Random 5 for March 26 – Fashion, energy, people, March, logic

Note: This is not a photo of my friends and me! Source: LuLaRoe


Different strokes for different folks – I went with some friends to a “sort of” clothing boutique. A local woman sells a brand from her home. The brand is known for comfortable, stretchy and patterned clothes. Some are wildly patterned. There were four of us. It was amazing to see the different reactions. The organizer has clothing from the line and loved almost everything. Another woman found something that she likes. She was pressed for time and had to leave without buying. Another woman did not have a “vibe” for the styles and I was overwhelmed with all the patterns all together. It was sensory overload.

Speaking of folks – The seller has a full-time job and three kids (age 11 and under — way under, like 9 months). She has the energy of that bunny (you know the one I mean). She had at least a thousand pieces of clothing inventoried and an enthusiasm that would be hard to match. What’s that saying? “If you do what you love you won’t work a day in your life.”

Animal people — Gracie (youngest cat) is doing well after her surgery earlier this week. I was at the veterinarian three times and met or talked to people on each trip. No one gets me like a fellow pet owner. We can talk for hours about the mundane as long as it involves pets. Pee, poop, litter texture, size of kibble – nothing is boring.

March blows – Big time! We are closing out the month as one of the coldest. After above normal averages for January and February, March in coming in pretty far under average. I’m looking forward to April Fool’s Day just to turn the calendar.

Being an adult blows too – We don’t have a lot of “dress up” affairs to attend. Our area is very casual. However, I have a wedding in a few weeks. We don’t have many of those either as everyone is grown. Those who want to wed, probably are. That means only one dress up event this year. So do I buy shoes I don’t need because it would be fun or do I be the practical adult? Time will tell. BTW I’m wearing my funeral dress. It has nothing to do with the wedding but a year or two back I found a great dress that I love. My rational was that I would need it for funerals and damn, my friend’s mother died within a month. Haven’t had an event since.

So how was your week?

69 thoughts on “Random 5 for March 26 – Fashion, energy, people, March, logic

  1. Pingback: Fashion cycles – another (conspiracy) theory | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  2. I used to nag my mom to buy some new dresses and stop wearing the same ones at events – but now I understand HA HA. All that money for something rarely worn. If we have to wear real shoes, there’ll be some grumbling.
    Had to shop last summer for a long dress and thought I could use shoes I had. But it was either buy some comfy platform shoes for height or hem the dress and suffer with the not so comfortable anymore classic pumps I used to live in for work.
    Shoes always update a plain/classic dress. (Nordstrom online had some nice affordable dresses last year – packable and not a wrinkle – I’m sold)
    Hugs to Gracie. Hang in there, kitty!

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    • It’s work coordinating stuff that you rarely wear. It was so much easier when I worked. We dressed up so if I bought something nice, I could wear it for work or work events. Not it just sits there lonely on a hanger. Shoes! Gah! I’ve been ruined by wearing comfy sneaks or slip-ons every day. Anything else is torture. Wonder how my dress would look with some nice Chuck Taylors….

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  3. I could go the rest of my life with never “dressing up” again! I hate it. I’m casual all the way. Of course, I do it when it’s called for. But my husband will hear me complain about it the whole time. (He hates dressing up, too. We’re a good pair.)

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  4. Lol…March and adulthood blows, huh. Well, March is almost over but we’re not going to wish the same on the adulthood thing because then somebody else would be looking for a black dress and we don’t want that.
    I don’t know if it’s your area that’s causal or if the whole country has gone that way. There aren’t many places you have to be dressed to go to these days. Years ago people were dressed to go to a baseball game. Not anymore.

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    • They would dress up to fly! Imagine that! There is a lot of casualness at funerals and churches these days. The only place I know that requires a coat and tie is the local country club. We are not members but when I worked we occasionally had functions there. If you didn’t have a jacket, they would pull out a moldy old one and make you wear it.

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  5. Find a dress you love and wear it to death (and funerals). I splurged on a dress one year and wore it to about 8 events. Since those events were weddings and anniversary celebrations in all different parts of the country, the only one who saw it more than once was Andy. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • I always did that when I worked. If I loved something I wore it every week until it was in shambles. Weddings are rare in my family for a while. Funerals, maybe not so rare but most of my relatives die in January and no one takes off their coat! My husband wouldn’t notice if I wore the same thing over and over.

