Random 5 for November 1 – Coffee, idioms, old stuff, bloggers, cats

coffeeIt’s not fair! – I love coffee – the good stuff. I got hooked on a Greek vacation. When I visited Brazil I brought back 10 kilos (while everyone else was bringing back….other stuff). Same thing with Hawaii. All those places have great coffee – strong but never acidic or bitter. When you have a GI health issue the first thing they tell you is to stay away from caffeine. That happened to me early in life. It’s just not fair that someone who treasures coffee as much as I do, is limited. I met a woman who can’t drink it at all so I am grateful that I can enjoy a modified version. By the way, decaf is not the same as the real stuff no matter what they tell you.

I tried to find this before I posted but was unsuccessful. Gotta love Dave Barry!

I tried to find this before I posted but was unsuccessful. Gotta love Dave Barry!

Flipping words – In explaining to the beloved husband that a course of action had been decided long ago, I used the expression “that boat left the station.” He corrected me with the word “dock.” I think I really wanted to use the word “train.” Do you screw up idioms? Do you care? (My stock answer to correction is “Whatever!”)

’92 was a great year – I’ve been cleaning out for weeks. I found a doozy this week. (Doozy is a word my mother loved!) It was a can of sunburn reliever spray that expired in 1992. That survived two states, three houses, divorce and Y2K. You can tell we don’t get sunburn in this house!

Morgan with gift from her blogger buddy!

Morgan with gift from her blogger buddy!

A visit to remember – A blogger buddy and her husband stopped by while on vacation. The funny thing about blogging is that you think you know someone just from reading their stories. Sometimes that’s true and sometimes not so much. In this case Debra from The Blessings of Animal Companions, looked like her picture and her personality (and her husband’s) were exactly what I thought they would be. They are animal people (those are the best people). We probably bored the beloved husband to tears with stories. (Oh, don’t worry. He still owes me big time from his class reunion dinner.) Animal-centric folks should visit Debra here. She blogs about her pets (lots of them), her clients (she has a pet-sitting business) and her experiences helping out with trap-neuter-return for feral cats. Great stories and wonderful pictures.

My cat update – Since Jake’s death, I now have three (yes three) cat beds that are not being used (previously fought over). Go figure…..

So how was your week?

37 thoughts on “Random 5 for November 1 – Coffee, idioms, old stuff, bloggers, cats

  1. You made me laugh with even referencing Y2K. I wouldn’t be too surprised to find something 15 years old in some of my drawers and cupboards! And how nice to have enjoyed a visit from a blogging friend with such a shared interest in animals. And she brought presents! 🙂

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  2. I love my coffee!!! I usually drink half caf unless Bill’s making it…then it’s full strength. I buy my coffee beans from a local shop, sooo good! I like it strong, Dunkin Donuts just doesn’t do it for me. As for mixing up idioms? I do that all the time and Bill corrects me. I have the same answer, whatever. I think we’re getting our point across. I’d love to meet some of my blogging friends. Watch out, I may be passing through one of these days and email you! 🙂

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  3. I thought your were going to say that you totally had to give up coffee, and I was going to cry for you. Glad that you can still enjoy a modified version. I’ve been trying to drink decaf or half-caf, but I think you’re right. It’s not the same.

    My engineer daughter is so neat and organized about cleaning out her closets on a regular basis. It’s a great characteristic. I really should follow her example. But when she visits me, she’s always finding things I should have given away or thrown away years (or decades) ago.


  4. There’s nothing like the aroma of coffee but it gives me the shakes, too. I stick to tea which, strangely, doesn’t seem to have the same effect.
    I’ll bet this winter those cat beds will all be in use. But, cats ~ you never know!


  5. I LOVE COFFEE TOO!!! Decaf is a bit of a letdown, this I know. My friend who owns a gourmet store said, drinking decaf is like kissing your sister. He has a point.
    Imperfect idioms. Who cares. Dock, train…the point was made. Men, even those you love, could use a smack.
    I am so moved that nice woman visited you. I love that. We do become close commingling our words. We learn about the other in some ways more intimately than in the flesh.
    Jake…it’s been a little while, but he’s still remembered.
    Love the Random 5 🙂


    • Ummm….no. Much as I loved and miss my old cat Jake, some things I don’t miss. Life is simpler without a special needs cat and I’m enjoying it right now. You never know when it will change (or maybe I’ll become special needs myself!).


  6. I never drink coffee though I love he aroma. Strange, I guess.
    The question is, how did that sunburn reliever hide during so many moves?..:)
    Everyone screws up idioms…whatever is the best response since people know what you’re trying to say anyway..


    • I love the smells of coffee and bacon! The best! Since I haven’t been a sun worshipper since my youth, I kept it because I didn’t want to replace it (never realizing there was an expiration date). I threw out an (undated) shoe stretch liquid from the 70s. You didn’t need much to help stretch the leather. These days if a shoe isn’t comfortable I throw the shoe out.

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  7. I never drank much coffee until I met Andy. He’s a coffee fiend. Must go through 12 cups a day. And he’s picky. It has to be strong and he has to grind it.

    One of his favorite presents was some blue mountain coffee from Jamaica. How do I know he liked it? He even didn’t ask if I used a coupon!

    I can’t believe you didn’t send Debra home with at least one cat bed. 🙂


    • I really like Andy. He cooks and likes coffee and at least tolerates cats. Win-win-win. I always have hope that Hazel (who loves the one bed) will get over the (washed many times) cat drooled cat bed and settle in during the winter. It’s near the fireplace and that’s prime real estate (at least during the winter). Of course I could have given her one of the others!

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  8. We loved meeting you in person, too, Kate, and you are also just like you are in your blog! So glad Morgan is enjoying the toy, even if the other think I brought something evil into the house!


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