Love is in the air

Source: Wallpaperz

Source: Wallpaperz

Author’s note: This is an apology. I’m sorry but I’m writing about my cats again. Yes, I know I need a life but I really like the one I have. Sometimes they do something that needs to be put down on paper.

This is a Disneyland of sorts for cats. There is a pond with wildlife, large shady bushes to nap under, four bird feeders and a catnip bush as big as Alaska. In addition I have a cat who is willing to show her lady parts to any passing Tom. It’s no wonder they all stop here from time to time.

For the past week or so there has been a cat hanging around. Not all the time. Just once in a while. It’s not a stray. It is wearing three collars. One collar has a dangly thing. It’s a little barrel so maybe it has some identification. One is a plaid ruffle (really?) and the other looks like a schoolgirl uniform collar. Not even my girly cat would be caught dead in any one of them.

It’s a beautiful cat with a brown seal point coat and beautiful big blue eyes (that aren’t crossed). It’s sleek and long. Maybe Siamese or Himalayan.

I can’t get close enough to see if there is a name on the collar. I hope it belongs to someone in the neighborhood.

Yesterday it (I’m not sure about the sex) saw Morgan through the sliding glass doors. We all know that Morgan is not normal. She is uber friendly for a cat. Instead of prancing and hissing and sending it off she seemed to be saying, “Oh boy a new friend! Come on in!”

First off she put her butt on the glass so the other cat could identify her. (Can you imagine if people did that? Ewww!) She’s not shy about her lady bits.

Then she proceeded to roll on her back with all four paws in the air inviting the other cat in to play.

Fortunately for me, neither one has opposable thumbs so the sliding door remained closed. The other cat mewed and pawed the window.

Yes, it would be so nice to invite her in for a play date but we all know how that could go. Yikes!

After a while the visitor went to sleep on the front porch (seriously, doesn’t she have a home?). All my door windows not only have sneeze sprays and nose prints, they also have Morgan butt prints too.

I hope I can get close enough to see if there is a tag in all that nonsense around her neck. I’m starting to think it may be a lady cat who needs a friend with better fashion sense.

51 thoughts on “Love is in the air

  1. This is so funny! Instinct on parade! I would have had to answer a lot of questions if my granddaughters had been witness. Maybe it would have opened some doors to conversations that will need to be addressed at some point! Kate, get ready next time! This could have been a Youtube sensation! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so cute..I love when you write about your cats. I feel as if I know them all personally. Morgan is obviously a real femme fatale. I don’t know about you but I like that in a girl. Love all the comments.


  3. Kate I love your cat tales. We have a wild cat on the prowl here and he keeps beating my desexed cat up. So I would definitely prefer your girly cat with bling, than a feral that creates havoc with our four moggies and steals all their food.


  4. Funny story, Kate! My sister has two cats and her male, Fred, will snuggle anyone’s head and In their hair in some weird, sexual way; doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a woman. Eww! She’s got nose prints all over her front door, too!


  5. Morgan is a stitch! What a funny cat. And unique. No, none of my four are anything like Morgan! She might need a hormone adjustment. Probably too much testosterone. I hope you find out who the cat belongs to!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Morgan is nothing like any cat I’ve ever had. She is not shy, does not hide from people and excepts people to adore her. (Maybe we gave her too much attention because of her eye.) The other cat isn’t around today. I will keep talking until I can get close enough to check the collar. It’s not hungry either so I don’t think it’s lost, just visiting the neighbors.


  6. That Morgan. She’d be the gushing hostess who always puts on the neighborhood parties if she was human. The welcome wagon girl. Maybe she can hold that new cat’s attention until you check the collars – far too many collars for safety not to mention the cat fashion police would be all meeeowwling.
    (And RC says “of course she writes about the cats. What else is interesting? Certainly not those scratch-your-eyes-out cat fights on TV”)

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    • I’d like to get my hands on those collars. The ruffle looks like it’s elastic but I can’t tell with the other two. None of them are very tight but I don’t like collars on cats. not safe even the breakaways.

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  7. Morgan is a character! Love to know more about your visitor… hope she/he does have a home. If not, are you thinking room for one more… 😀 Butt prints on the window… dying. I don’t think we ever had those, but all our cats were territorial and sent other visitors packing!
    Day two of tile job… shoot me. I am excited, but I get all jittery when my life is befuddled by workers and my house and furniture is all out of order. BUT it will so be worth it… I think. It looks great!

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  8. From your description and the pictures you’ve shared, I really can’t blame the neighborhood cats for wanting to visit your garden. We have kitties passing through our yard now and then. As long as they leave our little yard lizards alone and don’t leave butt prints, I enjoy their company.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s those butt prints that get ya! We don’t have lizards here, just chipmunks, squirrels and frogs. We have more trouble from foxes catching a squirrel breakfast than the neighborhood cats.


  9. Well, I would MUCH rather read about your cats then the awful things the news media feels the need to report! And one of the wonderful things about the internet, or a blog is that if you don’t want to read something one day, there is no one standing over you to force you to do so. Just come back and read the next days entry. How dare that reader drop you because they thought you often wrote too much about your cats! May their reading glasses break into a million pieces!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Readers are looking for different things, have different interest. I never take it personally. Animal people are the most dedicated. Most of my pet posts get high view counts. I follow some bloggers who post exclusively about animals and I’m always amazed at the viewpoints.


  10. Your estate sounds blissful. Do you have room for one more? I think Morgan and I would get along swimmingly! I don’t eat much and am VERY quiet. You’ll hardly notice me observing you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes it could. However, I have non-pet adoring readers. (No, I can’t imagine that either!) I lost one some time ago. They said I wrote too many cat posts so I try to pace myself.


      • Well, I am always up for a cat story. And just as a side note, my husband and I are looking at a vacation this fall in the Poconos. Maybe you aren’t so far away that we couldn’t come grab lunch with you or something. It would be fun to meet in person.


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