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  6. Last year I needed a “nice picture” of myself for something, so dug out pictures from last “few” years weddings, graduations & baptisms. (Instead of vacation pictures where I am always in a hat and sunglasses – yes, always.) Ok, 10-12 years worth of celebrations, and in every picture, I was in the same dress! Every one. Ack! Yes, I had the one nice dress syndrome. I went out and bought a new one, actually 2. On sale. More trendy. Don’t expect either to be around for 10 years. I wear basic black pumps with them…comfortable shoes are hard for me to find so I tend towards basic. No-one ever notices my shoes. ( For funerals, I still have a few “work outfits” that I use- formal business attire seems to work OK for a funeral.). But, I agree with others….buy the shoes! Even if you only wear them 2-3 times…if you feel good in them, it’s worth it!

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  7. Years ago an older friend told me that I all I’d ever need for “occasions” was one dress that could go to a wedding, a funeral, & a cocktail party. She was right. Different accessories and wham-o I’m good to go. Buy the shoes, you’ll enjoy the wedding so much more.

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    • Your friend is right. I have two different “dresses” (one is really a top and bottom) but they can be worn for anything depending on how I accessorize. Shoes are an accessory….sort of. Casual shoes and the outfit is casual. Dressy ones and it sparkles!

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  8. I have never heard of LuLaRoe. I don’t think I would ever go to a home clothes party, but with friends, like you did, maybe. I don’t have any dress-up clothes… none. I don’t have any desire to go out and buy any so noBODY I know should get married or die. I think you should buy the shoes but I am a lover of shoes so of course I would say go for it! I am glad Gracie is feeling better! My week… hmmm, I have had better weeks. Hoping this week is BETTER… it’s raining, so that is a start. We need the rain! I hear spring peepers as I type this!

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    • Around here people don’t routinely dress for funerals anymore either. I still do. It has to do with either my mother or the nuns. We still have humongous piles of dirty snow. It was in the 60s yesterday with mild weather this week so I’m hoping it will soon be gone. Saw one frog come out. They were out when the weather was mild in February but went back when it got cold again. Hope your week is better!

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  9. I avoid those sales “parties” like the plague… maybe more. I always feel uncomfortable, like I have to buy something. Funny, I just put a pair of patterned leggings – tags still on them – in my donate pile. When I first saw them I thought they were cute. And, they were… for someone much younger. I sometimes channel my inner teenager at inappropriate times and come home with the most ridiculous things.

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    • I can relate to all of that. I don’t do parties anymore either. My last donation had one top with a tag still on it. I looked at it and liked it but I’ve had it for 4 years and haven’t worn it. That says it all. I tried a pair of leggings on and it didn’t work for me. I have slim pants that I use for boots. Maybe it’s the patterns on the legs. I love to see them (properly done) on others but somehow can’t wear them.

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  10. I have tried to avoid those home boutique shopping experiences because I, too, become a bit overwhelmed and feel pressured to purchase. I think my response is somewhat unreasonable, or at least unwarranted, nevertheless I’m uncomfortable. I’m so glad Gracie is doing better. I hope there won’t be any further veterinary visits at least for a long, long time!

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    • I’m feeling confident that this is the last of Gracie’s issues. Tomorrow she’ll be a week out and she seems to be doing well. Maybe a little constipated from the opiod painkillers but she’s starting to want to play. I have a lot of respect for foster people who care for pets through issues. (She was in a shelter through her eye issues and spaying.) It’s not easy. I get too vested in it all. She feels badly. I feel badly. She can’t sleep. I can’t sleep. In another week all will be good and everyone else is healthy.

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  11. I bought some crazy LuLaRoe leggings for my 21-year-old granddaughter. She looks really cute in them.

    After a winter of too much blue, brown, and black clothing, I’m looking forward to some bright colors. I love prints, but I’m particular about them. Every print has a certain feel. It reminds you of something from the past or a of particular aspect of culture. The print is good for a blouse but not for a dress or good for the office but not for a wedding. It’s good for a child or a very old person but not for me. You can see I’m hard to please. Doubly so the older I get with all the saggy places I need to hide.

    I have my granddaughter’s college graduation coming up, and I have in my head something that would be just right. It’s doubtful I’ll be able to find anything that’s even remotely like what’s in my head, but I’m going to try my best.

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    • This all started because my friend had them on and I admired them. She’s 70 but a young 70. The print was on a black background and she paired it with a long solid top. It was smashing. However, that print was not available nor did I see anything close. A lot of flowers for spring. It was reminiscent of my Mom’s old drapes. They look great on the kids. (Kid is anyone at least 10 years younger than me!) I know what you mean about getting something in your head. Back in the day I would sew it but now I’m just not that interested. I took a quick glance at dress styles out now and wasn’t excited — pleats at the waist that fluff out; sleeveless with the shoulder cut up (I have narrow shoulders and long for the pads!); prints that I wouldn’t wear. The fabrics are stiffer too. I like drapey stuff (to match my face!). Good luck.

