Random 5 for June 11 – old drinks, doctors, health insurance, road rage, clothing

A cat after my own heart!

So good! –On Friday I didn’t finish my Starbucks mocha. I had an appointment and errands. I got home close to noon looking forward to finishing it off. I drank some and was off doing something else. I found it in the evening with a third left. It was 12 hours old. I microwaved it. It was still wonderful and a pleasant surprise for the end of the day! Chocolate does not go bad.

Barnacle blasting – This week I had my annual trip to the dermatologist to get the new crop of barnacles taken off. The doc calls them seborrheic keratosis. I call them barnacles. This year I had a new doctor. She looked like she was 12 but that was partly because she was small. There aren’t many young adults who are smaller than me. She was young enough to be my granddaughter but she kept calling me sweetie. Can’t say I’ve ever been called that by a doctor. It was very weird.

Speaking of which – Health insurance no longer covers removal of non-cancerous growths even if they are annoying and located at bad spots. It cost $250. That was with a discount because I had “the look” on my face when she told me the regular price. (Even the tech thought it was outrageous!) It took 3 minutes with a canister of liquid nitrogen. Yikes!

Dueling tans – Yesterday I got to see road rage up front and personal. (While it was entertaining, it wasn’t pretty!) We were stopped at a light in the left turn lane. In the lane to our right a woman  in a car was yelling. I looked over hoping it wasn’t at us. (The beloved husband was driving. I was distracted so I wasn’t doing my usual annoying front seat driving.) She was yelling at the car in front of her. Both women looked like 30 something soccer moms. The one getting yelled at had kids in her car. Both were blonde with very nice tans and upswept hair. The light changed, we turned and the dueling tans continue straight with a lot of yelling out the window about where they each got their licenses. It’s not worth it. You never know whose packing heat these days. It could be a tanned blonde!

Less clothes – One of the things I love about summer is wearing less layers. No bulky sweaters. No thick socks. No coats or hats or gloves. It’s so light and simple. Just enough fabric to cover the flabby parts.

So how was your week?


49 thoughts on “Random 5 for June 11 – old drinks, doctors, health insurance, road rage, clothing

  1. Oddly “barnacles” is also what the medical text books call them….ancient term that hung around. I have a couple in my scalp. UGH. Sometimes they absorb and leave – wish these would. Pretty sure genetics plays quite a role – they say about 40% under 40 yrs have atleast one and 70% of people over 70yrs have some somewhere. Great…all those 30-somethings who swear by botox already have some rude surprises waiting…. (but by then, it will be a mandated insurance pay or courtesy add on during visits )
    Yes, capri season!

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    • I also have a few. As soon as I get them removed more crop up. Most are on my back which gets itchy. I had one on my leg this round. My sympathy to the 30somethings. Seriously, if I could have my 30-year-old skin back, I’d be happy.

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  2. You are my go-to girl for stories about what is wrong with health care in the States. Unbelievable. I get letters in the mail from various government agencies encouraging me to go get checked out (for free!!) for this or that condition. Including for things like moles (“barnacles”) . Your situation seems to be the exact opposite.
    As for Road Rage – another conundrum. I suspect the rage was there before the person got on the road. My experiences in traffic in the US are the opposite. Everyone is so calm and slow and respectful. But maybe that is just in Wisconsin.

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  3. 250.00 for three minutes is crazy. Though I went to an ears nose and throat person for a sinus infection and he sprayed something in my nose to look back into the sinuses. The whole thing took less than thirty seconds. They billed insurance 750.00.
    And we wonder why.

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  4. I am ready for fall! Humidity is here and I am cooked… crossing Florida off the list of places to live full time! The dueling tans… ridiculous, especially with kids in the car. CH had a tendency to be an annoying mild kind of road rage driver… I don’t let him do anything anymore for fear of something escalating!
    Good Morning!

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    • Thursday had a high of 69, Friday was 80 and yesterday was in the low 90s. Seriously? I miss my nice spring with a lot of 70 weather! My husband is a cautious driver. He’s usually the one people are honking at. It’s not that he does stupid things, he just drives at the speed limit. Who does that? As for Florida, maybe if you live in it after a while your body adjusts. As our friend Nancy says, summer is their winter when they tend to stay more inside.


  5. i’ve been closer than I’d like to a few instances of road rage and it always upsets me. If children are present I’m doubly distressed! I can’t imagine what pushes a person’s buttons enough to risk safety in this way. And I’m not sure how I’d react to be called “sweetie” by my doctor, but I do agree with how young most of them are, at least in my experience! Chocolate always helps with whatever is bothering me. 🙂

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    • This road rage was so over the top without violence that I should have looked for a TV camera. Something like that could affect my day. Not fond of the “sweetie” thing, even by waitresses. Chocolate is the elixir of life. As I’m getting older a chocolate drink is often better than alcohol.


