Random five for the end of June 2014

Life is good in my pond!

Life is good in my pond!

I’m a little early but here are the highlights of the week!

Animal friendly companies – The last company I worked for has some soft-hearted people. I looped through the driving lot on an errand this week and saw a handmade sign posted on the driveway. As I got closer, I saw it said “Duck Crossing.” Awww! There has been a duck who lays her eggs on the property. After they hatch she takes the ducklings down to a nearby creek. Obviously there was a concern someone would get hit.

When I worked there, a stray cat that lived under the dumpster was adopted by one of the IT geeks (actually the geekiest of the geeks). She rewarded him with four kittens the following week.

In contrast the company I worked for before that had a flock of Canadian geese who would visit their pond with their goslings. They went to great lengths to discourage them. Different strokes.

Financial planning – Part of our money strategy is to win the lottery, like really big. You have to buy a ticket to win so periodically we buy one. The beloved husband is very meticulous about it. He buys the ticket; puts it on his desk; and checks it directly after the drawing. On the other hand, the tickets I buy languish in my pocketbook for weeks or months until the paper is all squished and crumbled. Then as I am about to throw it out, I give it to the beloved husband for checking. This week I bought one. He asked where it was. I told him it was currently aging in my pocketbook for good luck.

They finally got it right! – I have written about how frustrating magazines can be. They send you renewal notices even though you have years left on your subscription. Of course it’s at full price. As your expiration date gets closer, the cost goes down. If you let it expire, you get a better deal. I hate the game and wrote a letter to Good Housekeeping last year to let them know. (Yes a real letter with postage!) My subscription is expiring in five months and they gave me the “good” price early. One thing I learned was not to pay on-line or they will automatically charge your credit card at renewal time at full price. “They” say its a favor so you don’t need to bother renewing! Ha!

The big surprise! – After forgetting my anniversary and anticipating my brother’s birthday on Sunday, I decided to kill two birds by taking everyone out to dinner at an undisclosed destination. It’s hard keeping a secret. Everyone needs to know how to dress. Really? Get over it!

Hazel in her favorite spot with her peeps!

Hazel in her favorite spot with her peeps!

Alas poor Hazel – I think she has taken up smoking. After dieting for three weeks, she whines when she’s hungry (which is all the time). Her cry is gruff and scratchy like an older woman who has smoked for 50 years. I am wondering what she does at night when I’m asleep.

I can picture her sitting at a tuna bar, trying to cross her rather large thighs with a cigarette dangling from her mouth. She leans over to the tomcat at the next stool and asks, “You alone honey?” By the way, she gained back all the weight she lost.

Yes, I realize it doesn’t make sense the she’s always hungry when she’s somehow cheating. I’m hoping she’s just constipated, really, really constipated. Sigh!

Morgan has been upset about the lack of attention in this blog. Here she is chewing on the pond fish net.

Morgan has been upset about the lack of attention in this blog. Here she is chewing on the pond fish net.

How was your week?

22 thoughts on “Random five for the end of June 2014

  1. I enjoy your random fives! At times I am just crazed at the whole magazine subscription fiasco. I think it’s ridiculous the way they spend so much money on unnecessary mailings, and sometimes I let them expire just because I’ve had enough. I have also discovered that you can find the phone numbers on-line (the ones they don’t put on any of the mailings) and then I just deal directly with them that way. I’m getting hot and bothered just thinking about some of the goofy conversations I’ve had with representatives. LOL! I’d much rather think about Hazel! She’s a cutie, even with her smoking habit. Great post and random five, Kate. 🙂


    • Thanks! Yesterday I got my “final” Ladies Home Journal. I had decided to end my subscription anyway but they stopped publishing. I had until December with my subscription but there was not a word about what they were going to do with “leftover” subscriptions. I have that on my list to explore. Usually they transfer to another mag.


  2. Alas poor Hazel – I think she has taken up smoking. After dieting for three weeks, she whines when she’s hungry (which is all the time). Her cry is gruff and scratchy like an older woman who has smoked for 50 years. I am wondering what she does at night when I’m asleep.

    Very funny…save for your eBook. Also, I love the Duck Crossing sign…how sweet is that.

    I like this column of yours…


  3. Hazel, you can do it stay strong! I too loved the description of her in a tuna bar. My cat Ernie needs to learn some control, he will still have food in his bowl but will eat his sister Princess’s food then meow at you that the food is gone. (While his bowl is still full!)
    Love the frog pond too and Hello Morgan and your other cats as well !


  4. Tell Hazel it’s time to get back on the treadmill. Our cats did lose 2 pounds over a year. You’d think we were starving them to death – especially Reggie. She knows when feeding time is and, dag nab it, you better not be late or she’ll meow like crazy until you cave.

    Hazel … you can do it. 😉


    • Weighed her this morning again because I was really flummoxed. Yesterday I weighed her mid afternoon and I normally do it in the morning. Today she was back down a half pound. I know I can fluctuate that much but I am surprise a cat can. Perhaps she was….ummm….constipated…..


    • I know about the projects. Are ponds harder to keep cool in Texas? I always wonder if the fish would cook in a 24″ deep pond down there. Hazel is really too shy for the tuna bar. Now Morgan…that’s another story. She’d be dancing on the bar.


  5. That toad looks so happy, Kate! Keep those lottery tickets tucked away for a week or more, those are usually the big winners.
    I had a great week, but I’m so happy it’s Friday! Have a great weekend. 🙂


    • When I worked I loved Fridays! Now it doesn’t matter. In fact, we lay low for the weekend because everything is so crowded. As for the lottery tickets, when there is a local big winner it’s in the news. That would make me run to my pocketbook!


  6. Poor Hazel. Gone down the path of Wayward Cats, offering her generous body up to strange Tom Cats in exchange for scraps of food. And I just hope she doesn’t fall asleep with a lit cigarette. Isn’t it time to Stop The Insanity? Give poor Hazel just a little more…


    • I think she is climbing to the table where I have the dry food for Mollie. I don’t know if I should increase her wet food so she doesn’t eat the dry food which is higher in calories or if she would eat both anyway. Mollie is a grazer so I can’t put it away. Hazel weighs exactly what she did last September when I put her on the first diet. That one lasted a month before I gave up.


  7. I don’t even have a subscription to Good Housekeeping and they send me letters telling me I can have the “good” price early. Perhaps *gasp* they are not on the up & up!

    Best of luck with your retirement planning. I enjoy the idea of allowing the lottery ticket to age, like a fine wine. Certainly, that’s how you win big.


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