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      • “Mom’s old drapes.” Yes, there are so many not-so-stylish things to be reminded of. I like some of the prints reminiscent of the 1930s. I’ve been thinking of drapey too. I hadn’t made the connection with my face. Haha.

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        • I have gotten to an age where when I see styles I say, “Did that” “Bought that” “Hated that.” There isn’t much new. Even the geometric prints remind me of the early 70s. Platform shoes comes and go and usually look the same.

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  12. Around here I’m always cleaning, woodworking, or doing yard and garden work, or some other job that my elders insist isn’t lady-like, so I am usually dressed like a vagrant in worn out T-shirts and jeans. Because I also keep an eye on Mom, I don’t get away from home much. When special occasions roll around, I stare blankly into the closet like a deer in the headlights. Dress-up clothes? Yep, they’re in there somewhere. I know I’ve got them. Wonder if they’re still in style?

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  13. Funny, this clothes-themed post of yours. Tomorrow I have to wear a tie for work (no jacket, or so I was told, but I’m bringing one anyway). I put out my clothes earlier because I have to get up at 5:00am tomorrow, and I know I can’t think at that hour. I knew a woman once who like your friend had inventoried every single piece of her clothes and used an app on her phone to decide what outfit to wear the next day. I thought about her in the nearly three minutes it took me to pick out my ensemble for tomorrow. Different strokes and all that.

    Having said all of this, I think you should buy the shoes too, Kate. 😉 – Marty

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    • When I worked, I always put out my clothes the night before. Decisions at that hour are hard and sometimes there are surprises (like something you planned to wear is in the laundry). Now it doesn’t matter much. Glad I don’t have to get up that early! The shoes have it. All this encouragement has it’s effect.

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  14. OH Kate your wit always makes me laugh, your style of writing. 🙂
    I say buy the shoes! Dress up! My niece’s wedding is coming up and I am looking forward to getting something nice for it.
    Laughing about the Lularoe comments. My sister is big time in to them and friends of mine. I love the feel of the leggings. They truly are buttery soft! But I do agree about some of the patterns. They can make my eyes dizzy to and don’t ask my hubby for his opinion. He likes to make comments about them to me, so no I don’t wear them for a date night out on the town.LOL!
    Glad that Gracie is doing well!

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  15. I, too, could talk pet pee and poo for hours. Drives some of my family members crazy! They seem to think that is not an appropriate subjuct during dinner. Dinner is the only time I get them all int he same place to share the latest pee and poo news. You see the problem?

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  16. I have just been hearing about LuLaRoe and seeing some things on a facebook friend. My girlfriend has been selling clothing from a different line for about 10 years now and in the beginning I was buying a lot to “help” her out but the clothes have gotten VERY expensive and since I work from home (sometimes in my pajamas) I couldn’t justify spending so much money on clothes. I’ve lost some weight now so I may want to pick up a piece or two to “bridge” from my fat clothes to my thin clothes 🙂 It kills me to spend 30 to 45 dollars on a T-shirt though! How were the prices of the LuLaRoe? (Same thing goes with shoes since I work in my slippers!) Glad Gracie is doing better.

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    • The prices weren’t as high as I expected. Our salesperson offered us a 20% discount which made them even better. I think the tops ran around $35, that’s without the discount. The fabric is forgiving and the colors options are wide. I didn’t buy anything but my friend did.

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    • Gracie had a “bad” day on Friday followed by good days both yesterday and today. She refuses to eat soft cat food so a piece of hard kibble may have irritated her gum booboo. She is on pain meds so she naps more than normal but I’m looking forward to having my spunky cat back (without the mouth stink) by the end of this week.

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  17. Wow! The clothes are fun and comfortable. One doesn’t need to have a full wardrobe of them, but a piece or two is uplifting. My vision of fashion and fun doesn’t end with my feet! Glad I don’t have to make a choice!

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    • Since I’m not working anymore, my feet are no longer the huge drain on my money. People are more likely to notice your top or “ensemble” than your shoes. The clothes were fun and wild.


  18. Love that top photo of the 4 of you as you tried on the brand!
    The purple hat is very becoming for you and I would like one just like it!

    You should go shoe shopping . . . but you should only buy a pair of shoes is they pair better with the funeral dress than any other pair in your current inventory.

    In short, enjoy shopping for shoes without the necessity of buying UNLESS the new shoes ROCK!

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      • I’m with you and Ron, there’s a gal at my office hawking this stuff. She looks like she dressed in the dark. Not at all appropriate for a corporate office but her supervisor loves the stuff, too. I’m not a fan and the combination of colors and patterns makes my head spin!! ~ MJ

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        • People either love them or hate them. There is no in between. You can imagine my head spinning seeing 1,000 pieces of clothing all jammed together, each piece a different pattern. Yikes! My friend looks great in them but she mixes one print with solids.


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