Random 5 for January 20 – Comedy, snow storm, no storm, ancestors, dogs

Photo found on line with no credit given.

Only at Starbucks – Earlier this week, as I drove into my local Starbucks the entrance are was blocked by two cars parked at weird angles and three guys running around with their arms flailing. At first I thought there may have been a fender bender between coffee craving addicts. On second look, I saw that one car and three guys were flagging the other car which had driven out of the parking lot with his coffee on the roof of his car. I thought that only happened on TV!

One of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes winter cartoons!

All prepared – The weather folks have been ranting all week about a huge storm crossing the country. Some areas have been hit hard. The forecast for our area changed several times as the storm track moved. It was doing a dance as it came east. A little further north, slow down, speed up, do-si-do, swing your partner, sounds like a line dance I don’t do well. Snow has started as I write this but is expected to change to rain at some point. We’ll see how it goes. Bird feeders are full, pantry stocked. Books on hand. Prayer said to the electricity god. We’re good no matter what happens.

The end to that story – It’s Sunday morning and the storm petered out here. We got snow but it changed to rain early. I can see the grass through the snow. Better still, the roads were just wet so I did my Starbucks run. If the cold snap isn’t as harsh as they say, I’ll be happy!

Down the rabbit hole – Over the past couple of months I have received emails from people who may be distant relatives. We go back and forth checking for a match up. I had one very successful one. My cousin’s granddaughter contacted me. She lives in another state. I knew from the pictures that she belonged in the family. She looks a lot like her grandfather. One other contact may be very distant going back to the early 1800’s. The others didn’t pan out at all. I still find the research interesting and this is the perfect time of the year to go back down that rabbit hole and work on my family tree. I know there was a Neanderthal there somewhere. I intend to find him!

Sadly – We lost one of our beloved grandpups this week. In this family they are mourned as any other family member. RIP Penny.

So how was your week?


97 thoughts on “Random 5 for January 20 – Comedy, snow storm, no storm, ancestors, dogs

  1. All kinds of whys on the Starbucks story. I understand how but not why..:)
    Much ado about nothing with the snowstorm but a whole lot of rain today. Seems like overtime the temps get mild, rain comes with it.

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  2. (ran by yesterday, but dog demands at the door interrupted, then I wandered off computer…that wandering off – hope Molly keeps and eye on me HAHA)
    That coffee things must be a universal concern that tops all others. You do get so frantic trying to stop them. (Wish someone had been able to stop husband from driving off with the car’s grocery bar and net on the roof…found it later a couple of blocks away, but it had gotten depressed and crushed.)
    Penny, well loved and lived life cared for well. Hugs and soft paw pat

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  4. We got socked with 6 inches, plus snow drifts. Sounds like it petered out when it got to you. Today the cold snap hit. Woke up to 5 degrees. Ahh, refreshing. 😉 Supposed to get some bad weather tomorrow.

    So sorry about Penny. My warmest wishes to those grieving.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry about Penny, Kate. A very sweet face.
    Your Starbucks cup story and comments about Starbucks this morning make me want to ask CH if he would make a white chocolate mocha run… highly unusual craving for me 🙂 Happy you dodged the snow. A bit chilly here this morning but it should warm up nicely if the blustery Pooh-like wind behaves. Calvin and Hobbs cartoon… LOLOTC (laughing out loud on the couch)

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  6. First of all – so sorry to hear about Penny. They ARE family.
    About your heritage hunting – my father is very enthusiastic about this and was tickled pink last week to be contacted by a distant relative (third cousin once removed, if I have calculated correctly) with EXACTLY the information my Dad has been searching for in vain for months, namely, information about his paternal grandparents’ siblings and their descendants.. So now, we’ve discovered a whole bunch of new family members in and around New York. With so much, and so many, lost in the Holocaust, every new discovery is a whole new world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is exciting. Learning the tricks to research has been enlightening. I started in the late winter last year and I got really neurotic. I would think of a different search method and get up from the dinner table to write it down. Names were spelled differently. There was a lot of maternal death so multiple marriages. I’m lucky I did as well as I did as the area my ancestors came from was relatively rural. The only records were church records.


  7. I’m so very sorry to hear about Penny. Your family has had some rough times lately with losing beloved pets. 😦 I have a very close friend in Massachusetts who texted me similarly about the weather shifting and changing enough to save them from the worst of predictions. Woo-hoo! I’m glad you could still get to your Starbucks. It adds a little balance to the “hurting” circumstances!

