Random 5 for January 31, 2021 – Snow, move, Murphy, neighbors, Morgan

This photo is from a 2016 snowstorm.

Anticipation! – We are awaiting our first really big snowstorm. It’s predicted to start this afternoon and end Tuesday morning. I would have preferred if it waited until AFTER we moved in mid-February but I’m grateful that the weather has been kind to us so far. Predictions are all over the place so anywhere from 6 to 18 inches. Yikes! The new house has considerably less to shovel. Yay!

At the end – We are in the last two weeks prior to our move. This is when you try to use up any food you have on hand and try not to stock up on anything. We are lucky that we have had possession of the new house for a month so we have been able to gradually move a lot of things. Professional movers will take all the big furniture and the beloved husband’s workshop tools (we’re old for that kind of lifting) but it’s easier for us to pop a lamp in a bucket and cover with a towel to transport ourselves. Otherwise we’d need a ginormous amount of boxes and paper to wrap everything carefully.

Murphy visits here – I’ve been packing things that I won’t need in the near future. I’m not going to do fancy cooking or even much cooking so I packed a lot of my kitchen things. I have already missed some items I packed. They would have come in handy. Soon I’ll be down to ordering take-out instead of cooking.

A new neighbor – The girlfriend (ladyfriend?) of one of our neighbors has moved in. Lots of moving trucks. Hopefully this one will work out for him. He is my age and I admire his gumption to get back on that horse after a failed marriage in late life.

Morgan and her whale!

Creativity – My cat Morgan is in a splint with weekly bandage changes. This past week the vet tech put a whale on her bandage. I’m not sure if Morgan is excited about it but it’s interesting!

So how was your week?


94 thoughts on “Random 5 for January 31, 2021 – Snow, move, Murphy, neighbors, Morgan

  1. Your house is beautiful and even more so from that 2016 snowstorm. You were lucky to be able to move piecemeal and not have angst over others moving breakable items. I love Morgan’s whale on her cast. What a cute idea!

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  2. The coast is cute….maybe that’s the problem…Morgan feels the accessory is detracting attention from what is important..the cat!
    Hope the weather/snow comes and goes quickly there. We’re brrrr, but sunny. Snow is lovely – if you have nothing to do and can stay inside.
    Glad you have been able to transport a few things – and the things too delicate or hard to pack. Having them already there and in view may make it seem like home already. Hang in there and take care….mystery bruises ar so annoying !

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  3. Tracking snow in and out of two house is not a good thing so I’ll hope for a really good clean up before moving day arrives. We moved once when the wind chill was -24°. The difference was I was not even 40 then. Age – it certainly makes a difference in everything we do. Good luck as you work through the last couple of weeks. I hope it goes smoothly.

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    • We are socked in with not an overwhelming amount of snow yet but a lot of sleet on top. Our second round started around noon today. I shouldn’t complain because we have had a mild winter so far and that allowed us to move a lot of stuff but two more weeks and we wouldn’t have this very long driveway to clean. I can’t even imagine how cold that was. Fingers crossed for a mild Valentine’s weekend. We are moving Feb. 15-16 with the moving company.

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  4. Sounds like you are doing alright with the move. If you have a nice clock don’t let them touch it. Also, it is easy to move your clothes an armload at a time on the hangers instead of in those clunky wardrobe boxes. If you can set up a bathroom at your new place, you will be glad when you get there. I’ve never moved in the snow. I have moved in the rain. Sweet little Morgan. Maybe the whale will bring good luck.

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    • I have been moving my clothes by placing them (on hangers) in a large plastic container. It’s worked. We couldn’t get any wardrobe boxes (at least not for free) so this is actually much easier and less bulky. Yesterday I put soap in the shower. We did move some towels over there plus coffee. I have moved in rain and snow. I much prefer a nice fall day.


  5. I’m glad you shared Morgan’s boot with the whale on it. It’s very cute. The vet and his staff seem to be caring about the details. That would give you faith in the big stuff they do.

    A little bit of snow might not be too bad. I hope you won’t have too much. You sound well organized. Best of luck.

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    • Thanks. Our roads are very slippery this morning and the bulk of the storm will come this afternoon. Hopefully this is our last snowstorm here. The new house does not have a long driveway to clear or a lot of walks. Morgan is acting very normal this morning even jumping up on the back counter for her breakfast (and giving me a heart attack!). I’m taking it as a good sign.

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  6. It’s nice to have been able to bring a little over at a time to your new house. I’ve never used professional movers but I imagine it would be easy, at the end when you are short on time, to just start throwing stuff in boxes. They way you are doing it makes so much more sense. Let them take care of the heavy stuff while you handle the smaller stuff that can get easily lost. Stay safe in the storm!

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    • We were lucky to take possession of the new house in December. That allowed an easier gradual move. I’ve moved interstate where everything had to be boxed at the same time and the movers leave you with boxes all over the place. At my age, that would take a lot of energy. The best is when you have the money to have people box and move for you. I had one of those for a corporate move. Unfortunately we have to participate this round.

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    • We got somewhere around 4 to 6″ of snow yesterday and overnight. It was followed by a few hours of sleet and now it’s snowing again. The bigger wallop is coming this afternoon through tomorrow morning. They say 15 to 20″. Hopefully that will be our swan song for shoveling at the old house.


