Random 5 for June 11, 2023 – Time, money, smoke, reunion, vacations

That was fast! – I’ve been medicating my (usually) sweet cat Gus since Tuesday three times a day. There is nothing like the fuss of cat catching, pill popping and ear cleaning to make the time go fast. Technically he’s easy to pill, he just doesn’t like it. We do a romp all over the house until I catch him. Then he acts like it’s no big deal. Tuesday it’s all over except the ear cleaning. On Tuesday I take Gracie to the vet so there will be more drama to make the week fly by with a houseguest at the end to make Sasha nuts.

Flying by – It’s not only time that’s flying by, so is money. I’m going to demand the veterinarian name a wing after one of my cats. I am sure I singlehandedly built it.

Air quality – The smoke from the fires has tamped down although they are still issuing warnings for at-risk folks. It’s sure nice to see the sun again although we really need rain. Fingers crossed for rain on Monday.

Prepping – I’m hosting my family reunion at this new house for the first time. I made a list of things to purchase and to do. That brought back memories to the days when there were kids at the reunion. (We have two under 12 now but that family can’t make it.  This year so our youngest is around 37. Too old for a peanut scramble!) We used to do creative things. My sis-in-law played kid games with neat prizes. I would bring in something unusual. One year it was a karaoke machine rental and one year a line dancer gave us a lesson. There may have been beer pong one year too. I’m not creative anymore. I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone and not running Olympic games.

Travelers – A friend from my past recently took a multi-week trip to Europe. The goal was to eat great food. They started with a cruise on the Atlantic to get there and it involved all sorts of boats, planes, trains and automobiles. I enjoyed following on Facebook. They were on the move most of the time. I couldn’t see me doing that. There was a lot of work involved both planning and getting to where you were supposed to be. My idea of a vacation involves not much work, a lot of sunshine and a beach. Add a margarita at the appropriate time and I’m in heaven. It does not include lugging suitcases constantly, insane walking and eating weird stuff. We’re the same age but I aged out of that type of vacation decades ago.  Call me wuss and “fetch” my ‘rita.

So how was your week?

47 thoughts on “Random 5 for June 11, 2023 – Time, money, smoke, reunion, vacations

  1. I’m with you my fellow “wuss” although I’d prefer a vodka martini, if’n someone is fetching it for me. The smoke is gone now that rain is here, but what a weird experience overall. Don’t try to tell me that we all aren’t interconnected.

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  2. Hope Gus is doing better…..I’m sure he’ll be as glad as you will be when that’s over with. I’m with you on vacations – give me peace, calm and unpacked suitcases (and lots of lobster). We’re looking forward to our annual EASY GOING vacay to Maine in October. Hope the family reunion is fun – don’t have to have games and a “schedule of events” to have a ball catching up with family and I’m sure everyone will love the new house too.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Gus is good. Last of the pills today. (can you hear the rejoicing from both feline and peeps?) Eye good, ear clean. We used to do a similar yearly beach vacation. I loved it. Our siblings joined for part and it was always fun. Everything will have to help with the reunion as I’m pulling the “old” card. I lived long enough to use it!

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  3. My ex-wife was a travel agent who took us on so many cruises that I swore I’d never go on one again. It’s all moot now because my current wife says she’d never do one anyway. In theory cruises are easier because you only pack “once” (which I never really understood actually). Add in additional land stops, and yeah you’re shlepping all over the place. That’s too much travel for me too! – Marty

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  4. I’m with you on the vacation thing. Vacation, to me, means vacationing from responsibilities. That includes constantly planning, packing and repacking, and lugging heavy objects from one place to another.

    Good luck with the kitties and enjoy the reunion.

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  5. I have thought of you and wondered about the air quality! We aren’t strangers to the effects of wild fires, but I haven’t personally experienced anything as “chewable” as what I saw earlier this week in news reports. It’s been kind of shocking. I am also very sympathetic to your veterinary expenses, not to mention the wear and tear on the nerves. I hope you at least get a thank you card from your vet. You are generously contributing to his retirement fund, no doubt!

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  6. I used to travel a lot when I was younger – my last big trip was June 1983, a three-week tour of four Scandinavian countries and Russia. We had time to relax, but the tour operator did pack in a lot for us to see. I wanted to see the Moscow Circus as did several of the tour members, but our agenda was for the Moscow Ballet and we couldn’t go on on our own, not because of language barrier as our local guide would have written out basic info to hand a taxi driver, but there was a gate that closed after a certain time, barring access to the part of Moscow where we stayed. Bummer. The circus was/is more my style – I found the Ballet boring. I’m not sure I’d be up for such a rigorous trip these days though. With our steady rain since mid-day, it will help dissipate the smoke … I understand the wildfire smoke will likely happen again this Summer/early Fall, so the weather authorities say we should not be surprised. Good luck with your family reunion.

