Random 5 for December 4 – YouTube failures, on-line shopping, new and better, cell phones, pet loss

frustrated-faceSo not tech savvy – I’ve been trying to take videos of my cats. Cats are not like dogs. They do incredibly cute things until you pick up a camera. Then nada. The past week I got one of Morgan. It was 40 seconds of absolutely nothing and 10 seconds of action (Beggars can’t be choosers!) I uploaded to YouTube and worked on editing. Taking the video took a minute. Editing took over an hour (because of my skill level). Somehow I didn’t make it public so when posted it wasn’t accessible. Fortunately the blogging community let me know early so I was able to fix it. Don’t ask me for YouTube advice!

It’s Christmas! – I take advantage of the Black Friday-Cyber Monday deals to order on-line. Many retailers have great offers with free shipping. These aren’t gifts. They are things I normally buy. Friday the UPS guy could have used a cart to deliver my treasures. It was like Christmas (if you count scented plug-ins, socks, slippers, and that sort of thing as treasures).

Speaking of shopping – Two years ago I bought a pair of “knit jeans” from LL Bean. I love them. Just like pajamas. They didn’t look “granny style” (no elastic waist but good stretch) and didn’t bag at the knees. They are the kind of jeans you would wear when you go out for an Italian feast. Last week I ordered a second pair. Yikes! They “tailored” the fit to the point that I need a shoehorn to zip them up (no, I didn’t gain weight). If you are looking for comfortable jeans, why would you want them tailored tight? Why fix it when it’s not broken?

Old school – We had dinner with friends. They are contemporaries. We got into a conversation about cell phones. The beloved husband has an old (really old) flip phone that works for him just fine. I have a plain smart phone (not real smart or maybe that’s the owner). Our friends joked about using their phone all the time. They text each other when they are in the house. I don’t even have mine on me in the house. Maybe our house isn’t big enough or my voice works just fine! I would prefer to implant a GPS thingy in the beloved husband so I can track him but not necessarily to talk to him.

Source: Easy Blog

Source: Easy Blog

Loss – It was another week of pet losses. Earlier this year I found Easy, a Weimaraner dog who blogs here. He was a silly, goofy, fun dog with great stories especially of “the mama” and the family DIY projects. He passed this week unexpectedly. I will miss him. Later in the week a dear friend lost her beloved cat, also unexpectedly. I’ve been hugging my cats so much they hide when they see me. Fur kisses are soothing. Hugs to my friends for their loss.

So how was your week?


52 thoughts on “Random 5 for December 4 – YouTube failures, on-line shopping, new and better, cell phones, pet loss

  1. So sad to hear about pet losses. I’ve been hearing to many recently.
    As for cell phones….we get scolded by our children because we are not at their beck and call 24/7 via text messaging. “Why do you even have a phone if you’re not going to look at it?” Shhh
    don’t say anything but I LOVE aggravating them….hehehe

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  2. Online ordering is addictive. I have an Amazon Echo and I don’t even have to go to a computer. With Prime I just tell Alexa and she places the order for me. It’s crazy.
    I love Bean but they sometimes change things that are perfectly fine and other times when they leave things the same for decades. Can’t figure it but I life visiting their store in Maine.

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    • Oh no, that would not be a good idea for me. You are right about LL Bean. I am fortunate to have a local store so even if I need to order online (free shipping always, yay!) I can return to the store. The store doesn’t carry the selection and size ranges that are available on line.

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  3. Kate, if that’s why you’re not tech savvy then I’m in real trouble. That’s because I’ve never tried to upload anything to YouTube, but now I am curious. So it’s been you all these years that keeps one of our son-in-law in business—he works for UPS. He’ll have to send you a thank you card this Christmas. Oh if only I had a body for tailored clothing. Then my wife wouldn’t have to buy me a membership to a fitness center. My smart phone doesn’t have a smart operator. We just found out that our toy poodle is nearly blind—as if her running into things hadn’t told us that already—but at least she didn’t go blind before she turned sixteen. I’m her eyes now. I wonder if that’s why my wife keeps insisting I pay attention. However, she usually says that when I have the TV remote in my hand. Go figure, right? :O)

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  4. My husband was the first person in our household to get a cell. He never took it with him anywhere and at home it lay next to the landline phone. I wondered what the point of having one was. That was then. Now, of course, we all have them. And when the land line rings, no one answers because it is either someone selling something or taking a survey. I wonder what the point of having one is.

