Random 5 for March 28 – Flower tent, Easter, people, decisions, life



It’s back! – The flower tent is back up. That’s a sure sign of spring. The Easter flowers should be appearing early this week, followed by spring flowers, Mother’s Day flowers and bedding plants. Woo hoo! Last year they erected it but never used it as the shutdown came shortly thereafter.

Speaking of Easter – We are still up in the air about how we will celebrate. My sis-in-law (with whom we always celebrate) is under the weather in a serious way so we have to see. We are being cautious despite the vaccinations. Maybe another holiday home alone if she doesn’t feel up to it. I’m not as crazy as those spring break kids sliding their bodies together moving and a grooving. Nope, nope, nope. Next year!

Getting used to people – In my old home my backyard was private. The plantings were lush and provided privacy during all seasons. At the new place our home is higher than the next group of homes. I can see into their back yard and the can see our deck. There will be less naked dancing for sure!

Chatting with a friend – An old friend and co-worker contacted me when he heard I had moved. He and his wife discuss downsizing frequently and he was asking how we made our decision. I gave him our case but everyone’s story is different. We downsized to a property that either one of us alone could handle both financially and from a maintenance perspective. He said they discuss that too adding that it’s a fine kettle of fish to be discussing who will die first. We do that too and the answer varies from year to year and malady to malady.

In the same vein An old neighbor who is also a current neighbor (we moved down the street from her), talked about their “next” move. I was surprised because their house is wonderful and manageable. She was really talking about an assisted living situation. Yikes! I’m not ready for that for myself or my friends. Her husband seems more fragile so maybe she knows something.

So how was your week?


79 thoughts on “Random 5 for March 28 – Flower tent, Easter, people, decisions, life

  1. The naked dancing comment and you talk about the kitties being racy. I hope if you can’t get together at Easter, than the pandemic eases and everyone is vaccinated so you can have your annual family reunion this Summer.

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    • Unpleasant decisions too. I was by the tent this a.m. and no flowers yet. Since it’s Easter weekend they should be coming soon. Tulips, daffs and pansies. All will do well in our area now but it’s too cold for much else. We will have two days of 40 degree highs. Very unseasonably cold. This year I need a good spring! NOW!

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      • We have a cool front taking our lows to 52 degrees Thursday and Friday night. That is pretty unusual for here end of March. I understand you need some SPRING! We need some rain. We are in moderate drought. We have had a pretty cold/cool December through March. It just started to heat up last week. The snowbirds are heading back home… I don’t know if you can hear my happy singing!

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        • I heard chirping. Must have been you! Long time ago I had a house two blocks off the beach. I would cheer when the kids went back to school because that meant all the vacationers were gone and it was just the year round folks. You could get into a restaurant and none of the stores were crowded! Spring and fall were the best times!

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  2. Ooh, I think I’d like that flower tent. We had pop up places like that in the Midwest but not here. Hope family gets to feeling better or I’m with you, there’s next year. Yes, the conversations couples have during downsizing are certainly different than when they were starting out. 🙂 I haven’t lived right next to folks in about sixteen years. It would be an adjustment for sure. Most of the last week was quiet here, and sometimes that’s okay.

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    • Quiet is always ok. My friend was funny in how he put it. Both he and his wife have health issues. His are more critical but she does not have the stamina to maintain and run a house without him so it’s interesting to watch. I could tell he doesn’t want to move. His mother is blind and bedridden in a facility at age 100 and that’s no way to live either.


  3. That flower tent must be such a sign of HOPE! So glad you will have it this year!
    I hear you on the adjusting to thinking about and talking about getting older and making decisions based on that info. Some people seem to never do that! And I think I am more apt to do it than the gardener. I want to downsize, but he is not ready. Sigh. I hope he doesn’t wait too long.

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  4. What a wonderful sighting…yay for the flower tent! Hope your SIL feels better soon. With this past year going down like it has, holiday celebrations just aren’t the same anymore. They’re beginning to be just another day/weekend/whatever. Maybe if the grand kids were nearby but nothing seems worth making a fuss over.

