Random 5 for July 19 – Tomatoes, neighbors, haircut, pets, comments

Finally! – I picked a few cherry tomatoes last week but my 4th of July tomatoes came in on the 16th. They rarely ripen by the 4th but that’s OK. I’m getting slower in my old age too. Fresh picked tomatoes that haven’t been refrigerated are the best and well worth the work.

Another one bites the dust – We are losing another neighbor although she has been spending more time in her Florida home than here. She sold her home by herself at a very good price. All good for her. Our neighborhood has changed significantly since we moved here. Most homes have turned over and there is less neighborly-ness. We do the queen’s wave as we see each other and unless they have a dog they walk, I rarely know who they are. Even then, I only know the dog!

Something like this with shorter sides that can grow for a few months before I need another cut.

A haircut, yes! – I’m getting a haircut this week. My first since last fall. I do the occasional trim myself but getting the back styled will be great. I’m hoping I feel safe. I wait in the car until they are ready for me. Then I sneak in the back door, slide in the chair and hope that my stylist recognizes me with my mask on. Haircuts make me nervous in the best of times. This is not the best of times. I rarely come out the way I imagined but maybe that’s because it doesn’t comes with a face lift! 

We lost another one! – This seems to be a year of pet loss. Dougie from Weggie Boys Blog passed away in his sleep. He was a nine-year-old cat with no known issues. Hugs to his servant also named Dougie and his feline BFF Andy.

Calling all bloggers – I had a comment made on one of my blog posts in a language that is foreign to me. I don’t know if it said “this is a Pulitzer winner for sure” or “you have your head up your butt.” I opted not to approve it. Do you get those?

So how was your week?

94 thoughts on “Random 5 for July 19 – Tomatoes, neighbors, haircut, pets, comments

  1. I can almost taste these tomatoes, Kate. The best! The haircut looks cute and this style will grow out nicely. Yes, I do get a few odd, sketchy spam. I just block and delete. I think this comes with the territory. I found I got a lot of spam linked to one photo from over a year ago. A tasteful photo, by the way. I toggled the comments off for that post. 🙂

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  2. I like your comment about a face lift coming with the haircut. Wouldn’t that be nice? I haven’t had a haircut since about February. I keep letting it grow, hoping it will reach a length I like. No luck so far. Maybe I can find some fantastic barrettes or combs or something.

    I haven’t lost any neighbors lately, but it is sad when someone moves. It like they’ve abandoned the rest of us.

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  3. Yes, I get blog comments in non-English languages and I get ones that are in English but appear to have gone through a translating app. The phrasing isn’t right, but the sentiment is clear. That is they usually wanting me to follow them because they can help me be a better blogger. 🙄

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  4. No tomatoes for us this year. The nurseries were out of virtually every kind of vegetable, herb, and bedding plant within a week … and I just wasn’t quick enough. Enjoy your tomatoes! I will live vicariously through your enjoyment 😀

    I want a haircut so badly! It’s probably just as well I’m still isolating at home. With this wild frizzy hair I’d be embarrassed to be seen in public. Definitely share a photo!

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  5. Fresh picked tomatoes are the best, and I am in the getting slower column also. 🙂 The haircut photo looks cute, but I’d like the youthful body that goes with it more. 🙂 Consider yourself lucky your neighbor wave, ours don’t even do that. I’ve had two haircuts with similar rules. Everyone had masks on, they won’t blow dry your hair here, and they really do spray the place down so enjoy. I get those comments, and I hit delete too. The week was fine actually because I was really busy outside and inside which is good for my mind and my body. Hoping this week will be the same. 🙂 Travel safely out in the world.

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    • It’s a bit hot to spend too much time outside this week but it will be a great week to take it easy. Not sure if they will blow dry my hair or not. Some places do and some don’t. I don’t care either way. I am notorious for washing my hair when I come home because I don’t like all the product or the style.

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  6. I used to have friendlier neighbors and I used to have friendlier neighbors with tomatoes! Now have neither – bummer!

    Sorry to hear about Dougie and it seems to me in the last year I have heard of more beloved pets passing than ever before. Not just here in the blogosphere either.

    I ordered a pair of haircutting scissors from Amazon and cut my own hair yesterday. Truly, I could have used regular scissors as I just cut off the bottom layer of my long layers. I think I was scissor happy as it looked like six inches was off by the time I was done but it needed it. My hair grows fast and my last cut was in October. I usually get highlights and a cut in October and go back in mid-April. I have a hat on for six months anyway, so it is fine. It needed cutting and I sure went to town doing it. I will go for a professional cut when I feel comfortable – now is not the time as our stats are rising rapidly. I’m going to let the highlights fade out and the gray fade in – I’m a dishwater blonde (if I say the other description I’ll go to SPAM) 🙂 The gray strands kinda blend in (in my opinion – who knows if others are saying – yes, your eyebrows with the gray hairs in ’em told us you were older than your hair would suggest you are).

    Liked by 1 person

    • My hair is similar — we call it dirty blonde. Now quite brown but not the light blonde shade either. The greys in the eyebrows are troublesome. At this point I’m not letting any gray get through. Mrs. Clairol takes care of that! Aging isn’t for sissies.

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      • Yes, “dirty” blonde – I didn’t want to end up in your SPAM for some reason. I never hear the words “dishwater blonde” anymore, likely an archaic term. So far it does not look bad – I’m using a lemon glossing cream on it, so it makes some natural highlights (reminds me of Lemon-Up and Lemon-Go-Lightly hair products you spritzed on and then sat in the sun, from the early 70s?) No aging is not for sisies at all.

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  7. Dougy’s passing was a shock. I feel so bad for him Dad and brother. I got my haircut a few weeks ago for the first time since early December and it felt good. Much cooler now. Have a nice week.