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    • Sounds like an exciting trip. I have several favorites. I did 10 days in Brazil on a lark and loved it. It wasn’t even on my list. By far the best was the month I spent in Hawaii bumming around. I was young then. Now I wouldn’t want to be on the move all the time.

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      • I have never been to Hawaii – my boss is going for three weeks at Christmas this year. I was on a Panama Canal cruise so we visited Columbia, but never got anywhere else in South America. Brazil sounds fun! I would not want to be on the move that much either. That is what is nice about cruises, unpack once and go out on day trips, but there is so much Norovirus these days – we didn’t have that issue when I traveled and cruises were part of the trip back in the day. I would love to see Alaska on a cruise though, but it likely won’t happen. We are both armchair travelers now. Sigh.

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  7. It sounds like your family reunion will be appropriately fun. My husband used to be good at organizing big neighborhood parties and games. I did the birthday parties for young kids. Those were always fun. I also look forward to catching up with everyone.

    Many of my favorite vacations have been at some sunny beach. I prefer pina coladas, though. I do like a busy trip with new things to see and do if someone else plans it, but, like you, I’ve pretty much aged out of that.

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  8. Sorry you have had so many trips to the vet lately. I understand about wanting a wing named after your pets. Events are more fun with kids around, but I am sure you will have fun with family.

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  9. I use to absolutely love a good tour/trip, a week or two were all good. At this point, I must admit, I’ll take the chair by the beach. I guess I’m adhering to ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.’ 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful reunion.

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  10. The only family I ever knew other than my parents and brothers were grandparents, a great aunt, a couple of aunts and uncles and cousins. Can’t say I was close to any of them beyond elementary school. There was some friction about something. All I know is when my father got mad he stayed mad. So no reunions.
    Vets are expensive! Even simple routine yearly visits are over $100. But pets are family and easier to get along with. Gotta take are of them.

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    • I get annoyed with the cost of the meds through the vet. They are double to triple the price that I would pay through Chewy or any other pet prescription retailer. I don’t mind a mark up. It’s convenient to get on the spot but that is ridiculous. I can get them fast through the mail. I paid $25 for a simple antibiotic that would have cost me $6 through Chewy (and nothing on my health insurance!). The office visit cost wasn’t exorbitant, it’s the add-ons. There is no courtesy nail clip these days.


  11. I do have to say that we feel like we are on vacation every day. I have put some pounds on thinking I AM on vacation! For any get-togethers with friends or family these days, all I want to do is have some great conversation, food, and adult beverages on the lanai by the pool.
    I think your reunion will be a lot of fun!

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  12. Like you, I’m not interested in jetting or boating around the world. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m on a “perpetual vacation” . . . 😀

    If you want an easy and fun game in order to give away fabulous gifts and exciting prizes, may I suggest “The Game”? You can read about it here:

    The Game

    Prizes for adult reunion attendees could include family stories, photos of ancient ancestors,things you have around the house and no longer need (books, DVD’s, CD’s), $5 gift cards, Dollar Store finds, etc.

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  13. Having just returned from a world wind trip myself, I can empathize with you on the go-go-go pace of some vacations. But in this case, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world but I would have preferred bringing back a souvenir that wasn’t a nasty cold. Here’s hoping the vet trip isn’t too expensive. Sometimes I feel like the vet should give me a key to the front door.

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  14. My idea of vacation is much like yours, only in a well-equipped cabin in a quiet area with plenty of trees but not so many as to block all of the sun. I need a campfire ring for nighttime campfires, no matter what the temperature. I want to eat when I’m hungry and not because it’s ‘meal time’ and nap if I feel like it and read, read, read, and occasionally take a small walk.

    If you can’t get the vet to agree on a wing, maybe at least on one exam room? When I was in the hotel industry, we had a guest who came every Thursday night (except holidays) to attend Manheim Auto Auction on Friday. He stayed in the same room and after two years straight, we made a plaque for above the room door announcing that the room was officially called “The (name) (name) room. He was tickled!

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    • Good idea! All of my cats end up in the same exam room. There are cat hair tumbleweeds to prove it! 🙂 I’m a beach person but it’s the same concept. One year I went to the beach and read 9 books. It was “don’t bother me. Order a pizza! I’m reading” kind of week. Loved it.

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  15. I’m pretty sure I built a wing of my vet’s practice as well. Never a week when I’m not there, and sometimes I’m there most days in a week with my fosters. I’m with you on vacations…slow, relaxed, not a heavy agenda. Biggest questions on our last trip revolved around what time of day we wanted to go for ice cream, and whether we would go to the bakery for pastries in the morning.

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