Odds and ends

We got a new loveseat. The old one left on Saturday so we had to make due with chairs until the new one was delivered. The cats were not happy especially Molly. She watches TV with me and there wasn’t a lot of room on the chair. (All 7 pound cats need 3 square feet to spread out.) I told her the loveseat was coming soon but she wasn’t impressed. When she found out that the old loveseat went to a family with two large dogs she was annoyed that she didn’t get a chance to leave her scent even more strongly so they had something exciting to smell. Such a good kitty. Couldn’t get a photo of the loveseat with a cat. Without a pet perched on it, it’s just a loveseat…..

Molly dog enjoying her new sofa

Molly dog enjoying her new sofa

Here is a photo of the old sofa which is now at a friend’s house with her dog on it! She (the dog) thinks it’s perfect!

I realized that I hadn’t switched my pond from the waterfall to the bubbler for the winter. I will do that this week when it warms up (I hope). That’s always so sad because there won’t be any water noise when you go outside.

There haven’t been any frog sightings since last week so they must be hunkering down. My bird bath was frozen solid yesterday morning. A mourning dove was ice skating. I turned the heater and all is good. I hate closing up for the winter. I just want to climb into my fleece and hibernate. Wake me in April.

Yesterday was the beloved husband’s birthday. I again forgot to put his card on the counter so he could see it first thing. Instead I got up, went to the gym, picked up my coffee and then remembered. I think coffee plays a strong part in helping me remember stuff!



48 thoughts on “Odds and ends

  1. Kate such delight reading about your ice world from over at heat central. My husband remembers the dates I never do but he is six years younger and so I often say get use to having an elderly forgetful wife. Do the deer emerge in the winter? They do here, fresh out of the fog like magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How fun to have new furniture! I think the timing is nice given that you’re readying yourselves to “shelter in place” for the long winter! Good for you. And you made a family dog happy in the transition. Good move. 🙂


  3. Without a pet on it, it’s just a seat. No love there. ALL the fur ones here say that…brainwashing us in our sleep no doubt.(Oh, new furniture. Exciting)
    We are in our warming spell between fronts now, but we did have heavy frost two days ago. Please, Hot or cold. Back and forth is making my sinuses hurt.
    So sad about the waterfall on pause. That sound makes a difference. The dripping faucet just doesn’t have the same soothing effect.
    Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. There are people who do not allow their pets on the furniture. I don’t know any of these people but I have heard of them. They obviously only have fish or a bird. No self respecting hairy animal that doesn’t live in a cage would let a human tell them where to nap. And those people definitely don’t have cats.


    • Are there really people that don’t allow people on furniture? (I thought people only SAID they didn’t allow it but if you peeked in their windows you would find them on the floor and their pets on the furniture!) That’s why it is called fur-niture! With 3 cats and 2 people you will often find all the seats taken in my house. My Mollie cat is really enjoying the new loveseat. It’s chenille and she loves the softness.


  5. Kate, according to your cat/space requirement formula, I should be sitting on the floor. Oh, wait, they sit on our laps ~ that’s how everyone watches TV all at once!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

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  6. That old loveseat is beautiful Kate,and I hope the kitties will adjust to your lap in the chair. Meanwhile, Molly the dog is the big winner because that old love seat looks really comfy. A late happy birthday wish to your beloved. And Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Looks like the loveseat went to a good (dog’s) home. It’s cold here but no snow yet. Tough getting up in the mornings or going back out at night once I’ve stopped home, I just want to put on my yoga pants and get under a blanket. No coffee, no memory, ‘nuf said.

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  8. I know what you mean about coffee activating brain cells. Without it in the morning, I’m not so clear. But with it, I’m a force to be reckoned with, at least for a few hours. Exciting about loveseat, bittersweet about winter prep. So it goes…

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