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  8. Yay for homegrown tomatoes! That was always the best thing about gardening 🙂 Also yay for haircuts – I am looking forward to getting one myself. And sorry about losing your neighbor – that is always a pain, especially when you have one you get along with.

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  9. Those tomatoes look really good. I miss vibrant and active farm markets. I’ve been mostly lucky about non-English comments, or any that go into my SPAM folder. It probably helps that I don’t have all that much traffic. 🙂 – Marty

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  10. Your tomatoes look yummy! And that haircut is very cute . . . I cut my hair this morning. Always feels great without the weight.

    Sorry about the loss of your neighbor and Dougie’s death ~ how horrible to have a “healthy” 9 year cat die overnight, with no warning.

    My SPAM folder is full of messages in other languages. Occasionally I’ve gotten one that’s not caught by the SPAM filter . . . so I do the honors and toss it into SPAM. It could be a bilingual person who follows your blog who didn’t realize they were typing in the “wrong” language, but that’s not likely because if they were a regular visitor the comment would have been posted instead of being held for approval.

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  11. I get comments in several languages. I never aprove them. I had my first post lock down haircut. The hairdresser had to wear visor and gloves. I decided to grow out my fringe in case we get a second lock down.

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  12. Funny, I trimmed my mop this week, first since the lockdown I think, time all mingles into sameness.
    As for your foreign message, I had one and found a translation site in the internet. I just copied what the message said and asked for a translation. Can’t remember what it was now though, sorry as it was last year.

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  13. I made it to my stylist twice before California closed again. Her salon is at the beach so it’s very breezy.

    My neighborhood is turning over, too. Not loving the family with two pickups and three trailers (one with jet skis and the other just big and white) that parks in front of my house and never walks their dog, though.

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    • We have one I call our touch of Appalachia that is about 3 blocks from me. Glad I’m not a neighbor. At least 4 pick up trucks, some parked on the grass. Four regular cars parked on the street in front of the house. Junk everywhere. I’m fairly sure the guy has a construction company of some sort. No dog though. On my walk today there are two others that aren’t junked up but weeded up. I saw one owner cutting the weeds with a hedge trimmer that’s how high they were.

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  14. Yesterday, I thought of you Kate. I was moving some flowers off our patio table and our little resident tree frog, Fred, was underneath one of the pots. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought he was a leaf and I reached to pick it up and he squished! But he never moved he just sat there looking at me. Since it was so hot, I went inside and got a cup of water. I slowly poured water behind him creating little waves of water underneath him. He loved it!

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  15. Cute haircut! I felt very safe at the hairdressers…..she was very strict with the safety precautions, including telling one of the other stylists they couldn’t come near the sink when she was rinsing me off, as the sinks are side by side. They had only been open a few days. Someone came in the door to make an appointments sans mask, and she told them…read the sign. Someone else came in the door too close to the chair and she told them to stand back. I do like a strict business owner.

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    • I do too. I’m a rule follower (at least about stuff like this) and I prefer that everyone around me be one too. The cut won’t look the same on me but I loved the layering so I’ll use it as an example of what I’m looking (hoping) for.

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  16. CUTE haircut! If the stylists are anything like those around here, you should be safe. Everyone wears a mask and they never know if you disapprove of the cut unless you have tattletail eyebrows.

    We heard about the loss of Dougie and this morning I got a note about Mauricio joining him. Way too many pets have crossed the Bridge lately. With each passing, my heart aches more. 💔

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  17. Fresh tomatoes … total yumm!!! And hope the haircut goes well. I felt so much better after I had mine cut, The pony tail I had really wasn’t doing anything for me.

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    • If I hadn’t cut them myself during the lock down, I would have had a pony tail. Maybe a banana comb do. Circa 1980’s. I don’t care anymore. That’s one thing the lock down has done. I care less about looking perfect (or my version of perfect).

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  18. I’ve never gotten a comment quite like yours. I have been spammed several times where 100 different people print the same gibberish linked to one post. Twice I’ve closed the comments on those posts to shut them off. That reminds me. It’s time to check spam again.

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  19. Oh those tomatoes RIGHT off the vine are so different from ones who have “done time” in the refrigerator. Amazing that refrigeration can change the taste as much as it does. Love that hairdo but I would need about five times the hair I have to pull it off. I’ve got baby fine and very THIN hair and I can’t think of one time I’ve found a haircut that I loved that “worked” with this hair of mine. Oh well…..life goes on. I’ve had two cuts since the virus began and convinced myself I was safe both times. We lost a good cat blogging buddy this past week – 16 years old so he had a great long life…..still, it’s never easy saying goodbye no matter what. Here’s to a good week ahead!

    Hugs, Pam

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  20. I am actually hot! The a/c is on…but I guess today I will have to turn it down to at least 76! I love fresh tomatoes. I have been trying to grow some plants from seeds..and well I do have a tiny green stalk with some leaves. I’m thinking maybe this will be my Christmas tomato!?!
    If you are really curious to know what the comment was, copy and paste it into Mr. Google and ask him to translate it. I believe he will.
    Have a wonderful week.

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    • We keep our a/c around 74 to 75. We are in the middle of a heat wave. Our upstairs is always warmer and stuffier to before bedtime I put the a/c down to 73 and that works for us. I know a lot of people keep it much cooler but we spend a lot of time on our screened porch. The adjustment between the porch (which is cooler than the outdoors a it’s shaded with fans) and the house is usually minimal, mostly in humidity. Christmas tomatoes are good too! 🙂


  21. I’m with you. Tomatoes should never be refrigerated. Also the same with foreign language comments – Unless I can get a translation so I know it’s not spam or some other sort of craziness I don’t agree with, it doesn’t get space on ye olde blogge.


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