Random 5 for August 4 – People, smells, mice, vegetation, hair

Hair today, gone tomorrow! – After my reunion picture, I knew I needed a haircut. Called my stylist and dang, she’s on vacation. Soonest I could get in was two weeks. After a lively conversation with myself (it’s always spirited because I’m talking myself into doing something I’m not sure I should do!) I cut it myself. I even changed the styling. It’s not as extreme as it may sound. My Mom cut hair and I’ve been cutting my own hair off and on for decades. I also cut the beloved husband’s hair (he’s not a great tipper but I get a free pizza lunch!). I’m a happy camper. I have wavy hair and the new cut highlights that but it could have gone either way.

An extroverted introvert – Yes there is such a thing. I get energy off of people but in large doses they make me cranky, irritable and homicidal. The past ten days social engagements have piled on top of each other. That’s a lot of being nice. Way over my limit. This past Friday was the first day without a scheduled people event. I was ecstatic. I don’t like to go too long without people interaction but I love my alone time. Next week is all about me, me, me!

Mom, is that you? – I have a great nose. Not the looks but the function. I can smell things other people can’t. It’s like seeing dead people but worse. Some things you don’t want to smell. Each person has their own distinct odor. It’s not a bad thing, just unique. In the US we are obsessed with showers and smell like Calvin Klein. It’s easier in the summer when everyone has a glimmer of sweat on their skin. I noticed lately that my own odor mimics my mother. I remember her smell when she hugged me – baking mixed with spring with a dab of vanilla. Maybe it’s in the gene pool.

Is there or isn’t there – Morgan has been on mouse patrol! That means she’s sitting on the bottom basement step in a state of alertness every evening. I caught a mouse about a month ago but wasn’t able to find its partner. Most mice come in couples. This is their vacation B&B. She’s been down there about a week. I rechecked the favorite mouse spots and the beloved husband looked for mice poop. Nada. She may be pranking us or…

The front planter in 2016

The good and bad – The summer has been hot and wet causing mixed results from growing things. (No, I’m not talking about the mushrooms growing out of my pits!) My front planter is not doing well. The tree is shading it more than ever and even shade loving flowers don’t seem to like the spot. Tomatoes are less fruitful but I’ve had no blossom end rot which you get with lots of rain. Some things look like they are on steroids and some are stunted. Not normal. Always ying and yang.

So how was your week?


67 thoughts on “Random 5 for August 4 – People, smells, mice, vegetation, hair

  1. I’ve clipped mine a little on the bottom but it is long layers so that’s as far as I’ll stray. I don’t have bangs, but did when I was young and my parents had a “go at ’em” whenever I was between haircuts. By the time they were done with the tape and string and my hair dried, I was quite a sight and a face only a mother could love. You did a good job and if you were scissor happy in the least, hair grows faster in the Summer months anyway.

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  2. I’m impressed with anyone able to cut their own hair. I wouldn’t dare. I was a teacher for many ears and I struggled to even keep my bulletin boards from being lopsided. Just can’t seem to cut straight. 🙂

    The sense of smell is so tied to memory! I am a little envious that yours is so strong, for just that reason. I do know that you have to smell unpleasant things as well, but how fascinating that you’re finding the memory of your mother’s scent tied to your own. I’ve never heard anyone say that before, and it’s quite wonderful!

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    • My hair has a wave to it so precision wasn’t key. Also, today’s beachy styles work to my favor. Maybe next time, I’ll have the stylist cut it. She will be surprised because I changed the style. More layers. I’ve been trying to get her to do it but she resisted. I like it. You are right about the smell and memory thing. Sometimes I can feel pain when I smell something because it takes me somewhere. I can’t smell funeral flowers without going back to my Dad’s funeral. I was 10 at the time. Powerful smell-memory connection. I can smell dirt too or at least the components.


    • I hate finding a new stylist. Trial and error. I usually stop someone who looks like they have hair similar to mine and I like their cut. The flower is an angel wing begonia. They get very large and showy.


  3. I can’t imagine how you can cut your own hair, and still be happy with it. I can cut my bangs, but the back is hard to reach … and see. You’re also unusual in your smelling ability. I don’t think I could identify anyone by their smell. Maybe I’ve never tried to develop that sense.

    But I’m right with you on the extrovert-introvert. I’m the same way.

