The breakup

kapow1It was coming for a while.

He was getting too needy. Didn’t accept what I was saying. Always trying to change me but finally I stuck to my guns.

I ended my three-year relationship with Sirius radio.

It started out free for three months with a new car. Then they offered an extension at an incredible price. I couldn’t refuse.


Then the trouble started. They had my credit card number so they did an auto charge at the end of the incredible deal that even stunned my bank account.

Bank account to Kate: Seriously? You are going to tolerate a charge that is four times higher than the last one? Put on your big girl panties and fight!

So I did.

It took a half hour and three different people (all from a planet far, far away). I had to threaten to cancel (which required a transfer to another person I call the high pressure sales person who probably didn’t know how to cancel an account anyway).

At the end of the maneuvers, I had a discounted price. It was different from the one the beloved husband got by a few (very few) dollars. What’s that all about? Dammit! You need one price for all. I don’t buy these “special” promotions. Our subscriptions expired a month apart.

With another maneuver looming as my subscription was about to expire I decided I had it!

I called to cancel. Really. No maneuvers. No transfers to a bunch of different high pressure sales people.

In order for this to go easily I had to lie. It was easier to say I was getting rid of the car than to listen to deal after deal after threatening cancellation.

No car, no service. That was easy to understand and it was cancelled in less than 15 minutes.

Most people lie to avoid hurt feelings. I had to lie to stop the not so sweet persuasion.

Early the next morning on my Starbucks run, I had a local station on. It was all commercials for the entire trip. I had a small spot of nostalgia for Sirius but it was very small. It isn’t worth the hassle every six months. (For a reason I don’t understand, the six-month deal was better than the one-year deal.)

Sirius customer service needs a serious work over. Let’s start with reasonable standard prices so you don’t feel cheated or need to cajole, threaten or lie. On-line cancellations when you need to do that and one person who can service you when you call.





44 thoughts on “The breakup

  1. Sirius isn’t the only automatic-charge company; I’ve encountered more than I care to admit. That kind of convenience comes with a high mental price. Dealing with those so-called ‘offers’ and the high pressure arm twisting makes me want to set my hair on fire. Kudos for your efforts even if a tad of a white lie. If they didn’t make it so darn unpleasant consumers wouldn’t have to resort to stuff like that. Personally I think you deserve a gold star. Especially since now you are gonna have to endure endless minutes of commercials. Hang in there and keep smiling-ya done good! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • You can’t cancel on line. You have to call. Then it’s one high pressured sales person after another because they keep passing you onto someone who can “take care of that.” Along the way they keep dropping the price with various specials. I hate that. I prefer a business that has a set price. You pay it or not but you don’t do all the shenanigans. I hate the commercials but I can again get local news, weather and traffic reports so it’s tradeoffs. If I did a lot of road trips, it may be worthwhile.


  2. I’m so thankful we resisted prolonging our trial of Sirius with a new car several years ago. They have spent a fortune mailing things to us. That’s what you were paying for — their constant bombardment of everyone who didn’t sign up.

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  3. Pingback: Shoes Dropping, Doors Opening | Snakes in the Grass

  4. I am glad you got rid of them, Kate. We have been debating about letting Sirius go on one of the cars, but dang we do like it. We live out in the sticks and we don’t have much of a choice for music. Now I know what to do if we decide to cut them loose… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I liked it even though I only used 3 stations. I put about 3000 miles on my car in a year and just couldn’t justify it. We still have it for my husband’s car but he hates the semi-annual mud wrestle for the best rate.

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  5. It’s the equivalent to speaking to a toddler, they’re equally as relentless in their quest to get what they want. Candy is candy! When I have these moments I dig into my mother bag and chant “you are a pillar of strength” … it’s not always easy. Cheers to you for getting the job done!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really hate auto-renewal on anything. It isn’t always possible to avoid, but I sure do try! I’m also so exasperated at how hard it is to find a “cancel subscription” link on websites. It takes eternal vigilance! I’m glad you broke free…I’m not above lying either. Sometimes it just keeps it simple. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They never let you go. They just coming at you in waves. Once they have your credit card it’s game on for them.
    Glad you broke free. I just hope the temptation for commercial free radio doesn’t become too great because Sirius is kind of fun..:)

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  8. The easiest cancellation experience I had is when I told them I had lost my job (was true but not why I was cancelling). The rep was so nice, I almost wished I still needed the service.

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  9. Wow… I’ve been missing your (and others) posts lately, but I’m sure glad I caught this one. I’m going to have to check my credit card receipts to make sure they charged me what they said they would. Wowzers! You know, next year if I decide not to renew, I’m just not going to respond and go through that charade again. I’ll just literally ignore their e-mails, period. But I will check my credit card carefully every month!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Morris deals with them for his car. He likes it but I really see no point in having it. He drives me nuts listening to sports and the comedy channel. I don’t have it in my car and listen to talk radio until I get so mad I can’t stand it anymore and turn it off. It’s interesting how we think we have to have things like Sirius radio, heated seats, and active handling. Wonder what “necessity” they will think of next?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It is absolutely easier to lie than tell the truth. When I wanted to cancel a monthly subscription to a snack box (way overpriced for what was in it) I just told them my doctor wanted me to stop. Hard for them to argue with that one. Cancellation done quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This does seem to be the “culture” of that business. We get all sorts of deals(?) here, with key points followed by asterisks which are repeated in a really tiny font at the bottom of the page. If they think that I am going to agree to terms that cannot be read without a magnifying glass, they are so mistaken but ……….. sadly …… people do agree!
    I also try and avoid wherever possible, dealing with any business that does not hire “real people” as its own support staff. I am so fed up with being put on hold; talking to someone who I learn has no authority to resolve anything; having to listen to some form of English which is incomprehensible; being transferred to someone “who will be able to help me”, and being put on hold once more for an extended time… or getting a dial tone!
    No …. I do not own a cell phone! Yes…. I am contemplating putting a digital tv antenna up in the roof and cutting off the cable company. I have not find a way around Bell yet (my phone and internet service), but I am working on it!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had the same experience with a magazine subscription which took me just as long to cancel. Sirius doesn’t give you any other payment option (or at least they didn’t at the time — not sure if they do paypal now).

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  13. YES AND AMEN SISTER! I went through the same ordeal with them. Shaking my head. I really thought I was going to lose my mommy mind with their transfers, sales pitches, low prices and then repeat. And let me just add… if they can give you a low price why can’t they just leave the darn thing low? They are not losing anything. Glad that someone else saw the same thing with them. XOXO – Bacon’s MOM
    P.S. Yeah, blushes, I told them I sold my Jeep too. I just couldn’t take it anymore! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, there is more than one of us I’m sure. I’m not even sure if the woman believed me. She quizzed me if I was replacing it. I’m sure there is a commission there somewhere. And yes, the prices should be marked and consistent!

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