Some oddball notes

turkeyThis week has not had an auspicious start. I forgot to take out the turkey to defrost. Since it’s a small breast, it should be defrosted by Thursday. If not, there is plan B. There is a whole alphabet of alternate plans. If we get to plan P it’s pizza! Does pizza go with sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce?

Technically the breast failure is Hazel’s fault. She was sick. When one of my cats is sick, I am nuts. My brain ceases functioning, my pocketbook opens up wide (and I wondered what I would do with all that money I saved from the eyeglasses!) and my anxiety goes into overdrive. We are (hopefully, still early) on the path to happiness.

I finally implemented another step to my exercise routine. I alternate walking with the gym. When the temperatures drop to 30 degrees, I don’t enjoy the walking part so today I went to our local mall. That was always my plan B for inclement weather. It opens at 7:30 a.m. for walkers. As always, there were things to learn. I took the first lap in the wrong direction. After syncing up I realized I was overdressed. I wasn’t sure if it would be cold so early in the morning but it’s not. I got the routine down pat now. No towels, no hoodies, a lot less rituals than the gym. However, I have to walk past store fronts. There is this pair of pink sneakers…

Note for bloggers: I have a theory on my photo problems and WordPress. I use the old editor to upload my posts. I never got used to the new version. Somehow with the last update by someone (and I’m not sure if it’s Microsoft or WordPress-Internet Explorer), some of the beloved features are not working on the old editor. Still don’t like the new editor as I thought the old one was easier but I’m adjusting. At least the pictures go where I place them.

Enjoy your week and be sure you’re on track for plan A whatever it is.

61 thoughts on “Some oddball notes

  1. I was wondering what was up with my photos. I would put them in one place, and they would end up somewhere else. I eventually found that I could get them right if I put them in all at once and backwards. I’ll have to check on the new editor.

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  2. Yeah, I know I’m late to this party and that Thanksgiving turkey breast is long gone, but I read with interest your comment about WP editor. I’m having the opposite problem. I’ve been using (and liking) the ‘new’ editor for a long time and then suddenly I couldn’t *save* anymore. Actually I couldn’t publish either because it was hung up trying to save.
    It eventually occurred to me (after a mild anxiety attack and profuse swearing) to use the old editor and thankfully it’s still working for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Some of the issues went away by themselves but now I can’t switch from old editor to new editor while in the post. My best guess is that they updated something without enough testing or something went wonky (that’s the technical term). It’s a free site so I try to roll with it but once in a while I have to whine.


  3. You’re very good with making a Plan B! I observe in so many of my friends a lack of resiliency! It’s “all or nothing,” and if something doesn’t go according to Plan A…it’s over! I hope Hazel is continuing to do better!

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  4. I like the Plan P. 🙂

    I noticed the problems with pictures with the “new” editor almost as soon as they introduced it. It doesn’t allow for pictures to be clicked on and viewed after posting. So my routine for at least the last year has been to compose and finish on the “old” editor, and then do final edits and corrections (those I notice anyway) on the “new” one before posting. It’s kind of a hassle but the “new” editor is quicker to make corrections, and at least the photos are imbedded into the post correctly. – Marty

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  5. Best wishes to Hazel. It’s no fun having someone sick on a holiday.

    We’ve been having LOTS of rain lately. I’ve been getting most of my walks in, though, some in my raincoat. Today the weather is crazy, 62 degrees. My mall is a little too far away for mall walks alone. Sometimes I combine mall walking with a shopping trip. I know what you mean about walking past the stores. It’s tempting sometimes to stop and take a look.

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  6. I’ve never walked at the mall, but I occasionally see some hardcore exercise enthusiasts there who are going the distance. I bet that you’ll be one of them before long. I like your theory about why your photos are not behaving. I still use the old WP editor, too. My time is a’coming.

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  7. Glad Hazel is on the mend. I do mall walking as well sometimes, but the mall is open so…We cook a turkey with the fixings because it is one of only two times a year that the whole family sits at the same table to eat dinner, even when everyone lived at home! Unfortunately, we will be eating early this year as I have to work from 5 pm to 9 pm. I am seriously rethinking this job thing. Have a splendid Thanksgiving, Kate!

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  8. Oh my… I hope Hazel is feeling better soon (and your wallet doesn’t get too thin). I love to walk but I’m not sure how I would like walking the malls: A) No hills, and B) Too much temptation (btw, go buy yourself the sneakers).

    I use the old WP editor too but I haven’t had any problems… so far anyway.

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  9. Hi Kate. I think I use the old editor too. How stupid of me that I’m not even sure. Ha.

    Boy, can I ever relate to having the brain get discombobulated when a pet is sick. Max was sick/injured on Friday, and I freaked out. If only they could tell us where it hurt. He had a host of symptoms that I could only trace back to after he had been running at the park with a stick in his mouth. We think he injured the back of his throat. He couldn’t swallow. Thankfully, he’s all healed up now and back to normal. I hope Hazel is doing better now, too.

    Hope you don’t have to get to plan P. LOL. Although, I have a friend whose Thanksgiving tradition IS pizza. 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving.

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  10. The walking sounds like a good plan to alternate with the gym. So sorry Hazel was sick. Glad she’s better, but will be waiting to hear all about what happened. So scary when they don’t feel well and can’t tell us what is wrong!

    Your turkey should be good for Thursday. All will go better now that all the cats are okay. 😉

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    • Heavens I can remember the last time I cooked a whole one either. I’m not a fan of turkey so I don’t live loads of leftovers. The breast will work since it’s only 5 people. I’m with MOH (assuming a joint is beef or ham).


      • Usually beef, and last year’s was delicious. We like turkey, but it’s not practical, so I’m quite content to buy turkey slices or have chicken breasts. We shall be celebrating on our own here and looking forward to it.
        Gone are the days when I cooked a turkey (14lbs as it was part of the Christmas bonus when I worked for the vending machine company), joints of beef and gammon, with pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, sprouts, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, stuffing, yorkshire puddings and food group gravy. You’d think with all that the guy would be happy don’t you (ex partner’s mother, step father, aunt, step uncle, ex wife and fiance, plus foster kids and the four of us always seemed to gather at ours for Christmas dinner which is why I did so much). I forgot the cranberry sauce, and he took me to task about it in front of everyone. We live and learn! (and left!)

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  11. maybe it was good that you forgot the turkey… we once defrosted a goose on the balcony (an eggspert said that is the best to defrost them slowly) it was a feast for all berds and we had pizza & sausages… it goes well with cranberry sauce, except it is tuna pizza, that’s a little odd… but edible…

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