Random 5 for May 14, 2023 – Mother’s Day, trees, windows, moves, friends

Happy Mother’s Day – to those who celebrate. I only have furkids and they don’t buy gifts unless they get into my Chewy account. We don’t have anything going on here. It’s a gorgeous day in our area for those who have plans.

This is our version of American Gothic. Ignore my wild hair. It was a little windy. (Note to self: Do not wear horizontal stripes!)

Our big news – We planted (or had planted) a tree behind our deck. It will give us dappled shade when it grows (probably when we are dead) and offer some privacy from the back neighbors. Even though the trunk is a little crooked (no idea how I picked that one out!), I love it. It was a big job and my stepson put it in with a lot of care. Our yard has a lot of rocks. It took a jackhammer to clear part of it. He added good soil, so it has a chance of growing. Side benefit, there were enough large stones to border one of the flower beds.

Clear vision! – We had someone clean the outside of our windows. We can’t reach them and our windows do not flip in for cleaning (what were they thinking when they built this house?). We’ve been here over two years and haven’t cleaned them. The previous person was here one year so I doubt she got around to that. The people before her are described as old and frail (I wonder how they would describe us?) so I’m guessing it’s been years (decades?) since the outside of the windows were cleaned. It was like a miracle. You know, the “let there be light” kind. I was amazed. We cleaned the inside. I spent a day getting off nose prints. The beloved husband denies that they were his. The cats are pointing paws at each other although I saw Sasha do a “sneeze” that coated the window in yuck! Pets, gotta love them!

Reflecting – Recently someone asked if I’m glad I moved. The short answer is yes. I loved my old house with the screened porch and delightful pond but the maintenance had gotten to be a lot for us. The neighborhood wasn’t friendly either. It’s not that people weren’t sociable, it’s that they had stuff to do that was more important than the occasional chat with neighbors. Our new neighborhood has mostly retired people. We walk together, exchange plants and ideas and offer support and comfort. I’ve been in most of the houses on our street. I know that I can get help if I need it and at our age, that’s a big deal. I will caution anyone contemplating a move that it’s a lot of work when you are older. Maybe it’s just me but I wanted trees for shade and some outdoor areas for small scale plantings. I also wanted to fill the house with my favorite colors. All of that took work. We are just about at the end when we will switch to routine maintenance (or so I tell the beloved husband).

Friends with benefits – I’ve always been one to trade plants with people. You can separate most perennials and pass off parts to other gardeners. We moved to our house in February so I couldn’t take much with me. I brought a few plants but none made it except the yellow irises which were a gift from a friend. My blue ones I couldn’t dig out. I asked another friend if she would give me a few when she split up her plant.  This spring she gifted me with a box of blue irises. It was the wrong time for transplanting so I wasn’t expecting blooms this year. They surprised me by putting on a beautiful show. The yellow ones, which did not bloom last year, are full of buds. At my age, this is what I call friends with benefits.

So how was your week?

62 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 14, 2023 – Mother’s Day, trees, windows, moves, friends

  1. That’s a big tree, very tall, so you lucked out getting it planted by your stepson. Many years ago, my neighbor and I exchanged Black-eyed Susans and August Lilies. They were hardy until we had the first Polar Vortex and another one the following Winter … everything got zapped, through they were in the ground almost least 20 years at that time. Your neighbors sound nice, like Ann Mehrling’s neighbors … my neighbors are more like your former house.

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  2. The iris are beautiful, and I’m so happy for you with the planting of the tree. Everything about your new home, inside and out, is really appealing, Kate. I’m sure you made the right decision to downsize and relinquish some of the maintenance. I’m a little envious. 😉

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  3. You cracked me up with your “Friends with Benefits” heading, you sly dog you. 😆 I can appreciate the difference in tone from your old neighborhood to the present one. It is nice to actually converse and interact with neighbors. It makes you feel you’re indeed a part of a community. Great picture of you two, hair included! – Marty

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  4. I don’t think you have to worry about wearing stripes–looking good! Windows? I don’t even want to mention how long it’s been since mine were cleaned. My place is SO bright I’m afraid if I cleaned the windows I would have to wear sunglasses indoors–so that’s my excuse! Neighbors: As I don’t have little kids or a dog and Freddie refuses to go out on a leash, I don’t have much opportunity to meet local people. As LA is so spread out, I have to take trains, planes and automobiles to visit my friends. But I’m used to it and I have a good social life anyway–so I can’t really complain.