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  8. Sorry to hear about Penny, especially so soon after losing Hazel. The coffee story is hilarious – and so many people trying to save that precious cup of java makes it even funnier. Speaking of funny – I really enjoyed Calvin and Hobbes as well.

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  9. Weather is weird. Around here one day it is 70* the next 40*. Overall it has been warmer than usual with too much rain. If we get snow everything shuts down and we’re told to stay off the roads. Of course, the grocery stores are packed and they run out of bread and milk and the like. It’s like folks fear that the Donner party saga is going to be replayed.
    Sorry to hear about Penny. Always hard when family members are no longer with us.

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  10. We had no snow in our forecast. There was absolutely no indication of flurries on the radar. Light snow fell for at least 10 hours, leaving NOTHING on the ground. The world should envy us!!!

    I’m glad your storm did not live up to its name.

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        • For me the beauty of retirement is not worrying about driving to work. For most of my career I worked for an electric utility that never closed. People like their electricity. At one point I had a 40 minute drive and sometimes it was all white knuckle. Now I worry that I can’t make it to my Starbucks which is less than a 5 minute drive on a main road that is always cleared first.


          • You’ve got your worries prioritized. I had a 45-minute drive to work. It was the uncertainty of the weather that bothered me. No matter when I was driving in a storm, it was always the worst possible time.

            May your path to Starbucks always be clear!!!

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            • One time I had to travel about 2 hours with an impending snowstorm. I had to leave at 6 a.m. Nothing locally but when I got through a tunnel to the other side of the mountain on an interstate, It was a white out. White knuckle all the way. Turns out all the locals did not make it. I came from 2 hours away. From that point I always canceled if there was even a chance of bad weather. Fortunately by the time I left in the afternoon, the storm had passed and the roads were cleared.


  11. So sorry to hear about Penny. I also love C & H. Actually, my mother once drove with her coffee mug on the roof. We got to the next block and I asked, “why is it pouring brownish on the window?” Next thing we knew, the coffee mug followed. Luckily it didn’t break. It was a hoot!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is a hoot! I’ve never done that. However, once I put a cup of coffee on my dashboard inside. I slowly backed out and it dumped all over. Guess it wasn’t as flat as I thought it was! 🙂


  12. So sorry to hear Penny has passed away.
    Weather wise, we’re at 6s and 7s over here. It was freezing cold at 7am and 8.30 when I let Maggie out so after breakfast both of us wrapped up really warm and took her out for her third walk just after 10 as normal. We felt like we were walking saunas! It’s gone totally mild again. Mad.

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  13. Penny’s photo is beautiful. I’m sure her personality was, too. Sorry to hear.

    I have myself driven off with coffee on top of the car. And once I helped a neighbor find his favorite travel mug he had left on the top of his car. Sure enough, it was down the road a-ways, off in the ditch. And now your Starbucks driver . . . I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one who has done that!

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  14. Sorry to hear about the loss of a grand-pup. They are a part of the family and their loss is deeply felt 😕

    It is annoying that every bit of normal winter weather is treated like Armageddon by the forecasters.
    It’s WINTER! We are going to get weather. We didn’t get much snow, but it is bone-chilling cold and what little did fall, it is staying.

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    • We had a snowstorm in November that turned into a fiasco. It was supposed to be small but was 7″. It was early so no one was prepared. People were stranded everywhere. Now we are back in the “sky is falling” mode to make sure everyone is prepared.

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  15. Stopped at the grocery store Thursday, ahead of “the” storm. Was met by many seniors with full carts ~ smiled and chatted with most. We got a fair bit of snow, the first in a long while, and everything is white and sparkly this morning.

    Sorry for the loss of Penny, I know how much that hurts.


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  16. The Starbucks story made me laugh. Who said Americans don’t care. Yes we do, sometimes it just comes in a runaway cup.

    I’m watching my neighbors gearing up for this cold front as if seals are about to arrive by train. My corner market has been packed with people getting in trouble for sneaking into the 12 items or less aisle with. lets say, a few extra must-haves. Okay, I’m all for a couple extra cans of soup on hand, but really. CNN should get a good slap for terrorizing the nation.

    Sorry about the doggie. Sometimes it’s sadder when the 4-legged depart since, with the exception of a little fur here and there, they selfishly live for you and you alone.

    RIP Penny

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  17. We haven’t had nearly as much cold as they keep saying we are going to get. I haven’t even brought my plants inside this winter. I keep saying I’m going to research our family trees. I know when I start I won’t want to quit. Have a good week Kate! ~Elle

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