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  5. Oh that flower tent is AMAZING. We have a nearby nursery but I’ve not been by yet – am about a week away from weather we can count on so waiting for that. Easter – for the first time in forever we’re getting a curbside pick up meal from our favorite restaurant. I’m getting Shot #2 on Easter Sunday (!) and thought it would be a nice treat not to cook. The meal we’re getting is amazing so that will be our “different” Easter. I bet you will figure out some ways to have more privacy in the new backyard….AND your deck. Trellises around the edge of the deck work – our neighbors did that – looks great and we can’t see them now when they dance naked. HAHA

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Our next door neighbor’s deck which is very close to our deck (town houses) has a pretty privacy panel on the end. Can’t see much. We’ll figure something out but I doubt the naked dancing will return.


  6. I like the flowers because they bring birds and butterflies to watch! I get a chatty squirrel, birds and yesterday I saw my first bunny when I looked out my favorite window!!! How brave, I would never dance without my fur coat on. Humans are weird! But dance away.

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  7. How nice to see that the flower tent is back up and doing business. Perfect for spring and Easter’s arrival. I hope your sister-in-law is doing better and we are in the same quandary about an Easter gathering. We have very warm weather already and thought we’d invite some of the family over for an outdoor gathering, but as we get closer, we aren’t so sure. I think it’s going to take us a little while to be comfortable!

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    • While I’ve never seen your house, it looks perfect for you. You also have people to help if you need it. I miss the pond but I don’t miss the anxiety that I got every spring before I cleaned it. Last year’s falls sealed the deal.


      • I miss your pond, too. You kept it perfectly, and I can understand your dread of cleaning it.

        We have a son and grandson living with us, but it is temporary. They could up and move any time. We are going to enjoying having them as long as they want to be here.

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        • It’s better than having them across country. Dan’s daughter had to delay her trip until June. She’s bringing the granddaughter who we haven’t seen in two years. It’s hard to establish and maintain a close relationship when they’ve so seldom seen us throughout their lives. I always say they think we are the old people who send gifts. Such is life.


  8. I went to Home Depot this weekend and noticed all the flowers were out. The last day for frost here is April 24th, so it still seems a bit early to me. I have not even cleared away the winter leaves. The weeds seem to be just fine, though. I need to resolve myself to a day of weed pulling.

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    • Everyone gets so excited especially after the winter we had but it’s early. Our last frost date is May 15 so except for pansies and spring bulbs it’s not safe especially with this wonky weather. Hope you are ok there in TN. TV is showing vivid pictures of flooding and storms.

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      • I never mess with pansies. They can’t tolerate the heat and don’t last long. Spring bulbs are blooming and flowering trees. Several people drowned in Nashville. No matter how many times they say “Don’t drive through standing water.” people still get washed away. Sad.

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  9. I am looking forward to getting some plants for my balcony. There are plants out there all winter but it gets boring without colorful flowers.
    I sometimes wonder about my future. I have no close family but do have dear friends who always say not to worry they will take care of me. Wonderful to hear but hard to think of that happening.
    Oh, go ahead and do a naked dance now and then. It might spark some interesting conversations for your neighbors. Maybe they would be open to a naked dance party.

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  10. When I was in the hospital I began to contemplate my retirement situation. And one of those retirement villages where you can step into different levels of care seemed quite practical suddenly. It would be nice to have a constant stream of events and social occasions to choose from. Sorta like a cruise ship but where you live. And I might buy a meal option even if I was in an independent condo. But that’s for people with money. So mostly I just want something with no more than one step into the home. And no steps inside.

