Random 5 for September 19 – Class reunions, age, projects, death, weather

Time flies – Later today we will be attending the beloved husband’s class reunion. As you age, the celebration changes. This year it is a luncheon so all of us old biddies can drive home in the light. I remember when it was a dinner dance in the evening. I’m actually glad that it’s during the day. The location is about an hour’s drive. Too long after a night of partying. It’s also casual so I don’t need a prom dress. This is age appropriate.

Speaking of age appropriate – remember when it was the other way around? You wanted to match the activity to the child’s level. It turns out that we do that all throughout our life. We may still party but it’s earlier, with less booze and a lot less dancing (metal hips, canes, walkers – it gets dangerous!)

What was I thinking? – I am finishing what is hopefully the end of the painting (except for the kitchen renovation). I have the bathrooms to paint. You think they are small and it’s easy peasy but it’s the opposite. The quarters are tight to move ladders around and there is so much to tape and cut in. Give me a nice big room anytime over a bath. I should have had the entire house painted before we moved in BY SOMEONE ELSE! I sure won’t do this again. I forgot I’m old.

What? Again? – I received a message from an old friend looking for contact information for another old friend. (By old I mean both age and tenure.) He wanted to relay the death of another friend (also old). This is the second death in a week for me. My mom always said “what two’s it, three’s it” so I’m waiting for another death to occur. Sure hope it’s not me.

It’s delightful! — We are in a stretch of wonderful weather (insert Snoopy Dance here!). End of summer/fall is usually great because the ground is still warm (from our overheated summer!). It doesn’t get uncomfortably cold, at least not yet. I’m hoping for a long, long shoulder season before we get out the snowsuits.

So how was your week?

55 thoughts on “Random 5 for September 19 – Class reunions, age, projects, death, weather

    • One more room to paint and I’m done at least for now. Other people’s class reunions, especially when you didn’t attend the school or live in the area, are not exactly fun. No matter how hard people try, you are still the outsider and don’t get the jokes or know the people they are talking about. The food was good.


  1. Reading about you painting the half bath makes me cringe. Still haven’t painted mine but determined it will be done this week. Maybe I will call the guy who painted my living room and bedrooms and just have him do it. Sounds like a plan! But it is such a small space .🤔

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    • That’s how it starts. It’s so small, it’s a shame to hire someone. I should have had the powder room done when I had the painters in for the foyer and living room. I want to eventually wallpaper it but there is too much other stuff going on. I had to get the old color out. It’s amazing how a color can get on your nerves when you don’t like it.


  2. Although I am very familiar with the idea of what two’s it, three’s it, I’ve never heard that exact expression before. Before cute. A faster way of saying it!
    You definitely should have had the house painted before you moved in. I did that 14 years ago when we moved in here. Had the whole dang thing painted, and I haven’t painted since. Even though my half bath needs it so bad. Not because it’s dirty or scuffed, but because I hate it.

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    • I thought I could live with the tan. Turns out, I couldn’t. The last house we built so it was all painted when we moved in. Slowly as I decorated each room, I did the painting but it was one room at a time. This was just crazy!


  3. Fingers crossed for Snoopy weather mid week! (and we will dance ..as enthusiastically as possible. Time is the only thing that hasn’t slowed down. HAHA We feel the same about driving at night now – avoid if possible)
    Bathroom painting – like playing the game twister with the additional challenge of spills!

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  4. I am another one that has never gone to a class reunion. I will also never paint a house. The last time was 2005. It was a small room with lots of windows and it was the first time I thought of divorcing SSNS… we do not need to do any painting together if we want to stay together. Hope you had a pleasant time at your Husband’s reunion and good FOOD!

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    • Going to someone else’s reunion is rarely fun. The very few people I knew from his class didn’t go so I met a lot of one time people that I will never see again. Only one couple was interesting. Maybe there should have been booze but it was in the early afternoon! Hiring a painter is cheaper than a divorce!