    • I was moaning about the cold a few weeks ago when a friend told me she moved in July. It was 90 degrees the entire time. That sobered me up. I love the heat but I don’t move fast in it. As it is I require naps. Add insane heat and I’ll need showers, beers (which are never good for production), etc.

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    • Next week will be milder and Dan has a snow blower rather than a shovel. The bad news is that he will have to do this place with it’s LOOONNNGGG driveway and then go to the other place with a short driveway.


  7. I would have difficulty leaving such a nice house Kate…..it looks very pretty in the snow….but yes I know the stairs…..I have them too. Hope the next two weeks go smoothly for you and the cats. I hate the unpacking even more.

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  8. That photo is so pretty – snow LOOKS so pretty but it’s certainly a pain in the neck to deal with. We just kind of hunker down and wait for civilization to return (aka roads cleared, etc.). Those last two weeks before moving are strange I remember. There’s always doing to be SOMETHING you wish you hadn’t packed and need. Love the whale on Morgan’s splint. I hope she’s doing well. Stay warm!

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Morgan sends hugs to you and Teddy. She is less impressed with the whale. She’s not much of a seafood cat. It is weird. Anything that personalizes (photos, artwork, stuff) is packed so it’s like living in a builders spec house.


  9. I have lived here for 25 years and though I sometimes think about moving the thought passes quickly.
    Morgan is amazing. If Teddy ever had to wear a cast or splint a cone would be needed and that would prove a problem. He doesn’t tolerate things attached to his body!

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    • She did not like the cone. Her head and neck proportions didn’t suit it well. She has a large neck and a short head. I never noticed but many of the cones made eating difficult. I had to take it off so she could eat. Fortunately when I saw that she didn’t bother the bandage, I could take it off permanently. The vet wasn’t enthused at first but when I take her back for rewraps, the old one is still pretty perfect.


  10. The house looks beautiful in the 2016 snowfall. Morgan’s little blue whale is adorable… a sweet thing for the vet tech to do. It would make me smile every time I looked at it 🙂
    We ate a lot of take-out during the transition from condo to house… a lot of take-out! Having the new house for a month made all the difference before our buyers closed on the condo. It made the transition so much less stressy! All during hurricane season too! Keep hanging in there, Kate!

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  11. Anticipation is a better word than “dread” when it comes to snowfall. Hope it’s beautiful and that it doesn’t outstay its welcome!

    Moving across town allows more flexibility in the manner of moving. And any food that doesn’t get used up can get moved in to the new place like “groceries.”

    Glad Morgan is still on the mend.

    And darn that Murphy!

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  12. Since it appears I won’t be moving any time in the foreseeable future, I have to live vicariously through you. I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am 😉

    Overlap between the two homes is definitely the way I would want to move. Gradually moving small things makes so much sense to me.

    I hope everything goes smoothly in these final days before the big and final move. I’m there with you in spirit!!

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    • Thanks. I’ve moved many times in my life but I don’t remember it being this hard. My energy level isn’t there and although the house is in great condition, there are some things we will need to do. The family room has a cathedral ceiling and I’m finding that’s not a good thing. If we repaint, neither of us can get on scaffolding to paint the top half.


      • I have a similar problem with a staircase that needs painting. At this stage of my life, I’ve acknowledged that climbing on scaffolding isn’t a great idea. Eventually I’ll have to get a painter to come in and deal with it.

        Good luck on the changes ahead!

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  13. That whale bandage is awesome–and a clear sign that Morgan is a one-of-a-kind cat. Not even my obedient dogs would hold still long enough to get a fancy wrap for their splints! Fey took her wrapping off if she wasn’t coned, broke one splint (metal fatigue), and was resplinted at least a dozen times by an exasperated vet.

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    • Morgan doesn’t chew on it. She will shake it (I’m assuming to shake it off). She grooms the area above it so I wonder if it itches or maybe something rubs. She is a very good cat. I’m grateful I don’t have to cone her.

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  14. Hi Kate, Snow is pretty if you don’t have to drive anywhere and have time pressures. Watch your back for any shovelling. I am happy to read about the great deal of progress with your move. You had mentioned in a previous comment how Morgan’s splint has been changing in size, too. Hopefully, rapidly on the mend. Have a good week! 🙂

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  15. I love the whale. A girl can never have too much bling! I don’t envy you your move, BUT I know you’ll like where you’re going so it’ll be worth it. We have snow here, but nothing pretty enough to photograph.

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  16. The bandage is very cute! When does she get freed from the bandages all together? The transition time in moving is such a challenge. You’re not really living anywhere during that time, and then when you move, nothing is familiar and it all seems kinda weird for awhile. You can’t get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without thinking about where things are. It will be so nice when you’re settled again.

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    • Hopefully this is her last splint week. She goes in on Thursday for x-rays. They talked about a soft bandage but it all depends on the x-rays. The one she has is big and bulky. She had adapted to walking with it but when she runs, it doesn’t work so good.


      • Kate, just from experience… night lights in the bathrooms and halls help to keep from running into walls and corners of counters in an unfamiliar kitchen. Yes… I got a giant hematoma on my forearm from walking into the corner of the kitchen counter early in the morning. And I did walk into a wall… it was totally weird for a bit. I am still going to wrong cabinets in the kitchen! Derrycats got me thinking!

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        • We have night lights all over for both us and the cats. It has saved us many a trip and fall. How did you know you were weird? I think I’m like that all the time! Right now my husband has a huge (gigantic huge) bruise on his thigh and no idea how he did it.

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