uncovered his mouth as if she wouldn’t be able to hear unless he did all that. It was really weird. She took a step back and took his order without comment. Of course he asked a thousand questions. What? Coffee is coffee! Just order it! Old guys do not get the frou-frou drinks. They stick to black and mostly decaf because they are old. So what’s to ask?

It came and it went – I know it’s only March and our Marches are dang cold. This past week we had two days of high 60 degree temperatures. We enjoyed them as best as we could. We had stuff to do so we didn’t get to spend too much time outdoors. Nor did we get to investigate the hiking paths. We did get our outdoor furniture on the deck and discussed how much we miss our screened porch. Then it was cold again. We are lucky. No snow predicted in the next week. Some areas are being blasted.

Gracie giving Morgan the “smell over” after a vet trip.

Update on Morgan – For those following the sage of my cat Morgan who broke her leg and was in a splint/bandage for nine weeks, she is doing much better. Initially after the bandage came off she didn’t want to walk on it. She would pull it up to her body and hobble on three legs. She did walk on it when it was bandaged. It’s important to get her using it so it doesn’t atrophy. I gave her leg massages but other than that, I had no idea what to do. The vet didn’t offer any other suggestions. It took a few days but eventually she started consistently walking on all fours. That was a great relief and I’m hoping we can put the “broken leg caper” behind us for good. We still don’t know how it happened.

So how was your week?

78 thoughts on “Random 5 for March 14, 2021 – Vaccine, people, Starbucks, weather, Morgan

  1. So, I’ve been a little delinquent in correspondence – ie blogging, reading blogs, etc. It’s so nice to see you got your first shot! I look forward to catching up on your blog – now that I remember how to sign in to my account. I know I should write again…but I digress. Stay healthy and keep up the wonderful posts!

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  2. Spring will knock on your door before you know it – get all that indoor stuff done now so you can enjoy it.
    We are slowly “redecorating’ the yard – wish on of the plants would either show some life or just go ahead and give it up. The half way stuff is brown and depressing.
    YEA for your scoring your vaccine. We got the one shot, but it has taken weeks and weeks even though we are in first groups (and of course now it’s open to anyone over 50 and teachers and more). On so many wait lists (filled since Dec last year in some cases) and spent so many hours on computer/phone trying to locate an appointment. Finally our pharmacist quietly said she had a list of people to call if a scheduled person didn’t show up – after a few days, she said come quick, there’s 2 left. We are so grateful.
    2021 is looking better – tambourine duet?

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    • Your pharmacist is one in a million. I understand that happens as some who schedule end up getting it sooner someplace else but to get on a standby has eluded me. A young techie relative is the one who scored the appointment for me. Our weather is cold again so there is no sign of plant life. Even my parsley has gone dormant. Sure hope it comes back.


  3. True confession: I don’t go to Starbucks very often so I could never remember their (too cute, as far as I’m concerned) names for “small” “medium” and “large.” It used to trip me up and take me longer to order than it should… until I just starting to use real words, “small” “medium” or “large.” They didn’t seem to mind and I didn’t hold the line up.

    I’m glad Morgan is doing better!

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  4. What a relief to hear about Morgan. I am thrilled she is doing so well now. Fingers crossed the broken leg saga is behind you. hahaha And YAY on your covid vaccine. It is such a feeling of relif to get it. It doesn’t mean that you’re not careful afterward, but you don’t have to be as paranoid (as I was). It feels so much better. Whew.

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    • I was paranoid. With buying/selling a house I come in contact with a lot more people than under normal circumstances. The movers refused to wear a mask so I was sure I was doomed. I am still careful but not as neurotic. Every day Morgan’s walk is better. Today I didn’t see a sign of the limp. All good.

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  5. Good to hear Morgan is doing better, Kate. Recently our Vivian acquired a small wound on her hind quarter that is now scabbed over. The challenge is to keep her from licking or scratching it. We have no idea what happened or how she got it. Sigh.

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  6. Congrats on your shot. Morgan’s looking good. I knew she’d be fine, she’s a trooper. Gracie looks like she’s making sure Morgan is okay, too. We cats stick together. Of course, Gracie may have pushed her off something, to begin with! Ah, siblings.

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  7. I’m so glad to hear that Morgan is moving about on all fours. It definitely sounds like life is returning to more typical patterns, and by the time spring is fully in session you’ll have your second vaccine! Congratulations!

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    • Thanks. We really need a good dose of spring here. We had some nice weather but are back in the 20s this morning. Somehow sunshine and warm weather make everything right with the world.