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  5. Friends with benefits of the type you write about are good to have. Also good to know you have people you can count on if you need help. Thanks to Jerry’s talkative nature, I know I would have help if I need it here. Most people are very kind in our small neighborhood. Your purple flags are beautiful. It will be fun to watch your tree… it was planted with love!

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  6. Your yard and deck are lovely, and applause for the strong stepson who planted the tree. That’s a lovely photo, and remember as we age hair usually thins so if you have enough to blow around, that’s a good thing. 🙂 I love Iris, and a plant from a friend is a true gift.

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  7. YAY for your stepson getting your new tree planted – love the photo of your backyard. Since our yard is a big part of our world and our enjoyment when we’re outside or even inside looking out, it’s wonderful to have some of our favorite things to see. A new tree, shrub or plant for instance. Glad you are “settled” into your new environment – it takes time but it’s like a bird and its’ nest – we add this and that to the nest to decorate it, make it comfortable, and OURS. You’ve done a wonderful job with that!! I celebrated Mom’s Day with a new plant from my husband and my “son” Teddy the BIG cat. A Mom is a Mom is a Mom…..human or animal matters not – it’s nurturing and loving and caring and that’s what Moms do…….Sounds like you had a GREAT Mother’s Day.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • I was very grateful to have the tree planted. The landscaper was coming to plant next weekend but the sooner in the ground, the better! I am a cat mom. I don’t worry any less than any other mom and my catkids die a lot sooner which brings it’s own brand of heartache. It is what it is and I’m happy!


    • Honestly that is one of my favorite transitional tops. It’s a thick knit so it’s warm enough but not as warm as a sweatshirt. Today I woke up to temps in the low 40s again. Sigh.


  8. You look great! I love the windblown look.

    New trees are a sign of hope for the future. I always feel as though they grow faster than I expected. But that’s probably because I can’t keep up with how fast the years pass. And then there are the small trees I put in pots. Sometimes they die. I haven’t seen any purple irises yet. I think it’s a little early for them here. I’ve seen some yellow ones.

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    • Iris season is just starting here. There are white ones blooming in the ‘hood. My yellow ones have not started. Not sure if the transplanting altered their blooming schedule but I’m enjoying it.


  9. Your backyard looks wonderful as do you and your husband. Interesting about your new neighborhood. We live in one like the one you left, but should we move on I’ll keep your observation about retirement friendliness in mind.

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  10. Ah, the big tree is there and in! Not quite what I was picturing and didn’t require the earth biting machine. Nice benefit to get some big rocks out of it. We seem to have plenty of those here as well. I love your deck from that angle and your whole yard looks wonderful. I hope you are happy there for a long time and your tree grows big and shady.

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  11. Those irises are beautiful (and they often will surprise you when they will bloom after being planted). When I moved in to my house some 20+ years ago, I put in a iris garden from a local iris farm along one end of the corner garden as well as on the other side of the yard. They were all some shade of blue or black-my favorites. For years I’ve sworn that ‘this will be the year I divide.’ Let’s hope I get around to it. Having a corner lot is a lot more maintenance that I realized it would be and dividing always manages to go to the bottom of the list every year. Have a wonderful Sunday and relax on the deck in the shade. It’s a great looking tree and you and your husband look adorable next to it.

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  12. Hooray for the new new tree! I’m such a fan of trees. I cried when the city took down the mature ones last year. With all the rain we’ve had, you’d think the replacements would be growing faster, but they aren’t. As you say, they’ll be gorgeous and shady when we’re dead.

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  13. What a great time of year! What kind of tree Kate? We have had to take down several ash trees because of ash borers. So sad. We planted two crimson maples and a Katsura to enjoy in the afterlife 🤣

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  14. I LOVE that picture, even with the wind and stripes! I got a good laugh from the window cleaning because our windows are a pain in the ass, and I can fully relate.
    Your reflection hits home too. Your move inspired me when we were moving, and it sounds like we both landed in a place that makes us happy. Those Iris are beautiful!!

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  15. We hadn’t done a lot of maintenance/renovation work on our house forever with our busy pet sitting schedule for years so we’re working on some of that now. Next on the list is taking out an old tub and putting in a walk in shower, which will be much safer us as we continue to age. It is a lot of work, and not cheap, but sure is nice to get things done.

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    • It is. Each project brings relief. We have an upstairs tub-shower combo that I’d love to convert to shower but that is very far down the list as we don’t use it. It would be easier but then again, I don’t clean it much since it only gets used by guests.


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