Snorts and shorts

Nor’easter Stella flew through our area. She wasn’t as naughty as predicted. After our unseasonable warm weather which pushed out buds on our trees, Stella came through with an arctic blast that killed the buds, scattering them on the ground. I’m sure she giggled as she froze my hydrangea buds too. As fast as she came, she left. However, her coldness is lingering.

Our cat Gracie (who is not an older cat!) was mystified by the snow. “Whoa Nellie!” was what she said. “Who dumped all the white fuzz?” As she went out to the (unheated) screened porch which had a light covering of snow, she was not happy. “Paws, cold, need a warm up” was all I could understand. The rest was probably a smattering of cat curse words. Gotta love her.

Snowstorm equals finished taxes. Mostly. Just a quick verification and they are good to go. Such a relief. Margarita time (somewhere!).

The beloved husband spent three hours clearing the snow yesterday (so I could get to Starbucks this morning). He’s the best (and so was my mocha latte).

I love self-setting clocks (the less I have to do the better). We have quite a few. As I replace a clock I try to find an automatic one. I wish appliances would offer that. Not only do we need to change those for the spring forward, fall back thing but also for every electrical flickering. Yes, I am spoiled.

Hope you are enjoying whatever is happening in your neck of the woods.

44 thoughts on “Snorts and shorts

  1. As I heard about the freeze hitting the east coast I thought of you, Kate. I had been so happy to see your pond “coming back to life,” and I was concerned, wondering how your early spring wildlife and early budding plants could survive such a sudden blast of freezing cold! I’m glad Stella wasn’t all that was predicted, but listening to news reports it sounded like a very big deal to me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a big deal some places. About 2 hours from us they had 23 inches of snow. I haven’t seen any of the animals that came out of hibernation so maybe they went back to their dens. The frogs haven’t been seen either so they must be back in the pond. We lost the blossoms on our flowering pear (ornamental) and are hoping for the best elsewhere.


  2. I’m with you on the clocks. We now only have I think two that need manual changing, but OMG my love of watches can be a pain. A former boss would never change a clock or watch, even if he was traveling to a different time zone. I can’t imagine… – Marty

    Liked by 1 person

    • Watches are a pain. I have four and they all have the teeniest tiniest stems. If I go for a short trip, I won’t change my watch either but for a whole week I would. All that math in my head when it should be full of alcohol!

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  3. We have older vehicles, and they never get the time exactly right, mainly because I’m the only one who will reset them. Every spring and fall I have to dig in the glove compartment and find the book for instructions. Doing something twice a year does not make it a habit I can remember.

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  4. Have you ever notice cats can sort of fold their ears inward when exposed to loud noises? Probably a survival technique as all of them seem to have a full repertoire of cat curses.
    Glad the storm traveled on quickly. Enough with the bouncing back and forth to cold already

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  5. A strange read for me – because today, here in Austria, Spring sprang ( or “sprung”?) I walked my dog in a short sleeved shirt. I am sooooo far away from snow on the screen porch – always a sign of a particularly bad storm.

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  6. If I seem a little different today, it is because I am having an identity crisis. My partner and I split our blogs this morning and I am no longer sure of who I am. Am I Literary Chicks? Am I Gabby Granny, or am I nobody. I guess when I push the post button I’ll know. At least they didn’t change my icon.
    Here we didn’t get anywhere near as much snow as they predicted, but I’m pretty sure it was enough to freeze the blossoms on my peach trees. It looks like there will be no peaches again this year.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I cut down my peach trees last year. I’ve had them 12 years and only got peaches 3 years and not many. Not that they didn’t produce, they did. Between groundhogs (yes they climb), squirrels and deer, not much survived ripening. You split your blog? Wow! Does that make you a split personality?

      Liked by 2 people

      • It kind of feels like it. My best friend and I aren’t exactly computer savvy and we’ve had separate blogs for a couple of years now, but we’ve been sharing the same profile. We felt like a pair of Siamese twins and we couldn’t figure out how to split up without messing up. This morning we got on the phone together and gave it a shot. It looks successful on my end. I hope she’s having the same luck.

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  7. My sister in DC is so upset. Spring is her favorite season and there will be no cherry blossoms this year. Bad Stella.

    My family in NH has a couple feet of snow and no power. Apparently they’ve flown in power repair crews from as far away as Arizona to cope with repairs from downed trees.

    Bad, BAD Stella.

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  8. I love that my computer auto adjusts for daylight savings time, power outages, etc. . . . we have one reliable time keeper to use when we need to re-set the other 17+ clocks in the house!

    I can hear Gracie’s trucker voice in my head, “What the &*%^ is that? And why is it so &*%^ing cold out here? This is for the birds!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds a lot like what she said. Computers were the first auto time keepers for me and I often depended on them for accuracy. I think they work on some secret signal from my microwave. 🙂


  9. I was teary yesterday over what the freezing temps did to our buds and blooms on the Tiny Ten! CH is going to hop on the teeny tractor and check the peach trees… I don’t want to know. It’s okay to live in my bubble. From reading a bit of what Gracie has to say, I am thinking you need to make Gracie’s voice heard… maybe Gracie could share her voice with us occasionally?… It cracked me up!

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  10. The name Stella brings to mind, Marlon Brando, yelling that name. And, every time I hear the word Stella, that is all I can think of! It was a pathetic play and this was a pathetic snow storm. As I have said in the past, snow is just another four letter word. One that is nastier then….- – – -!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It may have been a pathetic storm but the lingering aftereffects are making me nuts. Freaking big snow piles that you can’t see around. Ice patches on the ground in walkways. Spring please!


  11. Late winter snow is never what anyone expects. At least this time it wasn’t a big deal for you. We had a cat who never remembered what snow was. Every fall with the first snow shower she’d run window to window inside the house howling at the snow. It was funny, predictable, and just a little loony.

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    • Stella should have gone to the islands to party. We were starting to see ants but they must have gone back in their hills which are buried under the snow. With our cat Morgan, we have a bug free house except for the ants. I don’t think she likes the taste of ants. At least not without condiments.

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