It’s reunion time again

This weekend is our family reunion. My grandniece is hosting. Weather is predicted to be perfect (hard to believe after this summer!). I am making the traditional Austrian strudel like my mom made with the hand stretched dough. I haven’t made it in a few years so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I haven’t lost the touch. It doesn’t matter as there will be enough food to feed the Sixth Fleet.

Looking for inspiration I read over the blog posts I’ve written in the past. There were so many memories. My old cat Jake’s last adventure, raging downpours, the Electric Slide instructor who could not get the beloved husband to face the right way. For a few years we did karaoke. For the late-night partiers there was a campfire complete with singing, s’mores and mosquitoes. Every year brings something new and different mixed in with the old and comfortable. Some years we gain some new folks and some years we lose some. Here’s hoping there will be inspiration for a blog post and I’ll see you on the other side!

61 thoughts on “It’s reunion time again

  1. It sounds like it will be a wonderful party!!! Definitely report back with pics! You’re lucky to have a family like that! My reunion would involve me, my husband, and my kids. But that’s plenty for me anyhow. The kitties usually make up for the rest.

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  2. My grandmother’s side (my mom’s mom) had family reunions, but once the great-grandparents had passed, the reunions stopped. My mom and her siblings are all gone now. I have a total of 5 cousins left – 3 I haven’t seen in more than 40 years and the other 2 I haven’t seen in at least 15 years. There are second and third cousins as well, but they are all “new” generations I don’t know. I hope your gathering is full of good weather, good food, good memories and, of course, great stories to share with us!

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    • This reunion is my siblings and me and the offspring. The original reunion of my childhood was my parents siblings (both sides) and all the cousins. I had 50 cousin. I am the youngest. Most are gone. I haven’t seen them in decades. It got to a point where I only saw them at funerals but now even when there is a funeral they are in no condition to attend. Time takes it’s toll.


  3. We hosted our annual reunion earlier in July. It’s a lot of work but so worth it, as you surely know firsthand. I hope it’s a wonderful time, Kate. The strudel sounds wonderful. 🙂

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  4. Could you have someone document the process of your strudel? I’ve seen them made on cooking shows but never known someone who actually did it!

    I hope you have a wonderful reunion. I have never been to one. The closest was visiting my mom’s parents’ farm when whoever remained of my great-aunts and uncles would come visit. I don’t remember any of them even having children.

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    • The whole reunion concept started with my aunt and uncle who had a farm. They would open it up to the extended family which numbered around 60. Eventually, it got to get too much work and they were old. There were no reunions for 25 years but then my immediate family started to get together once a year in a reunion tradition. When the kids were younger there were games and activities but we don’t do that anymore. Aside from 2 under 10, all the other “kids” are from 30 to 50+. I taught my niece to make the stretch strudel. We are the only two in the family that make it. Everyone else uses filo dough which makes it much easier. It’s not really hard but there is a touch on handling so the dough doesn’t tear. The more you make it the easier it is. I used to make a couple of times a year but since my niece took over for the reunion, some years I don’t make it at all. Hopefully it will come back like riding a bike.

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