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    • We recently did away with our landline converting it to our cable communication package. We saved a lot of money and use that number to give out to callers. Because we can see who’s calling, we never answer unless we know the caller. My cell is usually on my desk and my husband’s in a drawer although we will take it if we go someplace (and don’t forget it). I hate to put it in my purse because I forget to charge it. Mine requires a charge every 2 to 2-1/2 days. Since I rarely use it I forget it a lot. I am sure the story would have been different 20 years ago. It would have been a huge convenience! I remember hanging around the phone waiting for a call for one reason or another. They are so handy.

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  5. No texting for me ~ my phone is capable of accepting them, but I asked the VZ rep to block all texts. Aah . . . that’s better!

    I have taken a few videos in my life . . . but decided that the return on my investment (of time) wasn’t worth it. Even when I’ve enjoyed home videos of our nieces and nephews, I seldom watch them more than once.

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  6. Losing pets is always hard, even when they are known only via cyberspace!

    As for the camera and dogs, I have a dog who turns his butt to the camera more often than not. I’ve managed to get a few not very good videos of him, but really, nothing worth posting. Oh well. Perhaps he is really a cat!

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  7. I ended up taking pictures of lots of dogs this weekend for a possible post. Only about 50% of them ended up looking at my camera the split second I hit the shutter, which so frustrating! My wife likes to sometimes text me when she’s working in her home office, which I cannot stand. It unnerves me to text someone who is in the same location!

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  8. I’m in the same camp as your husband, Kate. My old, very old, flip phone is all I need. I’m not a texter and I can’t even imagine texting someone who’s in the same house…oh brother. I prefer to use the mouth God gave me…but to each his own.
    Oh the Eagle…bad.

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  9. I wish they would stop messing with jeans, Athleta, meds, TP, old time sweatshirts, and Cheerios… so many more but I will stop here. I have a smarter than me iPhone, I resisted for quite some time and then caved. CH just got one a little over a year ago. I don’t really like texting if it is friends or family I am dealing with, I want to hear their voices and occasionally a phone call is a must. But CH and I do text often… while he is backed up to tee off at the golf course, in stores to find each other, and yeah we do text to each other in the house. Also text when he is out in the back 40 and I wonder what he is doing. My Dad would have so loved an iPhone! Still incredibly sad over Easy and Katty and Mark trying to cope with their grief. Easy was a bigger than life presence in the pet blogging community. Easy’s peeps are too funny with their DIY projects that almost always go awry. I am glad you found Easy, Kate. I am sorry about your friend that lost her cat.

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  10. Not into smart phones, but I have one. Have never texted my husband from within our house, but have texted to tell him to stop to buy something at the grocery on the way home from work. So, you know, that’s my techie experience!

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  11. My husband and I both have smart phones (mine is newer and bigger so that I can actually see the screen), but we definitely don’t use them to their full potential. I just got the brilliant idea to have Siri record my random ideas for blog posts in Notes. Hopefully that will help me remember them.

    Speaking of being techie, how did you add the snow to your page? I’ve seen it on several blogs and – of course – want it too.

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      • The other cat was Sammy from One Spoiled Cat blog. His hoomin is Pam and she writes beautifully and with a lot of humor. Sammy is now blogging as Angel Sammy… 🙂 She has written a couple of children’s books and a mystery called The Mystery of David’s Bridge… Pamela June Kimmell. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and it had a cat in it… 🙂

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        • I saw the visitation they did for him across the blogs. The pet blogging community is so supportive. I will have to find her blog. All books are better with a pet in it. Doesn’t have to be a cat but I’m good with that.

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  12. I have two pockets in my jeans which ALWAYS carry a phone and a toy camera. If the children or grandchildren want to talk, they often text me first. John would slam his phone on the floor if he were that kind of person. Instead, his mantra is, “I want my gadgets to have two buttons — on and off. Is that so impossible?”

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  13. My week? Well it started last Sunday, and finished yesterday… and I am damned if I can remember the bits in between! This world is most certainly spinning faster than it used to! How else can I have 2 kids approaching 50; two grandchildren around 20, and dog that has apparently been living with us for well over 3 years (seems like about 8-9 months!)…!

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  14. Thank you for thinking of me. My tears are still flowing. Not the first critter I’ve lost, nor will he be the last, but it just hurts. I am hugging Harry like you are hugging yours. However, I think that character might just be enjoying the extra attention!

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  15. Good Morning! I hear you about not being tech savvy. Same here! Shopping online can be sooo much easier at times! No dealing with crowds and the cold. You can shop while staying in your pj’s. 🙂
    My dear daughter will text me when we are right beside each other on the couch! 🙂 It is usually though because she doesn’t want the rest of the family to hear what she is saying. I will text my hubby if he is in the basement, just due to the fact that I don’t feel like running down a flight of stairs 🙂
    So sorry for the pet losses this week. So hard to lose a beloved fur friend. ❤ My heart goes out to them.

    Liked by 2 people

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