    Our summers are always dry. If my planters don’t do well, it’s because I skipped the watering too often.

    I had a great weekend–dimsum with the family on Saturday and a delightful gathering of writers in a friend’s beautiful big yard on Sunday.

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    • I don’t like to cut my own hair because the back is hard. I invested in a 3-way mirror which made it easier but it’s still a contortionist position. If my stylist had an opening, I would have gone there. I started wearing glasses at puberty so my eyes aren’t great. I think you develop other senses when one is weak. My hearing used to be better than most but that’s all changed now. I saw you partying this weekend on Facebook! Party on!

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  4. Morgan’s up to something..no doubt all will be revealed in a post eventually. (She doesn’t do that “HA! Made you look thing, does she?” Cats have their own agenda ( as I say after just cleaning up RC’s stomach upset….how many times must I say, “I know there dog food salmon bits smell good, but they are not cat worthy”?)
    I have someone who gives a good basic cut for straight hair, but then I have to come home and brush out all the gelled trendy touches that were added…after a day or two it’s fine. I’ll be polite as the basic cut is good and lasts fairly long.
    I’m impressed you cut yours. I did my bangs once…before school pictures…and my mother was livid (but bought the school pix package anyway..what choice did she have?). Hair grows back. No biggie…to me anyway
    Too many people exhaust me. Mostly introvert here. My husband’s the extrovert in groups and parties. I can do trainings, presentations, sales calls with no problem, but that’s all different than social small talk. I’m really good at smiling and listening – that gets me through most parties, but rather be doing something in a group than party chatting.

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    • I too did trainings, presentations and a lot of public speaking without issue. Afterward I’d need a nap! After a week of making us crazy (doesn’t take much for that), Morgan has given up the mouse patrol. She either ate it all (unlikely), it’s dead under something and didn’t start to smell yet or there isn’t any. I’m going with the last one because I’m the Queen of Denial!

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  5. I tried cutting my own hair (once), and my wife called me, Little Lord Fauntleroy. And to think, I always felt Fauntleroy had a lot of hair—left. Anyway, that cured me of attempting that one again. Kate, I think what I’m trying to say is you did a better job on your hair than I did on mine. 😀

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  6. Love the hair (and your spirited conversation with yourself). If you lived nearby, I’d employ you.

    Well, you settled it for me. I’m an extroverted introvert. I once took one of those introvert/extrovert tests, and on the scale, I landed right in the middle. Didn’t surprise me, as I’m a stickler for balance (the Libra in me). This summer I’ve had a lot of people-contact, and like you, I’m pretty sure I need a break. Crankiness is beginning to set in.

    It’s been awfully dry here. Very little rain. I’ve had to water my flower bed and our garden daily. They’re both growing abundantly though, especially the tomatoes. We have a few tomato plants this year that we didn’t even plant!

    Enjoy your week.

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  7. I think you are very brave to cut your own hair! I wouldn’t dare!

    As far as noses and smells are concerned – “baking mixed with spring with a dab of vanilla” sounds wonderful! And, of course, the memory of one’s mother…there ought to be a perfume like that.

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  8. Bravo for you cutting your own hair – I admit to having “worked” on my bangs through the years that my Mom gave me home haircuts as a little girl. She never once cut them straight – always on a slant. I’d sneak the sewing scissors and trim them – sometimes they wound up about a half inch long because even I couldn’t get them straight! Anyway, also wanted to say I “get” being an extroverted-introvert. Have always been one myself. Wouldn’t change that either – I appreciate being “comfortable” more and more as I age in fact. HAPPY MONDAY!

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Once in a while I cut my hair too short but the great thing is that it grows! When I was young I hated the fact that I was an introvert. It was the outgoing pretty girls that seemed to get all the action. Today I don’t give a hoot. I wouldn’t know what to do with action if it knocked on my door.

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  9. Your hair looks great. Was this a selfie???

    I’ve hacked at my hair a number of times. No one ever commented on the results, but I did get compliments after going to Great Clips. Note: I have extremely well-mannered neighbors and relatives.

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  10. I am so impressed that you were able to cut your hair… and like the result! Mine is straight so the most I can do myself is trim my bangs. Cut and color are on the books for tomorrow so I’m very excited. I’m an extroverted introvert also… I like to socialize… to a point. Too many people in large doses and I must recharge my batteries.