  8. That is scary what you said about Morgan’s leg up a bit in comments. Never occurred to me that it would do anything but heal up. Glad she is walking on it and continuing to show improvement. Congrats on your first Covid shot, us too… one to go. We had family here from Missouri and it was hard not hugging. They had their shots and were past the two weeks to be protected. We still stayed masked and distanced outside.

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    • I asked the vet what would happen if she didn’t walk on it, then immediately regretted it. When I was working, a co-worker had a dog who needed a leg surgery. After everything was healed they couldn’t get it to walk on it. I remember them trying all sorts of exercises to get her to walk on it. I don’t remember the outcome but it took a long time. They too had to get her walking or there would be more severe consequences.

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    • I’d love some good normal! Moving was harder than I expected. I’ve moved many times but this one was the hardest. Downsizing is harder to start. Bitter cold weather with 26″ snowfall and Morgan’s broken leg made it worse. Once in a while I regret the decision but in reality we had to downsize. We needed something easier.

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  9. Morgan reminds me of us. My sister and I have both our shots, and we were talking about how the first time we do something we haven’t been doing for a year, we hang back a little. Talk about doing things for the first time, yesterday I bought a few indoor plants at a big nursery. I was surprised (and not surprised) about all their precautions–disinfecting our carts after, only ten people at a time in the room for indoor plants, single use with someone standing at the door to count and then usher us in. They must have had to hire a bunch of new people.

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    • Some businesses are like that and some are more casual about it. At the beginning our grocery store had an employee sanitize the handles on the shopping carts and give them to us. Now they how the supplies there and it’s do it yourself.


  10. Glad you’ve had your first shot. We’ve both had ours, but the second isn’t scheduled until mid and end of May.
    Hurrah that Morgan is putting weight on her poorly leg.
    We only have the one door in and out of our property, so we put a magnetic curtain up in the summer. It helps, provided the wind isn’t too strong and magnets ‘catch’!

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  11. I get my second shot Friday. The first one only took about 40 minutes and that included the 15 minutes after shot wait. Hope Friday is the same. Good to hear Morgan is doing better. Most of the stores here have those plexiglass screens at the checkouts. My hearing is not what it used to be so clerks have to shout at me. I say “what” a lot these days.

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  12. Congrats on getting your first shot! Florida lowered the age limit down to 60, so I was able to get registered and scheduled for mine later this week. What a long strange trip it’s been, eh? Our Starbucks has similar plexiglass, and I find myself struggling to be understood because of the mask. But somehow after 2-3 tries it usually comes out okay. I’m suspecting that obnoxious guy at yours was passively-aggressive trying to make a point about it all. – Marty

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  13. That’s a fun game…match people to their cars. That guy in Starbucks…one thing coming out of this pandemic for me, at least: I am much more conscious of the space around me and when someone is “invading” it, according to my perceived “bubble of protection” around me. And I know I am not alone in this! Glad to read that Morgan is doing much better.


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  14. Hope the Deck will help you miss the Screened Porch a bit less. We had a raised ranch in Maryland with a wrap around deck. Many fewer bugs up there than at grass level. So, you may be alright.

    But the cats may not be able to join you UNLESS you make them a mini screened porch using a baby’s playpen, some chicken wire, and . . . 😆

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  15. The story of the guy at Starbucks – who looked to the side of the plexiglass and removed his mask – where has he been for the last year??? It is hard to imagine anyone who doesn’t know what these protections are about. Sigh. And I bet you are really going to miss your pond and screened in porch this summer. Not to work of the pond, but just its existence. But I bet there will be new things at the new place that will eventually fill those empty places.

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    • By now I would have the anxiety of the annual pond cleaning. It’s not a big deal but it needs to be emptied, cleaned and refilled so the fish and tadpoles must be removed. It takes about 3 hours but last year I fell twice as the liner is slippery. I was starting to worry about falling. Getting a service to do that is both pricey and I don’t believe they worry about the pond life as I do. I don’t miss that. I do miss seeing the frogs on the stones. I’m sure they are out by now.

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  16. My week was fantabouless 🙂 got my second shot Wednesday, sore shoulder a couple days & ithchy today but am happy it’s done. Sorry about kitties leg. Morgan will get her ‘goodie’ back soon, cats are reziliant that way 😸 I don’t go to ‘Starbuck’s’ for the price of 2 cup I get 3lbs of Folgers for many cups in my stove-top peculator & Juan Valdez nor Mrs Olsen don’t pop up in my kitchen either 😉 BTW I got a L81 Corvette parked in my drive way 😉

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  17. I feel like screen porches are essential on the East Coast because of bugs.

    Every time I sit on my SoCal patio, I marvel at how amazing it is not to be swarmed by gnats and mosquitos.

    My siblings are already bracing themselves for the cicadas this year!

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