  5. Painting a bathroom is twice as hard as a bedroom! “I forgot I was old” made me laugh because I do that all the time and then wonder what the heck I was thinking when I started. I did it last week when I pulled out large wooden cross posts that needed to be replaced. Today we replace with metal, and I’ll probably think that again. 🙂

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  6. I feel confident that you are not “#3,” Kate. You survived the very traumatic car accident, and I think that gives you a strong indication that you’re going to be around a long time! I missed my 50th high school reunion last year due to Covid, and there’s an attempt to revive the effort, but I think I’m going to pass. I may regret it, but I just can’t quite summon up the enthusiasm!

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  7. I admire your doing your own painting. I would rather have all my fingernails removed than go to a class reunion. I figure if I haven’t seen someone in years, there is a reason for it. 🙂

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  8. I didn’t go to my reunion this year. I signed up and then backed out. It was a two-or-three day affair and a 90-minute drive. I’d have had to rent a hotel room. (Wait! Did I cancel that reservation? I sure hope so.)

    We’re happy out here on the West Coast. We finally got some rain.

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    • Yay for the rain! A 90-minute drive? I thought an hour was bad enough. They had a dinner the night before but we didn’t attend. It’s tough for the spouse that didn’t go to the school as all the chatter is about what happened 60 years ago.

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  9. I told my wife the other day that all of her muscular problems in the last two years started after she painted the living room. That didn’t go over so well, but I’m determined to hire a professional painter from now on (and she’s determined to do it herself again). I agree, though, bathrooms are really tough to paint. So many things you have to tape up! – Marty

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  10. I so agree with you on the painting! Give me a huge living room to paint over a teeny bathroom any day. Better yet, hire someone in to paint! As you so wisely noted.


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  11. I go to college reunions . . . because we love going to Williamsburg. Whether we join in any of the class specific (age appropriate) activities is hit or miss.

    I skipped each of my high school reunions and now they are not class specific ~ alumni from all class years are included. So that’s even less incentive to attend since the only common element is the school and not even the decade.

    Have fun. And good luck getting to the finish line of the painting project.

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  12. Here’s to a fun reunion event. Congrats on continuing through on the painting. It’s a colossal pain but hopefully the sense of accomplishment when it’s totally finished will provide you with comfort as you soak away tired muscles and gaze at a beautiful space. Enjoy a long ‘Indian Summer’ full of warm days, beauty and that gorgeous golden light.

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  13. We have good weather as well. I felt old the other day. I was asked to pose for a group photo after a stint volunteering. They asked me to go near the front as the others were taller. That never used to hapen. I remember a spritly neighbour (he worked until he was eighty) complaining about needing a step to get things off the top shelf. I still have my knees and hips and no stick.

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    • Shoulder season refers to transitional seasons. Summer to winter and winter to summer. Not quite fall but not quite summer but a nice blend of both. At the last reunion 6 years ago they put a memorial page on each table. There were more people gone than attending. I understand that classmates are interested but I found it a bit sad.

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  14. I hope you aren’t the third either. :). Enjoy the time with friends. My husband’s reunion (still at the night dancing stage but barely) got Covid bumped to next year.

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  15. Enjoy the class reunion……I wouldn’t recognize a soul if I went to mine…..all my really GOOD friends that I’ve stayed in touch with don’t go either AND live in various parts of the world where going to a reunion would cost a bundle. I have my memories though and in them I’m young which is the best part (haha). Painting a house – no thanks….you are a brave and patient woman. I paint but only on canvas with my oils!!! I hope we have a spectacular Fall – we ALL deserve it!.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • I don’t go to my class reunions for the same reason. My best friend died several years ago and I lost touch with the rest (never really close friends). I almost went to the last one (a luncheon) out of curiosity but I wasn’t motivated enough. I did see the pictures they posted. The guy I had a crush on during my senior year has aged well! 🙂

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