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  11. Yea for the flower tent!
    This year we actually got up early and braved 3 plant places to fill in what froze. Even that short fast rip was exciting – last year I remember coaxing and begging plants to survive and multiple as there would be nothing if they refused to flourish.
    It seems like we all lost a year…and at this point that’s not a good thing with limited shelf life left HAHA
    We downsized over 10 years ago, but are rethinking location…and maybe a bit larger. Feeling like Goldilocks, this one’s ok but not quite right. (And I do consider and try to remind Sr Staff about it has to work if only one is around. Each year the requirements change. COVID has Brough new things to consider…like dependable grocery curbside and pizza deliver! HAHA)
    I laughed at your “view” of the neighbors and window coverings. (Being so close here is part of the problem – you can plant visual barriers and try sound proofing but sometimes…) There you have hills – sigh. so flat here.
    My parents did have the “next move” discussion with my brother and I – they had picked out which assisted living place they wanted once they couldn’t cope. It made sense. But neither arrived at the “couldn’t cope with the house and big lot”. Much too sudden – if dad had gone first, it would have played differently though. They both were very organized all their lives and were clear they were going to listen to us wanting them to be safe, but they were going to have a voice of when and where. Sometimes clear plans are comforting.
    Now back to the flowers. There has to be flowers and room for vegetables. Dad was quite determined about that.

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    • I’ve been thinking about where my lonely tomato plant will go. There is a large spruce that may have to go so I can get good sun! That will shake up the neighbors! My mother made the decision too late. She ended up on a waiting list and never lived long enough to make the change. She did ok. Us kids had to step up to help out. Not complaining. It’s the way things worked out.

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  12. Hooray for the flower tent – may it get used this year. Glad you are getting settled in. Too bad about having to give up naked dancing outside. Yes, Husband and I have that “who goes first” conversation too. In the meantime we are grateful right now to have each other! One day at a time!

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  13. Yay for the flower tent! It’s good that your neighbour is exploring all options. We probably all should be having those thoughts and/or conversations. My aunt in the Netherlands has just been parted from her husband of 58 years….he has Parkinson’s and Alzheimers and she can no longer care for him by herself. He is in a nursing home and I wonder how much longer she will be able to keep up her beautiful house and garden by herself. She is over 80 and has had a stroke. I hope her sons will help her.


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  14. Alas for the naked dancing.

    Spouse and I are always discussing who will die first, only it goes like this: “You’d better get vaccinated, don’t you dare die and leave me to raise the hellion alone!” or “Get that cholesterol down, because I still need you to manage the sprinkler system and teach the child Calculus some day.”

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Celebrate Easter by setting up your telescope on the back deck to use your new vantage point to keep an eye on the neighbors as they engage in ritual displays of spring ~> planting bulbs, hunting for Easter eggs, wondering who is behind that “I spy” telescope on your deck . . .

    Hope your SIL feels better soon!

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  16. We talk about downsizing a lot, but feel that we need to wait until we retire so that we aren’t tied to living within commuting distance of our workplaces. I
    Our city is so expensive that we need to move further out— a d the suburbs are getting to congested. We want something more rural. So, we are waiting but thinking.

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  17. I love your flower tent. We have one at the local supermarket but it is a large greenhouse not a tent. They are deliberately keeping non essential shops and restaurants shut here until after Easter to discourage mixing. April 12th is our big day when we can get a haircut or a glass of wine in a pub garden.

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    • Last year we hired people to do outside projects that we typically did ourselves and it got $$. Had we stayed we would have had to do more of that. It’s also hard sometimes to get workers to do things so if you find a “person” treasure them.


  18. The only person I have remaining in my family is my younger brother, who is 6 years younger than I am. I’ve already surpassed the age that my older brother lived to due to health issues, so I remind the younger one that I’m next in line. He and I are ‘tighter’ than even my best friend and I are, so I insist I go first because I don’t know how I’d live without him. He argues that same point back at me. Yes, it is a “fine kettle of fish” that he and I are often in.

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    • My brother is a lot older than me at 90 but incredibly healthy and agile. He intends to outlive me and I’m giving him a run for his money! It’s one of his life goals! I feel much the same way you do. He can live to be 120 as long as I go first.

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