  6. I have my first appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. Hubby used to work in a chocolate factory. No, it does not go bad 🙂 Road rage is crazy scary. Have a great week, Kate!

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    • Good luck on your appointment. They almost always remove stuff for my appointments but I’m used to it now. It’s good to go because there is a lot more skin cancer than there was when I was a kid. Chocolate, yes.

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  7. I used to like fewer clothes but these days I like to be covered up. I don’t like seeing my swinging flab and I really don’t want anyone else to see it. Even when it’s hot hot hot I wear long pants and at least 3/4 sleeves.

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    • I don’t (or rarely) wear shorts anymore. I love capris. They are cool and hide the crinkly skin. My sis-in-law at age 87 wears some sort of hose in addition to longer pants and sleeves. She had melanoma on her back and she is extremely careful.

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  8. I’ve been scared of road rage after two incidents. Neither happened to me. One happened to my neighbor when a guy pulled a gun on him. The other one happened to my husband when I guy on drugs try to run him off the road and then ran his car into the front of a senior citizens complex narrowly missing people in their wheelchairs out in front.

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    • OMG! Those are bad. When I was young, there was a car in the middle of the road. I drove around it. As I pulled up to a street light, the guy in the car walked up to me and asked what I was doing. He was extremely drunk and thought he was stopped for the light but he was back by at least 10 car lengths. I profusely apologized. Just then the light changed and I took off. There was a police station a block away. I drove there and sat for a while until I was sure he was no where around. He was too drunk to do anything but I didn’t want him to follow me home. This was back before people shot other people so cavalierly.

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  9. Well.Kate we should meet, you would then be able to say that you met an adult smaller than you. 🙂
    Road rage is scary! Glad it wasn’t worse but hate how the kids had to listen to it all! Some parents just don’t think!
    Love the Starbucks kitty picture. 🙂

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  10. Everything cost’s money, I can’t get over it. Oddly, I’m going for my annual body scan tomorrow holding my breath. We fair ones are targets for tumors you can’t see. Moles….have a zillion my mother called beauty marks…how’s that for a vain case of denial.

    Having a Starbucks issue. I hate their Italian blend which is their present feature…I also hate Veranda, Blonde and Pike…having a latte is like ingesting rocket fuel even if it’s decaf.

    An Italian who hates Italian coffee. Go figure.

    Yes, it’s no socks, no sleeves, no anything weather…I’m happy though schfitzing in my little vintage dress…it’s really old, but vintage sounds chicer…like beauty marks…:)

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  11. I’m still wearing a jacket over my (hopeful) summer pants and (even more hopeful) lightweight t-shirt. What can I say? Island weather takes its sweet time warming up!!

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  12. YES!!! ~>>> Less clothes – One of the things I love about summer is wearing less layers. No bulky sweaters. No thick socks. No coats or hats or gloves. It’s so light and simple. Just enough fabric to cover the flabby parts.

    And, hence, my decision to move to Florida!

    Glad the road rage didn’t escalate to encapsulate you in their heated debate!

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  13. When I first saw the cute kitten picture, I thought, what Kate’s sharing her Starbucks, what’s up 🙂 Yes, road rage now-a-days could get scary fast. I don’t even honk a horn anymore.

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  14. I’m pretty sure a doctor would call me “sweetie” only once. I can’t believe she hadn’t been called on that before. And, $250 to freeze off barnacles (my dermatologist calls them that too – they must learn that technical term in med school)? Yikes! Fortunately, our insurance still covers that since my husband and I usually have one or two each time we visit our doctor.

    I’m all for fewer layers too… as long as they cover those areas that have become less than… um… firm.

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    • My old primary care froze them off as a part of an office visit, no extra charge. My new pc does not do them at all. Specialists for everything. I had one that was troublesome otherwise I would have thought about it first.


    • Wow! We’ve had minor incidents here but nothing that big. Mostly it’s guys beating up on each other. Women usually scream at their windshield and send evil eyes (or fingers). I didn’t see “the incident” but it couldn’t have been too big. There were no screeching tire sounds. And there were young kids in the one car.


  15. bet both blonders had the same last name: tanner :O9 I’m with you, I enjoy it to wear just a t-shirt&shorts… even when I look not like mrs. tanner but like mrs. smurf soon… we have a kind of a june-vember :o)

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  16. People seem to turn into lunatics when they get behind of the wheel of a car. I’m curious, was that mocha from Starbucks decaf? I’d be bouncing off the walls if I took a few sips later in the evening and went to bed. I’m enjoying less layers too, Kate!

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