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    • Straight hair is less forgiving. I was going for a loose and layered look so with some wave it all worked. When I was a teenager I went from really long hair to a short cut and I did it myself (I was more flexible those days). I got a lot of compliments on it. Today it’s harder to cut the back although I have a 3-way mirror and that helps a lot.

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  11. The struggle in our marriage, at least for me, is that we are both introverts. I think it would be better if we canceled each other out instead. I always enjoy seeing others when it happens, but I rarely seek it out. My wife tends to fret about meeting new people ahead of time (and then always ends up enjoying the experience). Left to our own devices, we can go weeks without getting together with anyone. – Marty

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  12. Your wavy cut looks very nice… like the ends, too. We peopled too much last week and I am recharging today on the couch. I fall in the extroverted introverted group with a bigger emphasis on introvert. Morgan KNOWS… I have faith in her mice intuition and her sniffer!

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  13. I cut my own hair for many many years… I think it helps having wavy/curly hair as the uneven, misshapen parts don’t show up so much. My hair has a mind of its own and even a really professional, expensive cut goes kablooey after a few days. Now I go to Supercuts and see the same lady each time. She does a decent job and I cut off the ends in between seeing her. Since I stopped coloring my hair it has so much more life and body that the curl is showing up more and I like the gray streaks.

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    • I agree that some level of bendy hair fairs better than poker straight. There was a woman I went to at a local place like that and she was good. Then she left. No one knew how to cut bendy hair. Clairol and I will be together until the grave. Gray dos not look good in my hair.

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    • I have failures. I’ve had some massive failures when I tried a new style that didn’t work with my hair! Cutting the back is always the hardest. I couldn’t do a stacked style in the back and I’m sure one side is longer than the other. One side flips in and the other flips out so it all works.


  14. Congrats on getting the haircut right. It takes a brave soul to do that well on their self. I’m at that ‘can’t wait till I go in for my cut’ in 10 days stage. It’s always funny to me how it’ll look great for weeks and then one morning you wake up and you wonder who is THAT person in the mirror? It coincides with not being able to do a single cotton pickin thing with your mop, er…hair. Have a super week with yourself.😊

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  15. I’m with you on the extroverted introvert thing. I remember telling someone (also an introvert) years ago that I was actually a shy person. She looked at me and exclaimed: “If you are shy, then I must be dead!” OK, I get it. No one upon first meeting me would ever see me as introverted and shy. But people (even people I like) drain me of energy eventually, and I need alone time to process and recover, or else! And that is classic introvert.

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  16. Our planters are not doing well either. Too hot, too humid. I’ve removed all the lost plants and resorted to sticking orange marigolds in all of them. This is boring, but at least the pots aren’t empty like the ones of our neighbors who’ve just given up.

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    • I planted the same angel wing begonias that are in the picture above but they are all leggy. I was thinking of going to the garden center to see if I could beef it up with something else but it’s the end of the summer. We’ll see.

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    • People laugh when I tell them I’m introverted because all they see is the outgoing part. They don’t see the struggle when I get over-peopled. Since retirement, without the requirement of going to work every day, I’ve reverted to more peace and quiet (and less people) and I like it. I never get lonely or bored by myself. When I need people interaction, I go out.

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  17. I’ve only ever trimmed my hair until after my last cut. After it I trimmed/cut some like every other day. The top was longer than what was underneath it and it was driving me crazy. I’ve cut hubbies hair since the late 80’s. I don’t know what I’m doing but he doesn’t seem to care. I watched a YouTube video on adding layers and framing my face, pulled my hair up into said ponytail and lopped some off. Not quite gutsy enough to get the layers I wanted.With my hair you can’t see siccors marks but then the u shaped backed look stringy. My new(ish) hairdresser didn’t fuss, she just worked with what was left. Said she’d see much worse. I like yours in the pic.

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    • The ponytail lop off is an old easy way of getting layers but it’s not precise. If I want precise I go to my stylist but I often “adjust” the cut afterwards. I try to be very nice but I must be a stylist’s nightmare because I know what I want them to do. I am convinced I had a hairdresser that was so irritated she purposely gave me a cut I didn’t want. The one I go to now rolls with the punches. I only go every 3 or 4 months so there is usually a snip in between. Cutting the back is the hardest but I had a 3-way mirror that makes it easier. Without that I couldn’t do it.

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