Not so Random 5 for April 17, 2022 — Kitchen pictures

I promised you pictures of my new kitchen after everything was complete. It’s finished. Window treatments, new carpet, new furniture, it’s all in. Thanks for listing to my almost constant whining about everything that went wrong or threatened to.

This is taken from my island facing my dining area. The window treatment I struggled with last week is up.

This is taken from the dining area looking at the kitchen area.

Sasha photobombs every shoot!

A slightly different angle.

Sasha: Gus, is she done yet? I’m exhausted. Being a supportive cat is tiring.

80 thoughts on “Not so Random 5 for April 17, 2022 — Kitchen pictures

  1. Pingback: Controlled Chaos – Snakes in the Grass

  2. That is a beautiful kitchen. I have shelves and a cabinet in that same Copenhagen blue. I’ve wondered how it would work in a kitchen and it is striking! Your Roman shades look like they are working perfectly. Congratulations on the new skill!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the blue. I only put it on the island. If I had to do over again, I’d put it on all the lower cabinets and keep the upper ones off-white. The shade turned out ok. It doesn’t go up and down but that doesn’t matter for that window.


    • I loved the kitchen in my last house but I LOVE this one. It’s not bigger but better organized. I used sage green in my last one so it was time for a smoky blue. Maybe you can just perk your kitchen up without a major redo.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love it in every way. I love blue, and this is the perfect shade of blue–not too dark, not too light and a touch of turquoise. Nice shade, and the chairs look comfy without being too heavy. Good job.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Such a beautiful, calm space. You are giving me inspiration for my own upcoming renovation. I meet with a Home Depot kitchen designer on Tuesday. Fingers crossed my own more modest space can eventually come out half as lovely as yours!


    Liked by 1 person

    • I wish you the best. The basic contractor part took 11 weeks. There wasn’t a crew just a single carpenter and the electric/plumbing subs. We lost a week when the carpenter hurt his leg and the holidays (all three of them!) were in there. We had expected it to be done by Christmas but that was not to be. I would expect your job to go much faster and require less margaritas and/or chocolate.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks fabulous! Love the window treatment especially – pulls everything together in a beautiful way. Looks to be the PERFECT set up in the kitchen and all because you had in your mind’s eye exactly what you wanted – and you DID IT. Bravo!

    Hugs, Pam

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Picture perfect – I also like the shelf framing the window – your fabric on the shade adds a real accent spark with pulling in all the colors. (My daughter has the same round lights – great whimsy) Everything makes it look so inviting.
    Happy Easter and enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do too. We converted the “formal” dining room into an office. We can seat 8 people (with a table leaf) if we had to. The light is wonderful and the side window is a north window so the sun doesn’t blaze in but it makes the room light.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Your Roman shade looks perfect! Well, everything looks perfect! I love the shade of blue on the walls, I love the chairs in the dining room. I’m sure it feels amazing to just step into the kitchen and look around, knowing the accomplishment has happened!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh Kate! Your kitchen is stunning! Isn’t it such a wonderful feeling when everything finally all comes together?! It somehow makes all the trials and tribulations along the way worth the journey. LOVE it!!

    What I especially love are the paintings and bottles displayed on top of the window. How lucky you are to have gorgeous high ceilings to do make that look!! So beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Coffee table bunny is still on the table. Sasha sat next to it but that was all. I’m surprised (and pleased) that no one else noticed it or was interested…so far. I love the chair too. I had to wait 9 months for them (they say that’s not unusual with furniture these days).

      Liked by 2 people

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