Random 5 for October 4 – Closets, Summer, Rain, Projects, Follow-up

Our trees are still green but it won't be long before it looks like this. Source: pondpikecabins

Our trees are still green but it won’t be long before it looks like this. Source: pondpikecabins

My closet is heaving a sigh of relief! — This week I did a major clothing clean out. I do this every year yet I still have a ton for the donation box. Where do all these clothes come from? Long ago I got rid of anything that wasn’t comfortable or I didn’t love. Now I’m thinning out the “work” clothes that I liked. Since retiring I don’t need a lot of blazers or multiple black tanks tops to fit under them. Sayonara baby! The whole house seems lighter now but I didn’t get rid of them all…yet. My closet is looking bare.

The end of the summer for sure – This past week I pulled out the tomato and basil plants. The tomatoes were just about done and the basil had bloomed out. I am hoarding one lone stalk of basil with five delicious smelling leaves for something special. Our local corn shed has closed for the season. For the beloved husband that is always the sign! This coming week it’s out with the annual flowers. I need pumpkins! (or pumpkin lattes! or pumpkin bread! or pumpkin pie!)

Rain, rain – The good news is that we are not getting Hurricane Joaquin. The other good news is that we have gotten a good drenching. We’ve had several inches in a couple of days. Most of it has been slow and steady. The good rain. It’s been dry here so we needed it although many parts of the east coast are experiencing severe flooding.

Wallpaper is up! – Wahoo! The third and last part of my summer kitchen project is done. Everything isn’t quite back in place yet so no photo. It is amazing how just a little freshening up can make everything (including me) feel new.

Bits and pieces – Thanks for all your kind wishes about the beloved husband’s drilled finger. I heard him playing his guitar yesterday so although it’s still a big booger, he can manage. I want to shout out to my blogger friend Susannah who donated to a cat rescue in Jake’s name. What a kind thing to do. She’s a New Yorker who breaks the stereotypes, running around doing good deeds for many.

So, how was your week?

45 thoughts on “Random 5 for October 4 – Closets, Summer, Rain, Projects, Follow-up

  1. I did a major closet cleaning in the middle of summer while CH was gone three days! I could not believe how much I had to get rid of. Not one dress is in the closet. Now there is room for more new SHOES! We need rain, it has been two months!


    • I don’t know how clothing accumulates! (Well, I do but I’m not admitting to over shopping!) I have to go through my shoes yet but I won’t have many. I did a major cleanout last year so at this point, I don’t have a lot that are older than 5 years or dressy. I was hard on my dresses. I had a lot of nice summer dresses for work. I kept one and probably next year that will go. I have my nice funeral dress just in case and one other one.

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  2. I’m hoping you might inspire me to clean out my closet. It seems only yesterday that I brought the summer clothes up from downstairs. I need to exchange them soon for winter clothes–although we’re still having very nice warm weather–and at the same time pack things up for Goodwill.

    I’m looking forward to a photo of your new wallpaper.


    • Photo coming soon. Sometimes I feel like I have clothed the entire state’s population. When I worked I had a lot of clothes and I really never weeded out enough. I have to switch shoes summer to winter. I’ve seen people (mostly young girls) wearing boots and Uggs. It’s in the 70s!


  3. Very productive week, Kate. I need to do all of these things from cleaning out my closet (way too many clothes that I never wear) to pulling out the summer plants and putting at least a mum and pumpkin on the front porch. October is bulk pick up month, I managed to put my broken deck table out there last night. One accomplishment! Glad hubby’s finger is better.

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  4. I’m glad to hear that you aren’t affected by Hurricane Joaquin, Kate. Here we are so parched and then I see these photos from South Carolina, specifically, and I just can’t imagine! I bought some corn this weekend and commented that I think this is the end of it! I do think that a good substitute will be some pumpkin…anything at all! And how absolutely lovely to learn that Susannah donated in Jake’s name. I’m so impressed by that thoughtful act. I always love your Random 5! 🙂


  5. Thanks for the update, Kate. Me, I am EXHAUSTED from Nakana being here. I try to make her life good, but it’s a lot of hauling her around and coordinating with the other cats, etc. OK, I’m done complaining. She’s so cute, lying here in the laundry basket.


    • I get it. I did a lot of stuff for Jake. After he was gone, I had all this extra time and I didn’t have to coordinate shots and meals. Right now I am enjoying 3 healthy cats with no special needs (except tons of attention!).

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      • I hate to think I made a mistake, but with Mac gone (he was the glue) Pear and Tiger are always snipping at each other and their fighting becomes a little more intense. And now I added a cat who might be too much for these guys, especially Tiger.

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        • Wait it out. Takes time. Jake did not like Morgan for the first year and the first couple months were intense. I was lucky that Morgan wasn’t scared but she did back off when he snarled. Eventually he learned to tolerate her. Every morning while I was doling out breakfast they would duel. No one got hurt because it wasn’t fierce but each would sit on the hind legs and bat at each other. I’d put the clip here but I don’t know how to include in a comment.

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          • Thanks, Kate. I plan to give it a lot of time. Not sure what else to do because I not only love Kana, but now that I discovered her food allergies she would have to live in a cage at the shelter, maybe for the rest of her life because of her elevated liver values!!! I will say that her “suite” is very nice, in addition to her time out with the rest of us. Her suite is my office which has windows on 3 sides, a bathroom and walk in closet!!!

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  6. It’s such a great feeling to purge and donate. I still need dress clothes for work, but the days of suits every day are behind me.
    Congratulations on finishing up the wallpaper project!
    As for rain…we certainly got our share Friday night into Saturday. Unfortunately our bay window couldn’t handle it.


    • Seems like spring and fall are the times to do it. Last year I cleaned out my coats. This year I don’t have any coats to donate although I am keeping my one full length coat from 1990. The color is beautiful and it’s in good shape. The style is timeless but one of these days it will go too. I don’t wear full length coats for anything. Glad you had a good week!


  7. It must have been the rain — I cleaned out my closet this weekend too. Got rid of all the things I’ve been planning to get into again. It’s probably a better bet I’ll loose weight now that I’ll have nothing to wear, anyway.


  8. Go you! I got rid of my business clothes in increments too, Kate. Now I’m down to two dresses and a very classic blazer to dress them up. Everything else is casual comfort.


    • I motivated you? This was a busy project after I lost my cat. Turns out I was in a good place to cut out harder than I have been in the past. I’ve been reading some blogs about a book on “organizing and decluttering” written by Marie Kondo. I should read it. When I go to clean out my basement I get tangled up in memories. I am good for about an hour and then everything starts to go to the “save” pile.

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  9. Well , experienced my first big scary rain event week since moving to North Carolina. Shuckins, dis ain’t nawthin’ but a little God sneeze. Now in Miami when it rains it rains and a call to Noah is prudent.


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